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Iran frees Post reporter Jason Rezaian, 4 other Americans, officials say Iran frees Post reporter Jason Rezaian, 4 other Americans, officials say
(about 1 hour later)
VIENNA — Iran released Washington Post correspondent Jason Rezaian and three other detained Iranian Americans on Saturday in exchange for the freedom of seven people imprisoned or charged in the United States, U.S. and Iranian officials said, a swap linked to the implementation of a landmark nuclear deal between Tehran and six world powers, including the lifting of U.S. and other international sanctions on Iran. VIENNA — The United States and Iran moved into a new era of international relations Saturday, with the implementation of a landmark agreement on Iran’s nuclear program on a drama-filled day that also saw the release of imprisoned Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian and four other Americans.
A fifth American prisoner was released in a separate “humanitarian gesture” and promptly left Iran, but the departure of Rezaian and the three others was delayed because of what U.S. officials described as “logistical” problems. U.S. and European officials lifted the harshest economic sanctions against Tehran after the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog certified that the Islamic republic had fully complied with promises to curtail key parts of its nuclear program. Hours before diplomats in the Austrian capital hailed the official activation of the nuclear deal, Iran confirmed the release of Rezaian and the other American detainees, set free in exchange for U.S. clemency offered to seven Iranians charged or imprisoned for sanctions violations and the dismissal of outstanding charges against 14 Iranians outside the United States.
Secretary of State John F. Kerry, speaking after signing documents related to implementing the nuclear accord, said the United States received confirmation that five Americans “who have been unjustly detained” in Iran were released and “should be on their way home to their families before long shortly.” He said long-standing U.S. efforts to free them were “accelerated” thanks to diplomatic channels opened with Iran by the nuclear talks. But early Sunday morning in Tehran, the plane scheduled to take the Americans out of the country had not taken off for unexplained reasons. Earlier in the day, President Obama had been standing by to announce they were on their way home.
“Today marks the first day of a safer world,” Kerry said. The coordinated moves cemented a major diplomatic victory for the Obama administration, which won significant nuclear concessions from Iran in an effort to defuse an international crisis that threatened to spark a new Middle East war. The agreement also frees Iran from crippling economic sanctions and opens the way for ending decades of diplomatic and economic isolation
Rezaian, 39, was freed from Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison after 18 months of captivity, U.S. and Iranian officials said, and was waiting along with the other Americans to be flown out of the country aboard a Swiss plane. “This evening, we are really reminded once again of diplomacy’s power to tackle significant challenges,” Secretary of State John F. Kerry said after the implementation was announced. “We have approached this challenge with the firm belief that exhausting diplomacy before choosing war is an imperative. And we believe that today marks the benefits of that choice.”
A senior administration official briefing reporters in Washington said the plane’s departure was delayed because of a “number of logistical steps” to “co-locate the Americans who were the subject of negotiations and getting them on a plane that can depart Iran.” The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the situation, said the fifth U.S. citizen, Matthew Trevithick, whose case was not tied to the exchange, has already left Iran. But the agreement also contains significant political risk for a White House that is staking its legacy on Iran’s willingness to comply with unprecedented curbs and extensive monitoring of its nuclear program. The pact which has been repeatedly condemned by the Israeli government as well as by members of Congress from both parties drew fresh attacks Saturday from Republican presidential contenders, some of whom blasted the deal as a sellout to Iran’s clerical rulers.
“We expect [the arrangements] to be completed as soon as possible,” the official said. The nuclear pact calls on Iran to dismantle key nuclear equipment in a deal designed to ensure that Iranian officials could never accumulate enough fissile material to build a nuclear bomb. The agreement also requires unprecedented inspections and monitoring covering all aspects of Iran’s nuclear program, from uranium mining to research facilities.
Apparently paving the way for a resolution was a report issued Saturday by the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency “confirming that Iran has completed the necessary preparatory steps to start the implementation” of the nuclear deal. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif echoed Kerry’s remarks, saying on Twitter that “diplomacy requires patience, but we all know that it sure beats the alternatives.” Implementation of the deal, Zarif said, meant that “it’s now time for all especially Muslim nations to join hands and rid the world of violent extremism. Iran is ready.”
Kerry then headed over to the site of the nuclear negotiations with Iran, the Coburg Palace Hotel in Vienna, and signed numerous documents. The State Department released a statement from Kerry confirming that the IAEA “has verified that Iran has fully implemented its required commitments” under the nuclear deal and that U.S. sanctions against Iran related to its nuclear program are lifted in accordance with the agreement. The documents signed by Kerry included waivers to lift congressional nuclear-related sanctions and certification that the IAEA has verified Iran’s compliance. The release of prisoners had not been officially part of negotiations between Iran and the six world powers: the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany. But Kerry frequently raised the plight of imprisoned U.S. citizens during last year’s nuclear talks.
