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Inside the topsy-turvy world of Trump: what I learned on the campaign trail Inside the topsy-turvy world of Trump: what I learned on the campaign trail
(35 minutes later)
“Nothing matters. Nothing matters. Nothing matters.”“Nothing matters. Nothing matters. Nothing matters.”
Covering the presidential election and Donald Trump, it has become a mantra. His candidacy has confounded every expectation and violated every rule. The result has been a funhouse mirror of a campaign, in which nothing quite seems real. For reporters covering the presidential election and Donald Trump, this has become a mantra. His candidacy has confounded every expectation and violated every rule. The result has been a funhouse mirror of a campaign, in which nothing quite seems real.
It’s not that up is down and down is up. That would signify that things may yet return to normal. Instead, basic words and concepts no longer bear any relation to the truth as we knew it. In Trump world, meaning has become so refracted and strange that up is purple and down is pineapple and it’s all about making America great again.It’s not that up is down and down is up. That would signify that things may yet return to normal. Instead, basic words and concepts no longer bear any relation to the truth as we knew it. In Trump world, meaning has become so refracted and strange that up is purple and down is pineapple and it’s all about making America great again.
I have covered Donald Trump for almost a year. I have followed him around the country, attending around 50 events at every possible venue, from Iowa barns to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. On the way, he has transformed himself from political sideshow to potential president.I have covered Donald Trump for almost a year. I have followed him around the country, attending around 50 events at every possible venue, from Iowa barns to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. On the way, he has transformed himself from political sideshow to potential president.
Last June, Trump’s entry into the race was considered the political version of a novelty song, his candidacy more akin to that of the satirist Pat Paulsen than that of Ross Perot. He had hinted at running so many times over 30 years. He was the boy who cried wolf. When he finally announced, descending an escalator at Trump Tower to say Mexico was sending rapists across the border, he was laughed off by many in the media. Voters weren’t laughing.Last June, Trump’s entry into the race was considered the political version of a novelty song, his candidacy more akin to that of the satirist Pat Paulsen than that of Ross Perot. He had hinted at running so many times over 30 years. He was the boy who cried wolf. When he finally announced, descending an escalator at Trump Tower to say Mexico was sending rapists across the border, he was laughed off by many in the media. Voters weren’t laughing.
The first Trump event I attended was in New Hampshire in late June, on a warm and wet summer’s day, around a suburban swimming pool. About 200 people gathered to hear Trump give an early version of his stump speech. He touched on now familiar themes, like his opposition to illegal immigration and desire to make better deals with China. He covered now forgotten feuds, like his lawsuit against Univision over its decision not to televise his Miss USA pageant.The first Trump event I attended was in New Hampshire in late June, on a warm and wet summer’s day, around a suburban swimming pool. About 200 people gathered to hear Trump give an early version of his stump speech. He touched on now familiar themes, like his opposition to illegal immigration and desire to make better deals with China. He covered now forgotten feuds, like his lawsuit against Univision over its decision not to televise his Miss USA pageant.
There was no secret service presence, let alone a podium. Instead, guests and reporters stood willy-nilly around the pool and the only restriction was that reporters weren’t allowed to eat the hors d’oeuvres laid out inside the house. Those were for friends of the host family who were invited to a more exclusive gathering before Trump delivered his remarks.There was no secret service presence, let alone a podium. Instead, guests and reporters stood willy-nilly around the pool and the only restriction was that reporters weren’t allowed to eat the hors d’oeuvres laid out inside the house. Those were for friends of the host family who were invited to a more exclusive gathering before Trump delivered his remarks.
The central appeal to the event – and every Trump rally since – was that the US was in dire trouble and only Donald J Trump could save it. The candidate spent much of his speech saying NBC tried to urge him not to run, so it could continue to air The Apprentice. Unlike him, he said, other politicians couldn’t make great deals, build a wall or spot faulty guardrails. It was a metaphor he would never use, or probably be familiar with, but he was the one man from outside the establishment who could clean the Augean stables of Washington. As he would later tweet about terrorism: “I alone can fix this problem!”The central appeal to the event – and every Trump rally since – was that the US was in dire trouble and only Donald J Trump could save it. The candidate spent much of his speech saying NBC tried to urge him not to run, so it could continue to air The Apprentice. Unlike him, he said, other politicians couldn’t make great deals, build a wall or spot faulty guardrails. It was a metaphor he would never use, or probably be familiar with, but he was the one man from outside the establishment who could clean the Augean stables of Washington. As he would later tweet about terrorism: “I alone can fix this problem!”
