Peruvians protest Fujimori’s rule as daughter leads in polls

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LIMA, Peru — As they do every April 5, Peruvians joined in marches to recall the human rights abuses and corruption committed during the rule of now-imprisoned President Alberto Fujimori.

Tuesday’s marches on the 24th anniversary of Fujimori’s shutting down of congress drew extra-large crowds, coming just five days before a presidential election in which is his daughter is the front-runner.

Human rights groups have held a string of protests against Keiko Fujimori in recent weeks, warning that as president she would revive her father’s authoritarian rule.

Tuesday’s protests took place in five cities, including the capital of Lima. Keiko Fujimori suspended campaigning Tuesday to avoid clashes between her supporters and opponents.

Her father is serving a 25-year prison sentence for authorizing death squads and corruption during his decade-long rule.

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