Boris & Cameron settle Brexit feud over whiskey in Jerusalem… freezing out ‘backstabber’ Gove

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Ex-PM David Cameron and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson have reportedly mended their broken friendship by hashing out their Brexit differences over whiskeys at a Jerusalem hotel.

Their 30-year friendship came under strain when Johnson abandoned Cameron’s campaign to keep Britain in the EU to lead the charge for the opposing side.

The politicians, who have known each other since their days at Oxford University, exchanged personal insults during their referendum campaign.

The result of the EU referendum ended Cameron’s six year tenure at Downing Street and ten years as the Conservative Party’s leader.

The Sun reports that Johnson and Cameron have now brokered a truce. The pair reportedly met on the balcony of a room at the five-star King David Hotel in Jerusalem last week while visiting the city for the funeral of Shimon Peres, Israel’s former president.

They had “a pretty frank exchange of views” over the referendum, before turning their attention to wider world politics and reflecting on the highs and lows of Cameron’s time at Downing Street.

However, both men are said to be freezing out their former friend and ex-justice secretary Michael Gove.

Gove thwarted Johnson’s bid for Number 10 by unexpectedly turning on him and running for the nation’s top job himself.

Johnson has mounted a defense of Cameron’s legacy since their Israel meeting, according to The Sun.

“It’s not fair at all to say Dave was a bad leader of the party because of how it all ended,” he told friends.

“He turned it all around and made us electable again, and that was a huge achievement.

“Neither Gove nor I wanted him to go after the referendum result, and it was a deep shock to both of us when he did.”