Canada PM's office ordered delay on Syrian refugee claims processing

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The office of Canada’s prime minister Stephen Harper told immigrations officials to stop processing asylum claims by a group of Syrian refugees, the country’s citizenship and immigration minister said on Thursday.

In a written statement, Chris Alexander confirmed a report in the Globe and Mail newspaper that Harper’s office had earlier this year told immigration officials to stop processing claims of Syrians referred by the United Nations, declaring they would need the prime minister’s approval to enter Canada.

Alexander said that the processing of the first batch of Syrian government-assisted refugees had been temporarily halted so a security audit could be carried out. The minister said that the move was designed to “ensure the integrity of our refugee referral system”.

“Starting a new refugee resettlement program in a volatile conflict zone poses particular challenges ... This was a prudent step to ensure the integrity of our refugee referral system.”

Although the statement did not give further details, Harper has repeatedly said refugees need to be screened to prevent potential militants entering Canada disguised as refugees.

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Harper came under pressure last month to let in more refugees when it emerged that relatives of a Syrian toddler whose drowned body washed up on a Turkish beach had wanted to emigrate to Canada.

Critics have long accused Harper and his office of interfering in all aspects of government rather than letting his ministers control their own portfolios, and opponents jumped on the Globe report as another example.

“Stephen Harper himself prevented the arrival of Syrian families in the midst of the worst humanitarian crisis since world war two ... that is abject behavior on the part of a Canadian prime minister,” said Tom Mulcair, leader of the official opposition New Democrats.

A spokesman for the Conservatives did not immediately respond to a request seeking further comment.

Opinion polls show Harper is set to lose his majority in the 19 October election and might even be removed from power by the Liberals and New Democrats.

“There are very few people left in this country who are surprised when we hear reports of the prime minister and his office meddling in things in a political and non-transparent way,” Liberal leader Justin Trudeau said on a campaign stop.

The Conservative government said in late September that it would speed up the processing of refugee applications to bring thousands Syrians and Iraqis to Canada by the end of the year.

The Liberals called for resettlement of 25,000 refugees by year’s end and the New Democrats pledged to take in 46,000 over four years.