About 2,000 results.

News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Israel launches air strike on Gaza amid violent clashes over Trump's Jerusalem decision 2 independent
Palestinian boy,10, killed in Gaza by Israeli air strike 0 independent
Hamas Denies Holding Missing Israeli Officer, Saying He May Be Dead 4 nytimes
Tensions rise after rocket fire and second Israeli raid on al-Aqsa mosque 1 guardian
Israel allows aid into Gaza Strip 4 bbc
Air raid kills two Hamas members 0 bbc
Surgeon stuck in Gaza describes waking to sound of rockets 0 bbc
Israel's anti-missile system 'likely to leave civilians exposed in event of war' 0 guardian
Militant groups in Gaza agree to a second Israel truce 0 bbc
Behind Hamas’s Bloody Gambit to Create a ‘Permanent’ State of War 0 nytimes
Behind Hamas’s Bloody Gambit to Create a ‘Permanent’ State of War 0 nytimes
Gaza UN shelter shelled, 'killing 15' 4 bbc
Israeli fighter jets strike dozens of Gaza targets after 200 rockets rain down on towns (VIDEOS) 6 rtcom
In Gaza, Latest Cease-Fire Plan Is Met With Ambivalence and Scorn 1 nytimes
Was this the week Israel and Hezbollah drew closer to war? 2 bbc
Was this the week Israel and Hezbollah drew closer to war? 2 bbc