FGM: Brisbane couple charged with taking two girls to Africa for procedure


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A Brisbane couple has been charged with taking two girls to Africa to undergo female genital mutilation in what is believed to be the first prosecution of its kind in Queensland.

Detectives from the Logan district child protection and investigation unit allege the pair took the sisters, aged nine and 12, to Africa for the procedure in April.

Related: How the Gambia banned female ​genital ​mutilation

The man, 53, and the woman, 41, both of Underwood, each face two counts of removing a child from the state for female genital mutilation, a charge which carries a penalty of up to 14 years’ jail.

Insp Christopher Jory said the practice of taking children overseas for the procedure – a tradition in some west African communities – was a “serious criminal offence” under Queensland laws introduced in 2000.

Jory said it was the first time he was aware of that charges under those laws had been laid in Queensland.

The charges follow a joint investigation between police, Queensland health and the department of community services.

The couple are due to appear in Beenleigh magistrates court on 16 December.