The people I talked to around the pool sounded like the people I’ve talked to at almost every rally since. They were sick and tired of politics as usual and looking for someone to shake up Washington. They thought Trump’s business experience would make him uniquely qualified to solve the country’s woes.The people I talked to around the pool sounded like the people I’ve talked to at almost every rally since. They were sick and tired of politics as usual and looking for someone to shake up Washington. They thought Trump’s business experience would make him uniquely qualified to solve the country’s woes.
New Hampshire state representative Fred Doucette said: “I have faith in this man and his business mind. And that’s the way the country needs to be run, as a business.”New Hampshire state representative Fred Doucette said: “I have faith in this man and his business mind. And that’s the way the country needs to be run, as a business.”
That wasn’t the only similarity to Trump rallies since. The event around the New Hampshire pool was also aired live, in almost its entirety, on cable news.That wasn’t the only similarity to Trump rallies since. The event around the New Hampshire pool was also aired live, in almost its entirety, on cable news.
Into the vortexInto the vortex
Through the summer of 2015, Trump’s rallies became prime-time events. His combination of insult comedy and conservative bromides, steeped in seemingly stream-of-consciousness remarks, was invariably newsworthy, reminding viewers why this New York real estate developer became a reality television star. But it also created a vortex. Everything came to be about Trump. Every other candidate was asked to respond to his statements, to his tweets and to his general existence.Through the summer of 2015, Trump’s rallies became prime-time events. His combination of insult comedy and conservative bromides, steeped in seemingly stream-of-consciousness remarks, was invariably newsworthy, reminding viewers why this New York real estate developer became a reality television star. But it also created a vortex. Everything came to be about Trump. Every other candidate was asked to respond to his statements, to his tweets and to his general existence.
As a frustrated Mike Huckabee told reporters in August: “I’m running for president. I’m not running for social media critic of someone else.”As a frustrated Mike Huckabee told reporters in August: “I’m running for president. I’m not running for social media critic of someone else.”
Trump refined his campaign. At the Iowa State Fair he circled in his helicopter, a prelude to a series of rallies in hangars in which his private jet would appear to the theme from the movie Air Force One. In his attack on Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, implying that her tough questioning in the first presidential debate was caused by menstruation, Trump discovered the efficacy of direct assaults on the “dishonest media”. He was even able to bend Fox News to his will.Trump refined his campaign. At the Iowa State Fair he circled in his helicopter, a prelude to a series of rallies in hangars in which his private jet would appear to the theme from the movie Air Force One. In his attack on Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, implying that her tough questioning in the first presidential debate was caused by menstruation, Trump discovered the efficacy of direct assaults on the “dishonest media”. He was even able to bend Fox News to his will.
At an Iowa football tailgate in September, Trump was received like a rock star. In the Hawkeye state, Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin was long believed to be the favorite. Voters confused him with Marco Rubio. Less than two weeks later Walker dropped out, calling on fellow Republicans to unite against Trump. Needless to say, they didn’t.At an Iowa football tailgate in September, Trump was received like a rock star. In the Hawkeye state, Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin was long believed to be the favorite. Voters confused him with Marco Rubio. Less than two weeks later Walker dropped out, calling on fellow Republicans to unite against Trump. Needless to say, they didn’t.
As Trump slowly solidified his role as the Republican frontrunner, another trend became clear. Not only was he not interested in policy, he didn’t particularly care to learn about it or even feign any knowledge. He spoke in broad strokes and made assertions that were controversial at best and often outright lies.As Trump slowly solidified his role as the Republican frontrunner, another trend became clear. Not only was he not interested in policy, he didn’t particularly care to learn about it or even feign any knowledge. He spoke in broad strokes and made assertions that were controversial at best and often outright lies.
He claimed Syrian refugees were Isis sleeper agents, endorsed torture and insisted that Muslims in New Jersey held rooftop celebrations on 11 September 2001. He mocked the disability of a reporter who questioned that claim. The controversy only drew more coverage.He claimed Syrian refugees were Isis sleeper agents, endorsed torture and insisted that Muslims in New Jersey held rooftop celebrations on 11 September 2001. He mocked the disability of a reporter who questioned that claim. The controversy only drew more coverage.