Earlier, U.S. officials confirmed the prisoner exchange agreement but said they were awaiting confirmation that the plane has left Tehran. Iran also agreed to let Rezaian’s wife, Yeganeh Salehi, leave with him, the officials said. The Obama administration had come under heavy criticism for concluding the nuclear accord without winning the release of American detainees, including Rezaian, 39, whose 544-day detention is the longest ever by a Western journalist in Iran. White House officials confirmed that the swap was clinched during months of secret talks that gained momentum in the days before the nuclear pact was formally implemented.
[ LIVE UPDATES: Reactions to the release of Jason Rezaian, other Americans ] “We couldn’t be happier to hear the news that Jason Rezaian has been released from Evin Prison,” said Frederick J. Ryan Jr., publisher of The Washington Post.
Rezaian was tried last year behind closed doors on vague charges of espionage and other alleged offenses and was sentenced to an unspecified prison term. Iran’s judiciary announced the release in Tehran as part of an exchange. The United States is releasing seven people charged with violating sanctions against Iran, U.S. and Iranian officials said.
Iran’s judiciary announced the release in Tehran as part of what it called an exchange. The United States is releasing seven people charged with violating sanctions against Iran, U.S. and Iranian officials said. A senior U.S. official said the “Iranians wanted a goodwill gesture” in response to the release of the Americans. A list of Iranians submitted to U.S. authorities was “whittled down” to exclude any crimes related to violence or terrorism, said the official, one of several who spoke on the condition of anonymity under administration ground rules.
A senior administration official, speaking in Vienna, confirmed the exchange but said that “our citizens have not yet been flown out of Iran, and we do not want to do anything that would complicate it.” Another official said the exchange was a “one-time arrangement because it was an opportunity to bring Americans home” and should not be considered something that would “encourage this behavior in the future” by Iran.
The official said that the “Iranians wanted a goodwill gesture” as part of the release, and that led to the exchange. The list the Iranians submitted to U.S. authorities was “whittled down” to exclude any crimes related to violence or terrorism, said the official, one of several who spoke on condition of anonymity under administration ground rules.. The officials did not tie the release directly to the nuclear talks and said they had not wanted the detained Americans to be “used as leverage” in the negotiations. But, they said, completion of the nuclear deal last July greatly accelerated talks about the prisoners.
Another official said that the exchange was a “one-time arrangement because it was an opportunity to bring Americans home,” and should not be considered something that would “encourage this behavior in the future” by Iran. In addition to Rezaian, the Americans freed Saturday included Saeed Abedini, 35, of Boise, Idaho; Amir Hekmati, 32, of Flint, Mich.; and Nosratollah ­Khosravi-Roodsari, U.S. and Iranian officials said.
Those freed Saturday included Saeed Abedini, 35, of Boise, Idaho; Amir Hekmati, 32, of Flint, Mich.; and Nosratollah Khosravi-Roodsari, U.S. and Iranian officials said. A fifth American, identified as language student Matt Trevithick, was also released Saturday but was not part of the exchange deal. Trevithick’s parents said in a statement that he had been held for 40 days in Evin Prison. A senior U.S. official said Trevithick, 30, has already left Iran.
Abedini is a Christian pastor who had been imprisoned since July 2012 for organizing home churches. Hekmati is a former Marine who spent more than four years in prison on spying charges following his arrest in August 2011 during a visit to see his grandmother.Abedini is a Christian pastor who had been imprisoned since July 2012 for organizing home churches. Hekmati is a former Marine who spent more than four years in prison on spying charges following his arrest in August 2011 during a visit to see his grandmother.
The detention of Khosravi-Roodsari had not been previously publicized. Iranian state television identified him as a businessman. Little else was known about him.The detention of Khosravi-Roodsari had not been previously publicized. Iranian state television identified him as a businessman. Little else was known about him.
A senior administration official said the fifth American, Trevithick, was “detained in recent months” while studying in Iran. “We wanted him obviously to be a direct part of this, and made clear to Iranians that [his release] would be an appropriate humanitarian gesture.” A senior administration official said of Trevithick, “We wanted him, obviously, to be a direct part of this, and made clear to Iranians that [his release] would be an appropriate humanitarian gesture.”
Trevithick’s family said in a statement that he went to Iran in September for a four-month language program, only to be arrested and spend 40 days in Evin Prison. A researcher and author, he previously worked at the American University of Afghanistan and the American University of Iraq.
