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Man held as shots fired at police Man arrested after police shot at
(about 2 hours later)
A man has been arrested after shots were fired at police officers in north London. A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after shots were fired at police officers in north London.
The shots were fired in Myddleton Avenue, Manor House, at approximately 1430 GMT. Four officers approached two men in Myddleton Avenue, Manor House, at 1430 GMT. One of the men pulled a balaclava over his head and aimed a gun at them.
The police officers involved are not believed to be hurt. The man is being questioned in relation to the incident. The men ran off in different directions and after a short chase, involving four more officers, one man was arrested.
A Metropolitan Police spokesman said it was not believed the officers were engaging with the man over any other matter at the time. He is being held on suspicion of attempted murder and possession of a firearm. No officers were hurt.
The man is being questioned at a north London police station.
A gun was recovered at the scene.