Furthermore, Trump’s statements were difficult to criticize. An opponent might respond that the few Syrian refugees taken in by the US were heavily vetted and not members of Isis. But in a Republican primary, defending Muslim refugees is not a popular position. Trump may have gone beyond the pale of decency, but in a way that made it impossible for his opponents to hit him.Furthermore, Trump’s statements were difficult to criticize. An opponent might respond that the few Syrian refugees taken in by the US were heavily vetted and not members of Isis. But in a Republican primary, defending Muslim refugees is not a popular position. Trump may have gone beyond the pale of decency, but in a way that made it impossible for his opponents to hit him.
Some, like Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham, had long criticized Trump. But as 2015 wore on, many conservative Republicans kept the billionaire in a bear hug. The belief was that eventually Trump would implode and in the meantime, to quote Lyndon Johnson, “It’s probably better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in.”Some, like Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham, had long criticized Trump. But as 2015 wore on, many conservative Republicans kept the billionaire in a bear hug. The belief was that eventually Trump would implode and in the meantime, to quote Lyndon Johnson, “It’s probably better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in.”
For a long time, Ted Cruz avoided condemnation of Trump. In July, Trump said that John McCain wasn’t a war hero. The Texas senator told reporters: “I recognize that folks in the press love to see Republican-on-Republican violence. So you want me to say something bad about Donald Trump or bad about John McCain or bad about anybody else.For a long time, Ted Cruz avoided condemnation of Trump. In July, Trump said that John McCain wasn’t a war hero. The Texas senator told reporters: “I recognize that folks in the press love to see Republican-on-Republican violence. So you want me to say something bad about Donald Trump or bad about John McCain or bad about anybody else.
“I am not going to do it. John McCain is a friend of mine. I respect and admire him. He is an American hero. Donald Trump is a friend of mine.”“I am not going to do it. John McCain is a friend of mine. I respect and admire him. He is an American hero. Donald Trump is a friend of mine.”
This approach ended up undermining Cruz, once he and Trump were drawn into ferocious combat in Iowa. When Trump finally unleashed on Cruz, attacking him for his Canadian birth and his wife’s work for Goldman Sachs, Cruz was handicapped in his rebuttal. After months spent appealing to Trump’s supporters and praising him, his attacks on his rival’s liberal past were never going to stick.This approach ended up undermining Cruz, once he and Trump were drawn into ferocious combat in Iowa. When Trump finally unleashed on Cruz, attacking him for his Canadian birth and his wife’s work for Goldman Sachs, Cruz was handicapped in his rebuttal. After months spent appealing to Trump’s supporters and praising him, his attacks on his rival’s liberal past were never going to stick.
Trump also benefited from low expectations about his campaign organization. He seemed oblivious to the day in, day out work of organizing. While no one would compare Trump 2016 to the second coming of Tammany Hall, his campaign did work to build a decent turnout operation. It also hired a top Iowa operative, Chuck Laudner. But it was clear that in Iowa, Trump was outclassed by Cruz. Trump was unable to tap into the evangelical vote, a weakness made clear when he flubbed an appearance at Liberty University just two weeks before the caucus.Trump also benefited from low expectations about his campaign organization. He seemed oblivious to the day in, day out work of organizing. While no one would compare Trump 2016 to the second coming of Tammany Hall, his campaign did work to build a decent turnout operation. It also hired a top Iowa operative, Chuck Laudner. But it was clear that in Iowa, Trump was outclassed by Cruz. Trump was unable to tap into the evangelical vote, a weakness made clear when he flubbed an appearance at Liberty University just two weeks before the caucus.
Trump’s defeat in Iowa, however, proved to be the defining moment of the campaign. The candidate had long talked about winning. Every stump speech ended with it but every time his lead was threatened in polls he referenced constantly, he would be prone to a breakdown. When Ben Carson briefly pulled ahead in polls, Trump compared him to a child molester.Trump’s defeat in Iowa, however, proved to be the defining moment of the campaign. The candidate had long talked about winning. Every stump speech ended with it but every time his lead was threatened in polls he referenced constantly, he would be prone to a breakdown. When Ben Carson briefly pulled ahead in polls, Trump compared him to a child molester.
