British Redditor debunks myths about London 'no-go zones' after being dared to walk around Woolwich

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A British Redditor bought a bottle of wine and went for a nighttime walk around Woolwich in response to another user who insisted he'd get attacked in one of London's "radicalised" no-go zones.

The hilarious video was posted on social news site Reddit in response to an MSNBC interview with Donald Trump, in which he claimed that "police are afraid for their lives" in certain areas of London where Muslims live.

Reddit users from London were quick to jump in, pointing out how ridiculous Trump's claim was.

After that, another user named Sammich posted a handful of articles about 'Muslim patrols', painting London as a place where non-Muslims are afraid to go out in public for fear of getting attacked or harassed.

Sammich wrote: "I know some will outright deny all these evidences [sic] but I dare those people to visit those places and practice their 'liberal freedom' and see what happens'.

In response, another user named Samuel Glover wrote: "No it isn't you absolute moron. I live in London and I can tell you there is absolutely nowhere that the police will not go."

Throwing down the gauntlet, Sammich replied, telling Glover to go to Woolwich holding a bottle of wine and "see how quickly your ignorant and protected bubble will burst."

"You don't have to drink the wine, just hold it when you go to those places. I dare you," he wrote.

Usually in online arguments a few insults would be exchanged and the whole thing would be over. But Glover didn't back down from the dare, and a few hours later posted a video of himself walking happily around Woolwich shortly before midnight, holding a bottle of Sainsbury's own brand wine. 

Addressing Sammich in the video he said: "You claim I should get attacked any minute by a bunch of jihadists, presumably."

"Unfortunately, they're nowhere to be seen."

"I'll walk around Woolwich for a bit and hope to prove to you that there aren't any Sharia police or Sharia patrols who plan to attack or murder me."

He even took a sip of the wine on his walk, and managed to get home to upload the six-minute video without running into a Sharia patrol.

Trump, the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, caused international outrage after he called for a complete moratorium on Muslims entering the United States, partly in order to prevent so-called police 'no-go zones' appearing in cities like New York.

Trump's policy was condemned by a number of politicians including London Mayor Boris Johnson, who said in a statement: "As a city where more than 300 languages are spoken, London has a proud history of tolerance and diversity and to suggest there are areas where police officers cannot go because of radicalisation is simply ridiculous."

"Crime has been falling steadily in both London and New York - the only reason I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump", he added.

The Independent has contacted Glover for a response.