[The ordeal of Post reporter Jason Rezaian]
Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.), who represents the district where the Rezaian family lives, said he was told by the White House that the Americans would be aboard a Swiss plane that would take them briefly to Switzerland and that they would not return home until they have “medical checkups,” most likely at a U.S. military medical facility in Germany.
“We’re all very excited that hopefully within a matter of days we’ll be able to welcome them back to the United States,” Huffman said.
In a statement in Tehran, Prosecutor Abbas Jaafari said that “based on an approval of the Supreme National Security Council and the general interests of the Islamic Republic, four Iranian prisoners with dual nationality were freed today within the framework of a prisoner swap deal,” the semiofficial Fars News Agency reported.
The state-run Islamic Republic News Agency, quoting Jaafari, said the agreement also includes a provision under which the United States will no longer pursue the extradition of 14 Iranians alleged to have been involved in trafficking arms to Iran.
In Washington, the State Department said clemency has been offered to seven Iranians, six of whom are dual U.S.-Iranian citizens, who had been convicted or were awaiting trial in the United States. “The United States also removed any Interpol red notices and dismissed any charges against 14 Iranians for whom it was assessed that extradition requests were unlikely to be successful,” the department said.
Not included in the prisoner exchange was Siamak Namazi, a Dubai-based oil company executive who had promoted closer U.S.-Iranian ties, Iranian officials said. He was arrested in October while visiting a friend in Tehran. In addition, the fate of former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who disappeared in March 2007 during a visit to Iran’s Kish Island, remains unknown.
Namazi remains incarcerated because “his charges are financial, and not political,” Fars said.
Asked about Namazi and Levinson, U.S. officials in Vienna said that talks were continuing on their fate.
“Iran has also committed to continue cooperating with the United States to determine the whereabouts of Robert Levinson,” a U.S. official in Washington said.
Fars named seven Iranians it said were being exchanged by the United States in the deal: Nader Modanlou, Bahram Mechanic, Khosrow Afqahi, Arash Ghahreman, Touraj Faridi, Nima Golestaneh and Ali Sabounchi.
Golestaneh, 30, pleaded guilty last month to cyber-hacking a U.S. defense firm in October 2012. He was arrested in Turkey in November 2013 and extradited to the United States in February 2015, the Justice Department said.
Notably absent from the list was Manssor Arbabsiar, an Iranian American from Texas who pleaded guilty in 2012 to plotting to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington, Adel al-Jubeir, who is now Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister. Arbabsiar was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
The exchange quickly became political fodder in the United States among Republicans vying for the GOP presidential nomination.The exchange quickly became political fodder in the United States among Republicans vying for the GOP presidential nomination.
Republican front-runner Donald Trump said it was “a total disgrace” that the release of the Americans took so long. “This should have been done three, four years ago, when the [nuclear] deal was struck. Before the deal was made . . . they should have said, we want our prisoners back,” Trump said at a rally in New Hampshire. Republican front-runner Donald Trump said it was “a total disgrace” that the release of the Americans took so long. “This should have been done three, four years ago, when the [nuclear] deal was struck. Before the deal was made­ . . . they should have said, ‘We want our prisoners back,’ ” Trump said at a rally in New Hampshire.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said in a television interview Saturday: “We’d be very happy for the families of the Americans who are going to be home and for those Americans, but I’d also want to hear what the other side of the deal is, if this president is releasing more terrorists from Guantanamo to go back and reenter the war on terror. . . . We shouldn’t have to swap prisoners. These folks were taken illegally in violation of international law and they should have been released without condition.”New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said in a television interview Saturday: “We’d be very happy for the families of the Americans who are going to be home and for those Americans, but I’d also want to hear what the other side of the deal is, if this president is releasing more terrorists from Guantanamo to go back and reenter the war on terror. . . . We shouldn’t have to swap prisoners. These folks were taken illegally in violation of international law and they should have been released without condition.”
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) told reporters while campaigning in Iowa: “The fact of the matter is that this tells us everything we need to know about the Iranian regime. That they take people hostage in order to gain concessions. And the fact that they can get away with it with this administration I think has created an incentive for more governments to do this around the world.”
Huffman, the Rezaians’ congressman, called the remarks “shameful.” He told The Post that Republican candidates “would have said the same things” no matter what the circumstances. “There are some critics of the administration that just can’t acknowledge anything good that comes from this administration.”
