Chicago Cubs, Losers No More?

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To the Editor:

Re “The Cubs Reach the Promised Land” (Op-Ed, Oct. 25):

Rich Cohen wonders how Chicago Cubs fans like him will cope with the bizarre feeling of no longer backing a losing team but a winning one. I do not consider myself a typical Boston Red Sox fan because, perhaps to my discredit, I take notice only when they make the playoffs, and do not contract even a mild bout of Sox Fever until they are in the World Series.

So I can’t speak for any hard-core Bosox devotees. But when the Red Sox won the championship for the first time in 86 years, I, too, felt the lifting of the curse. Now that they’ve repeated the feat twice, I no longer really care where they are in the standings. It’s now back to being just a game, and if the games are reasonably exciting and played with spirit, that’s all I ask.

If the Chicago Cubs win the World Series this year, maybe Cubs fans — the most loyal and longest suffering sports-team supporters in history — will attain a Buddha-like serenity, purged of more than a century of anxiety and disappointment. I hope so. They certainly deserve it. Go, Cubs!


Somerville, Mass.