Bush to hail Iraq war 'success'


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US President George W Bush is due to deliver an upbeat assessment of the war in Iraq in a speech marking the fifth anniversary of the invasion.

In his address at the Pentagon, Mr Bush is expected to defend the decision to go to war, and say the fight is one America can and must win.

He is also likely to argue that Iraq would descend into chaos should the US pull its forces out of the country.

The speech comes amid growing disenchantment with the war in the US.

Mr Bush will go on the offensive against critics of the war, accusing them of exaggerating its financial cost.

He is also expected to say that if the US does not "stay the course" in Iraq, it will become a haven for terrorists who could attack America.

And he will highlight the "surge" policy of the past year - the deployment of thousands of extra US troops in Baghdad and surrounding provinces, and the subsequent fall in levels of violence.