Britain Needs Europe

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LONDON — In the Year of the Hair, Boris Johnson of the blonde mop trails Donald Trump, but not by much. The London mayor’s decision, which he has described as “agonizingly difficult,” to come out in favor of a British exit from the European Union in a June referendum has sent British politics into a tailspin.

Given Johnson’s popularity, as impervious to his buffoonery as Trump’s to his bullying, the decision has also given a significant boost to the “Brexit” camp and dented the “Remain Campaign.” British withdrawal from the 28-member European Union is now an option with a leader. Johnson, writing in the Telegraph, suggested that if Britain stays, “We will continue to sit trapped like passengers in the back seat of some errant minicab with a driver who cannot speak English and who is taking us remorselessly and expensively in the wrong direction.”

The mayor, whose second four-year term ends this year, likes to wax metaphoric. In an interview with The Times, he compared himself to James Bond up against the “evil baddie who is hell-bent on subverting democracy around the world through a supranational organization.” Britain trapped in Europe was like “a slowly boiling frog,” he suggested.

The range of his metaphors is matched only by the extent of his ambition. Boris on Europe is also Boris on Boris. He wants to be the next prime minister of Britain — or whatever is left of it in 2020, the date of the next election.

David Cameron, the conservative prime minister, has said he will not stand again. Under Conservative Party rules, the conclusive vote to replace him will be between two candidates. One of them will be the pro-European chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne. By claiming the anti-Europe mantle in a party where Brussels bashing is a popular sport, Johnson has set himself up to be the other contender.

Of course, Boris is not just about Boris. He’s been a successful mayor. London works better than New York. His agonizing appears to have been genuine. Theories about what tipped the balance abound.

One is that his wife, a lawyer named Marina Wheeler, influenced him with her argument, outlined recently in The Spectator, that the European Court of Justice has usurped the ability of English courts to rule in areas “as diverse as employment disputes, immigration and asylum claims.” Another is that the actress Emma Thompson drove him to paroxysms by declaring in Berlin that Britain was “a cake-filled misery-laden gray old island” for which exit would be idiocy. Certainly Johnson gets exercised over sovereignty and patriotism (as he perceives it).

The exit argument — when it’s not just bloviating little-England inanity dosed with anti-immigrant bigotry — is that membership hitches Britain to a stagnant Continent whose most powerful countries are locked in a dysfunctional single-currency system that must lead to ever greater European federalism. It is that the Union is short on democracy and long on bureaucracy. It is that leaving the Union will allow Britain, like Norway, to continue to benefit from a single market of more than a half-billion people while freeing it from intrusive regulation. The “Out” mantra is “Take Back Control.”

In fact, a “Brexit” would be an act of folly, slashing Britain’s “control’ at a critical time, inflicting a “profound economic shock,” in Osborne’s words, and possibly leading to the breakup of Britain.

The European Union, together with the trans-Atlantic alliance, ushered Europe to stability and prosperity from the collective suicide of the first half of the 20th century. It remains the world’s most boring, important miracle. A British departure, at a time when President Vladimir Putin is trying by all means to undermine a fragile union, would be a geopolitical disaster. Further European unraveling would become likely. No wonder President Obama is expected in London next month to reiterate his conviction that a Britain in Europe is a stronger, more influential ally.

Britain can — and must — make the E.U. more transparent, democratic and dynamic. That can only be achieved from within. The country derives immense benefits from being part of an $18.5 trillion economy. To imagine that a Britain outside the Union can continue to enjoy the benefits of membership is pure illusion, as many industry leaders have made clear. The economy as a whole, and the City in particular, would suffer. British insularity would become a byword.

Or rather English insularity, for Britain would likely cease to be. Scotland is strongly pro-European. An E.U. exit would give the governing Scottish National Party an overwhelming case for another referendum on independence. Its outcome would surely be the end of the union established in 1707.

The June 23 vote will be close, closer now that Johnson has gambled. His choice, so perverse for the mayor of this city of countless tongues, risks pushing his beloved country “remorselessly and expensively in the wrong direction.” Seldom has the need for British good sense, continuity and prudence been more acute.