Video shows Syrian refugee children's joy while sledging for the first time

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Video shows three Syrian refugee children squealing with delight as they go sledging for the first time.

Ansam, 13, Ibrahim, 10, Dalya, 9, and their mother, Amal Alkhalaf, 41, fled Homs, Syria 16 months ago and arrived in Canada three weeks ago. 

The three siblings can be seen in the video thoroughly enjoying themselves as they speed down the slope, accompanied by David McNab, a sponsor who helped relocate the family.

Now settled in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, the children are now registered at a school where three more of their sponsors are teachers. 

"We are overjoyed to be able to make a difference for this family and we feel incredibly grateful for the chance to know them," Mr McNab told The Independent.

"It has been the best thing that has happened to most of us in a very long time." 

Macleans magazine, who featured the family and their sponsors on a recent cover, report that the family is adjusting well to Canadian life. 

On a visit to the town, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met the family along with other Syrian refugees who have settled there.

He later tweeted a photo of the family and a signed copy of the cover they appeared on.

Mr McNab, an Ontario Provincial Police officer, hopes that others might see how easy it is to help similar families. 

"Every child deserves a chance to be free and happy. The solution to the problem is not as complicated as we might think." 

His group is currently working on plans to sponsor another family.