News Article Title Version Source Discovered
BP gets record US criminal fine over Deepwater disaster 7 bbc
Workers Across Europe Synchronize Protests 6 nytimes
Egremont mine shaft collapse: Worker rescued from rig 1 bbc
Meningitis outbreak: drug companies resist more FDA oversight 0 guardian
Occupy launches 'Rolling Jubilee' debt forgiveness programme 0 guardian
The Hostess Twinkie: 1930-2012? 0 guardian
Gaza violence: dejection and defiance as Palestinians bury their dead 0 guardian
Barnet's 'easyCouncil' plan unravels as more Tories oppose cuts and privatising 0 guardian
Sharon Bowles topping the EU's power list is a lesson for Westminster 0 guardian
Israel trying to avoid Gaza civilian casualties, says PM Netanyahu 1 bbc
Dave Lee Travis arrested on suspicion of sexual offences 10 bbc
Pakistan releases Afghan Taliban members 2 bbc
Alex Salmond says sorry for using wrong college funding figures 1 bbc
Rights groups criticise extent of Burma prisoner releases 3 bbc
Armstrong The Good Giraffe speaks about his acts of kindness 3 bbc
Gaza missiles fired at Tel Aviv 3 bbc