Consultation starts on measures for taking over failing and coasting schools

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The education secretary, Nicky Morgan, has launched a consultation on introducing tough measures to intervene and take over failing and coasting schools, with a strong attack on those who campaign against academies.

The measures, outlined in June in the education and adoption bill currently making its way through parliament, are designed to speed up the process whereby a school is deemed to be failing and academy sponsors are brought in to turn it around.

The Department for Education (DfE) said the aim was to “sweep away the bureaucracy previously exploited by opponents with ideological objections who could delay or obstruct the process by which academy sponsors take over to improve the running of schools”.

In an outspoken attack, later condemned by the National Union of Teachers, Morgan said: “For too long campaigners have deployed underhand tactics, spread malicious rumours and intimidated parents in order to deny children the opportunity of success.

“Our new measures will allow teachers to get on with the job of improving failing schools and deliver on our commitment to extend opportunity and deliver real social justice.”

The DfE issued a press release in which Morgan backed headteachers speaking out against “hostile” opponents to academies, accusing them of seeking to “deny children the opportunity of success”.

One headteacher quoted in the statement said campaigners “scared and intimidated” parents who supported a move to become an academy. There were also claims that another school was physically attacked several times by protesters who did not want it to be taken over by the Harris Federation and turned into an academy.

The DfE is also seeking views on the much-contested definition of what constitutes a “coasting” school. Those deemed to be coasting for three consecutive years will also be eligible for intervention, though help will be offered first before academy sponsors move in.

According to the government’s proposed definition, a coasting secondary school will be one that falls below 60% of pupils achieving five good GCSEs or an above-average proportion of pupils making acceptable progress in 2014/5.

From 2016, the level will be set based on Progress 8 – the government’s new accountability measure, which shows how much progress pupils make between the end of primary school and their GCSEs.

At primary level, the definition will apply to those schools who have seen fewer than 85% of children achieving an acceptable secondary ready standard in reading, writing and maths over the course of three years, and insufficient pupil progress.

Morgan added: “We are committed to delivering on our manifesto commitment to transform failing and coasting schools so that every child has the benefits of an excellent education.

“Over the course of the last parliament, we saw a million more pupils in good or outstanding schools. The measures outlined in this consultation will focus on the next million, extending opportunity to young people right across the country.”

Kevin Courtney, deputy general secretary of the NUT, said if the bill was passed without amendment, it could result in thousands more schools being forced into sponsored academy arrangements against the wishes of local communities. This is despite the absence of evidence that academy status brings improved standards.

Courtney said: “Crucially the bill removes the consultation rights for parents, teachers and governors who in future would have no say over whether their school should become an academy, or the sponsor who would take it over.

“The unsubstantiated attacks by the DfE on parents and local communities whose only crime has been to defend their school against the government’s strong-arm-route tactics ... is utterly shameful. Under Nicky Morgan’s watch, the department has plumbed new depths.”