Snow in Midlothian: share your photos and experiences

Version 0 of 1.

Routes in Midlothian, the Scottish Borders and parts of Edinburgh were among the worst affected by what police described as “extreme weather”.

The sudden heavy fall of snow on Thursday evening resulted in some road closures and had a major impact on key routes through the Borders.

If you are affected by the snow in Midlothian, we’d like to hear from you. We’re interested in photographs of areas both before and after they have been affected by any severe weather. We’ll include a selection of photographs and videos on the site.

You can also download the Guardian app and search for ‘GuardianWitness assignments’ – and if you add it to the homepage – you can keep up with all our assignments. If you’re on Instagram you can contribute using #GuardianWitness. You can also contact us using Whatsapp on +447867825056, but please stay safe. Terms and conditions here.

Though we’d like to hear from you, your safety and security is most important. When responding to this assignment, please make sure you put your safety and the safety of others first. Extreme weather events can be very unpredictable and carry very real risks.