Rezaian’s ordeal damaged his health, drew protests from media and human rights groups and hampered efforts to improve relations between Washington and Tehran. It also exposed fault lines and infighting in Iran’s opaque political system, where Rezaian and other detained Americans appeared to become pawns in a larger internal struggle between hard-liners and reformists seeking to improve ties with the West.Rezaian’s ordeal damaged his health, drew protests from media and human rights groups and hampered efforts to improve relations between Washington and Tehran. It also exposed fault lines and infighting in Iran’s opaque political system, where Rezaian and other detained Americans appeared to become pawns in a larger internal struggle between hard-liners and reformists seeking to improve ties with the West.
Kerry frequently raised the plight of Rezaian and other imprisoned U.S. citizens during last year’s nuclear negotiations, but their release was not formally part of the resulting agreement between Iran and the six world powers: the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany.
[Post coverage of Americans detained in Iran][Post coverage of Americans detained in Iran]
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has hailed the nuclear accord’s “Implementation Day” and its promise of sanctions relief as heralding a “year of economic prosperity” for Iran and fulfillment of his campaign promises when he was elected in 2013. Rezaian was tried last year behind closed doors on vague charges of espionage and other alleged offenses and was sentenced to an unspecified prison term.
Rezaian’s 2014 arrest and his subsequent trial and conviction in Iran’s secretive Revolutionary Court system — on charges that were never publicly disclosed or substantiated — appeared to reflect a power play by hard-liners fiercely loyal to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, against more moderate reformist elements under Rouhani. The hard-liners control Iran’s security forces, intelligence apparatus, judiciary and most other levers of power, while Rouhani — though answerable to Khamenei — has been given relatively free rein to manage Iran’s foreign affairs and improve its economy. Rezaian’s 2014 arrest and his subsequent trial and conviction in Iran’s secretive Revolutionary Court system — on charges that were never publicly disclosed or substantiated — appeared to reflect a power play by hard-liners fiercely loyal to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, against more moderate reformist elements under President Hassan Rouhani. The hard-liners control Iran’s security forces, intelligence apparatus, judiciary and most other levers of power, while Rouhani — though answerable to Khamenei — has been given relatively free rein to manage Iran’s foreign affairs and improve its economy.
Although major differences between Tehran and Washington persist, tensions eased somewhat after the nuclear deal was reached in July. It imposed restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program, aimed at forestalling any attempt to build nuclear weapons, in return for the lifting of international economic sanctions on Iran and the release of frozen Iranian funds from banks worldwide, mostly in Asia. Iran in recent weeks took significant steps to meet its obligations under the deal.
Iran in recent weeks took significant steps to meet its obligations under the deal in anticipation of securing sanctions relief and regaining access to its impounded cash. Such tangible benefits from the nuclear accord, which was opposed by hard-liners, could help moderates in Iran’s legislative elections at the end of February. Increased U.S.-Iranian cooperation appeared to be on display Wednesday when Iran released 10 U.S. sailors within a day after they were seized by Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps naval forces in the Persian Gulf. The Americans were on two small riverine boats that strayed into Iranian waters.
Increased U.S.-Iranian cooperation appeared to be on display Wednesday when Iran released 10 U.S. sailors within a day after they were seized by Iranian Revolutionary Guard naval forces in the Persian Gulf. The Americans were on two small riverine boats that strayed into Iranian waters.
Against this backdrop, the signs of rapprochement raised hopes for a resolution in Rezaian’s case.Against this backdrop, the signs of rapprochement raised hopes for a resolution in Rezaian’s case.
For the first time, the Revolutionary Court allowed his mother, Mary Rezaian, and his Iranian wife, Salehi, to visit him in Evin Prison for an extended period on Christmas Day. In an email to The Washington Post, Mary Rezaian said the meeting lasted “several hours” and that she was able to bring her son “his first home-cooked meal in months.” Rezaian was arrested along with his wife when security forces raided their home July 22, 2014. Yeganeh Salehi, 31, a journalist who worked for the Abu Dhabi newspaper the National, was released on bail in October, but Rezaian languished in Evin Prison for months without trial or even specific charges.
Dec. 3 marked the Post correspondent’s 500th day in captivity — longer than 52 Americans were held during the 1979-81 Iran hostage crisis and by far the lengthiest detention of a Western journalist by Tehran.
[The Post petitions U.N. to help free Jason Rezaian]
Ahead of that milestone, The Post filed a supplementary petition with the U.N. Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, amplifying a filing in July that accused Iran of flagrant human rights violations during Rezaian’s “unlawful” detention and called for his immediate release.
The additional petition cited the journalist’s “declining health,” saying he continued to lose weight and suffer from blood pressure complications and other undertreated physical and mental conditions. It said he was subjected to “further interrogations, psychological abuse, and physical mistreatment” and was “forced to wear a hood” when being escorted around the prison by guards or interrogators.