Then, in a brief and gracious speech on caucus night, Trump took the high road. He went out of his way to praise Iowans, saying: “I think I might come here and buy a farm.” This illustrated another important point about Trump – that he can be far more charming than he lets on. Consistently, in one-on-one meetings, he has been able to win over hesitant lawmakers.Then, in a brief and gracious speech on caucus night, Trump took the high road. He went out of his way to praise Iowans, saying: “I think I might come here and buy a farm.” This illustrated another important point about Trump – that he can be far more charming than he lets on. Consistently, in one-on-one meetings, he has been able to win over hesitant lawmakers.
As Trump won in New Hampshire and South Carolina and the campaign moved into March, however, his rallies attracted violence. In Chicago a rally was cancelled, after supporters and protesters clashed in a chaotic scene. Trump events were becoming more and more newsworthy – even without the candidate. It was an atmosphere not seen since the days of George Wallace; the difference was that Trump’s rallies were shown live on cable news. Networks started to assume the worst would happen, deploying two teams of reporters. One team would be inside a Trump rally to report on the candidate, the other outside in case of chaos.As Trump won in New Hampshire and South Carolina and the campaign moved into March, however, his rallies attracted violence. In Chicago a rally was cancelled, after supporters and protesters clashed in a chaotic scene. Trump events were becoming more and more newsworthy – even without the candidate. It was an atmosphere not seen since the days of George Wallace; the difference was that Trump’s rallies were shown live on cable news. Networks started to assume the worst would happen, deploying two teams of reporters. One team would be inside a Trump rally to report on the candidate, the other outside in case of chaos.
The violence helped Trump. Before the cancelled Chicago rally, the Cruz campaign’s polling had the senator ahead in North Carolina and Missouri and dead even in Illinois. Trump won all three states.The violence helped Trump. Before the cancelled Chicago rally, the Cruz campaign’s polling had the senator ahead in North Carolina and Missouri and dead even in Illinois. Trump won all three states.
With his win in Indiana on 3 May, Trump sealed the Republican nomination. He promptly pivoted to the general election – and didn’t change a thing. Towards the end of the contested primaries, he had suggested Cruz’s wife was ugly and that his father was involved in the assassination of John F Kennedy. As the nominee apparent, he continued to make false and inflammatory statements. Refugees were coming to the US with cellphones showing Isis flags, he said. A federal judge presiding over a lawsuit against Trump University was biased against him because he was Mexican. Gonzalo Curiel was born and raised in Indiana.With his win in Indiana on 3 May, Trump sealed the Republican nomination. He promptly pivoted to the general election – and didn’t change a thing. Towards the end of the contested primaries, he had suggested Cruz’s wife was ugly and that his father was involved in the assassination of John F Kennedy. As the nominee apparent, he continued to make false and inflammatory statements. Refugees were coming to the US with cellphones showing Isis flags, he said. A federal judge presiding over a lawsuit against Trump University was biased against him because he was Mexican. Gonzalo Curiel was born and raised in Indiana.
Now, there are only five months until Election Day. It is hard to imagine major changes in Trump’s approach to campaigning. His character is fully formed.Now, there are only five months until Election Day. It is hard to imagine major changes in Trump’s approach to campaigning. His character is fully formed.
An almost pathological need to exaggerateAn almost pathological need to exaggerate
American politics has never had a golden age, where earnest politicians argued solely over fundamental policy differences. But it has never become a professional wrestling match. There were always unwritten rules and basic constraints. Trump doesn’t abide by such delicacies. He’s not a politician. Politicians have shame.American politics has never had a golden age, where earnest politicians argued solely over fundamental policy differences. But it has never become a professional wrestling match. There were always unwritten rules and basic constraints. Trump doesn’t abide by such delicacies. He’s not a politician. Politicians have shame.
He’s a salesman, willing to say whatever it takes to get you into this car today. There is an almost pathological need to exaggerate on every point. Crowd sizes are invariably increased two- or threefold. Illegal immigrants don’t just raise economic issues and swell the labor market; they are rapists and murderers.He’s a salesman, willing to say whatever it takes to get you into this car today. There is an almost pathological need to exaggerate on every point. Crowd sizes are invariably increased two- or threefold. Illegal immigrants don’t just raise economic issues and swell the labor market; they are rapists and murderers.
