Terminally ill woman marries in hospital after doctors tell her she has days to live


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A terminally ill woman has gotten married in her hospital bed in a touching ceremony after doctors told she had just days to live.

Maggie Batt-Rawden, 54, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013, but was rushed to hospital on 17 November after she collapsed to be told by doctors she would not survive the weekend.

Her fiancé, Mark Batt-Rawden, who she met three years ago, decided to bring the wedding forward and hold the ceremony in Royal Surrey County Hospital.

With the help of Monty Steedman, the charge nurse for the ward and a wedding photographer, he quickly put together a ceremony with 50 of the couple’s friends and family.

The hospital also decorated the ward, covering it in bunting, flowers and balloons – and producing a cake for the happy couple.

“Maggie had absolutely no idea how many people were coming and had not seen any of the preparation in the room, the expression on her face was a picture. It was a true delight to see,” Mr Batt-Rawdeb told Get Surrey.

"There was so much love and laughter on the day.”

Both Mr and Mrs Batt-Rawden’s children were able to attend, with her three children - James, 24, Tim, 20, and 18-year-old Lizzie – leading their mother up the aisle in her bed.

Mr Batt-Rawden paid tribute to the hospital’s team, saying they made the “impossible” happen and that he and his bride were “overwhelmed” by their efforts.

Doctors even managed to give the couple a wedding present: telling Mrs Batt-Rawden her condition had improved so much they thought she may have “about three or four weeks” to live, Mr Batt-Rawden explained.

“That might not sound like a long time but compared to the matter of days she was given before, that was really the best wedding present.”