Born in Marin County, Calif., to an Iranian emigre father and an American mother, Rezaian moved to Iran in 2008 and worked as a journalist for publications including the San Francisco Chronicle. He joined The Post in 2012 and wrote stories that he hoped would give readers a deeper and more nuanced view of Iran; one of his last recounted the travails of the country’s fledgling baseball team.
Rezaian was arrested along with his wife when security forces raided their home on July 22, 2014. Salehi, 31, a journalist who worked for the Abu Dhabi newspaper, the National, was released on bail in October, but Rezaian languished in Evin Prison for months without trial or even specific charges.
In December 2014, Rezaian was officially charged with publicly unspecified offenses, and prosecutors announced a month later that he would be tried in Revolutionary Court. The case was assigned to Abolghassem Salavati, a hard-line judge known for imposing draconian sentences — including long prison terms, lashings and execution — on political prisoners and detainees deemed a threat to national security. Salavati has been under European Union sanctions since 2011.
Rezaian’s attorney, Leila Ahsan, disclosed last April that an indictment she was allowed to read charged Rezaian with espionage and three other serious crimes, including “collaborating with hostile governments” and “propaganda against the establishment.” Rezaian was also accused of gathering information “about internal and foreign policy” and providing it to “individuals with hostile intent.”
The charges carried a maximum sentence of 10 to 20 years in prison, Ahsan said.
Rezaian and The Post vigorously denied the accusations.
When he went on trial in May last year, the court proceedings indicated that some of the claims against Rezaian stemmed from a visit he made to a U.S. consulate regarding a visa for his wife and a letter he wrote seeking a job in the Obama administration in 2008 — material that was apparently taken from his confiscated laptop.
[Imprisonment took “devastating toll” on Post reporter]
Rezaian holds both U.S. and Iranian citizenship. But Iran, which does not recognize dual nationality, barred any U.S. role in the case, including consular visits by Swiss diplomats representing U.S. interests. Diplomatic relations between Washington and Tehran were severed in 1980 during the Iranian hostage crisis.Rezaian holds both U.S. and Iranian citizenship. But Iran, which does not recognize dual nationality, barred any U.S. role in the case, including consular visits by Swiss diplomats representing U.S. interests. Diplomatic relations between Washington and Tehran were severed in 1980 during the Iranian hostage crisis.
The last of four Revolutionary Court sessions was held in August, but it was not until October that a court spokesman announced a conviction — without providing any details. In November, the court said Rezaian was sentenced to a prison term, again with no elaboration.The last of four Revolutionary Court sessions was held in August, but it was not until October that a court spokesman announced a conviction — without providing any details. In November, the court said Rezaian was sentenced to a prison term, again with no elaboration.
In the meantime, Iranian officials floated the idea of a prisoner swap with the United States. President Rouhani even suggested that Tehran could free Rezaian and at least two other Iranian American prisoners if Washington reciprocated by releasing 19 Iranian citizens convicted in the United States of circumventing sanctions. In the meantime, Iranian officials floated the idea of a prisoner swap with the United States. Rouhani even suggested that Tehran could free Rezaian and at least two other Iranian American prisoners if Washington reciprocated by releasing 19 Iranian citizens convicted in the United States of circumventing sanctions.
As if to buttress that proposal, state-run news media in Iran then reported that Rezaian was accused of “spying on Iran’s nuclear programs” and giving the U.S. government information on people and companies evading sanctions.As if to buttress that proposal, state-run news media in Iran then reported that Rezaian was accused of “spying on Iran’s nuclear programs” and giving the U.S. government information on people and companies evading sanctions.
The prisoner-swap maneuvering showed that, for Iran, Rezaian’s innocence was “immaterial” and that what mattered more was whether he could be used to extract political concessions from the United States, The Post argued in its latest submission to the U.N. Working Group in late November. Branigin, DeYoung and Warrick reported from Washington. Ellen Nakashima, Julie Tate and Ariana Cha contributed to this report.
“The Iranian Government’s indiscriminate, baseless, and constantly evolving theories and allegations — which continue to change even after the conclusion of his trial — provide yet further evidence that Rezaian has committed no crime and is entitled to immediate release and some form of compensation for his wrongful imprisonment,” it said.
Branigin and DeYoung reported from Washington. Ellen Nakashima and Karen DeYoung in Washington contributed to this report.
Read more:Read more:
The ordeal of Post reporter Jason RezaianThe ordeal of Post reporter Jason Rezaian
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The Post’s coverage on Jason RezaianThe Post’s coverage on Jason Rezaian