This is combined with a refusal to ever apologize or beat a strategic retreat. After all, as Trump told evangelical voters last year, he has never asked God for forgiveness. He treats the Almighty like he treats “the dishonest media”. Trump denies past statements and freely contradicts positions. His demand for a ban on Muslims entering the US suddenly became “a suggestion”. In March he suggested Japan should have nuclear weapons. In May, when Hillary Clinton referenced those remarks on the stump, he said she was peddling “lies”.This is combined with a refusal to ever apologize or beat a strategic retreat. After all, as Trump told evangelical voters last year, he has never asked God for forgiveness. He treats the Almighty like he treats “the dishonest media”. Trump denies past statements and freely contradicts positions. His demand for a ban on Muslims entering the US suddenly became “a suggestion”. In March he suggested Japan should have nuclear weapons. In May, when Hillary Clinton referenced those remarks on the stump, he said she was peddling “lies”.
It’s hard to imagine anyone quite like Trump running again, if only because few others have so combined celebrity with at least the patina of real world accomplishment – Trump’s record in business has been mixed but as a result of his time on The Apprentice, many voters believe that he is one of the wealthiest people in the country, with a unique gift for management and negotiation. It is this which attracts voters to him.It’s hard to imagine anyone quite like Trump running again, if only because few others have so combined celebrity with at least the patina of real world accomplishment – Trump’s record in business has been mixed but as a result of his time on The Apprentice, many voters believe that he is one of the wealthiest people in the country, with a unique gift for management and negotiation. It is this which attracts voters to him.
Many of Trump’s biggest supporters are not diehard Republicans. After all, if your most important issue was abortion or same-sex marriage or any other social concern, Trump would never be your first choice. There is little about his career that appeals to many party regulars, the people who work hard for every GOP candidate, regardless of their own feelings.Many of Trump’s biggest supporters are not diehard Republicans. After all, if your most important issue was abortion or same-sex marriage or any other social concern, Trump would never be your first choice. There is little about his career that appeals to many party regulars, the people who work hard for every GOP candidate, regardless of their own feelings.
Trump’s supporters are deeply frustrated by both parties. They see a country that has not recovered from the 2008 recession, led by politicians who have failed to fix its problems. Barack Obama was elected with grandiose promises: this “was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal”. Two years later, Republicans were elected in a landslide, on a promise to stop a president who was ruining the country.Trump’s supporters are deeply frustrated by both parties. They see a country that has not recovered from the 2008 recession, led by politicians who have failed to fix its problems. Barack Obama was elected with grandiose promises: this “was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal”. Two years later, Republicans were elected in a landslide, on a promise to stop a president who was ruining the country.
The pattern repeated itself in 2012 and 2014 and everything was seemingly broken. Trump represented the opportunity to fix it all. Voters were not sure if he alone could fix the country but they figured they had tried everyone else. As one former Trump skeptic in Iowa who had decided to caucus for the real estate mogul said: “Well, he couldn’t be worse than Obama.”The pattern repeated itself in 2012 and 2014 and everything was seemingly broken. Trump represented the opportunity to fix it all. Voters were not sure if he alone could fix the country but they figured they had tried everyone else. As one former Trump skeptic in Iowa who had decided to caucus for the real estate mogul said: “Well, he couldn’t be worse than Obama.”
Trump has probably changed politics forever. He has turned it into a spectacle akin to professional wrestling, a sport in which he is a hall of famer himself. The idea is to go from controversy to controversy, building storylines and stoking the loyalty of a dedicated fan group while forcing everyone else to pay attention. If everyone is talking about Trump, enough of them are bound to vote for him too.Trump has probably changed politics forever. He has turned it into a spectacle akin to professional wrestling, a sport in which he is a hall of famer himself. The idea is to go from controversy to controversy, building storylines and stoking the loyalty of a dedicated fan group while forcing everyone else to pay attention. If everyone is talking about Trump, enough of them are bound to vote for him too.
But in doing this, to quote David Frum, Trump has broken the guardrails of democracy, changing what is acceptable behavior for a figure in public life. Trump is not the first person in modern American politics to realize that stoking violence and telling outright lies can lead to political success. He just is the first to have the sheer gall to do it.But in doing this, to quote David Frum, Trump has broken the guardrails of democracy, changing what is acceptable behavior for a figure in public life. Trump is not the first person in modern American politics to realize that stoking violence and telling outright lies can lead to political success. He just is the first to have the sheer gall to do it.