Dog attacks and kills man in Cumbria

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A man has died after being attacked by a dog at his home in Cumbria.

The 45-year old man was killed by a dog at a property in Cleator Moor on Sunday afternoon, Cumbria police said. The dog was destroyed.

Three other dogs seized from the property in Robert Owen Avenue were to be assessed by a specialist police officer.

Police were called to the scene at about 2pm in response to a report that a man was being attacked by a dog.

A Cumbria police spokesman said: “A 45-year-old male who lived at the property was pronounced dead at the scene. The dog who attacked the male was destroyed.

“The death is being treated as non-suspicious and the coroner has been informed.”

The North West ambulance service said it also went to the incident after receiving a call shortly before 2pm.

Official statistics published last year showed that hospital admissions for injuries caused by dogs had risen by 76% in England in a decade.

Last week, a Staffordshire bull terrier attacked more than a dozen children at a park in Northumberland.

Since 2005, there have been more than 20 deaths, including children or babies, in dog attacks. The deaths have led to a toughening up of the law, increasing the liability of owners and the potential punishments they face.