Parents of young boy who fatally shot six-year-old must pay nearly $600,000

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The parents of a New Jersey boy who was four years old when he fatally shot a six-year-old neighbor have been ordered to pay nearly $600,000 to the slain youth’s family.

Anthony and Melissa Senatore will also have to pay punitive damages to Brandon Holt’s parents under the ruling issued on Monday. But that amount has not been determined.

Anthony Senatore has admitted to keeping a loaded .22-caliber rifle unlocked in his bedroom, where his son found it in April 2013. The boy took it outside and shot Brandon Holt once in the head.

Senatore received a three-year prison term last year after he pleaded guilty to child endangerment.

The rulings came in a wrongful death suit brought by Holt’s family. The Senatores were ordered to pay $572,588.