Burger King to end TV child ads


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Fast food chain Burger King has revealed plans to stop making UK television adverts aimed at children.

It has also decided not to advertise the brand during children's television programming schedules.

Media regulator Ofcom is meeting on Tuesday to decide whether to impose a ban on fast food adverts before 9pm.

Critics claim Ofcom's plans would have forced the chain to drop these adverts anyway and said youngsters did not solely watch children's television.

The US chain's move will take effect from 22 December but restaurant advertising will remain unchanged.

Giorgio Minardi, the chain's vice-president of north west Europe, said: "During the past six months in the UK, we have carefully considered this and other broad-spectrum initiatives regarding our marketing and brand positioning."

Ofcom is planning to bring in advertising restrictions following a public consultation earlier this year.

Paul Lincoln, chief executive of the National Heart Forum, said: "This announcement by Burger King pre-empts Ofcom's deliberations - expected any day now. They will have no choice.

"The real issue is will they stop advertising such foods before the 9pm watershed, not just around children's programmes."