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Clinton campaign has four times as much cash as Trump – election live FBI investigating newly found Clinton emails – campaign live
(35 minutes later)
6.44pm BST
Trump: “That being said, the rest of my speech is going to be so boring. Should I even give the speech?”
The crowd applauds.
6.44pm BST
Trump slams Clinton over new FBI inquiry
Trump takes the stage in New Hampshire and says that the FBI is “reopening the case into her criminal and illegal conduct that threatens the security of the United States of America.”
The crowd chants, “Lock her up!”
“We must not let her take her criminal” schemes to the White House.
I have great respect for the fact that the FBI and the department of justice are now willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made. This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American people fully understood. And it is everybody’s hope that it is about to be corrected.
So that is a big announcement that I heard 10 minutes ago.”
The crowd is cheering, excited.
at 6.45pm BST
6.38pm BST
Trump to visit Michigan on Monday – spokesman
Donald Trump will campaign in Michigan on Monday, where internal polls show a “dead heat,” according to Trump communications adviser Jason Miller in an interview. Trump’s internal polling operation is not known for its strength. Recent FEC reports showed the campaign spent just $1.8m on polling through September of this year, versus $3.2m on hats.
The Michigan city where Trump will campaign was not named, and no Michigan date yet appears on Trump’s schedule.
Miller spoke with WABC Radio Host Rita Cosby.
“For all of the talk of Hillary Clinton supposedly going on offense with Red States, she’s campaigning in Blue States, and we’re making a play for Blue States,” Miller said, inaccurately. In fact Clinton is campaigning in traditionally red-leaning and battleground states such as Arizona. “Both in New Mexico and in Michigan we’re showing dead heats in those states,” Miller said.
6.35pm BST
Retired lieutenant general Michael Flynn, who has been speaking at events just before Trump, is onstage now in Manchester, New Hampshire. We’re waiting for the candidate:
6.27pm BST
Reactions: FBI investigates new Clinton emails
I knew an October Surprise was Comey.
Stock market has dropped a fair bit from where it was a couple minutes ago...
Note: It is not yet 5 pm, (though it is in fact Friday)
Raises a lot of questions, like... What's the unrelated case?
FBI is totally rigged, corrupt, lock them up.Wait, what?FBI is doing a tremendous job. Big league.
6.17pm BST
FBI inquiry involves new emails; significance, time frame uncertain
Here are some transcripted excerpts (for legibility) from Comey’s letter to Congress:
“Due to recent developments, I am writing to supplement my previous testimony,” FBI director Comey writes.
“In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation... the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps...
“Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony.”
FBI Dir Comey letter to congressional committee chairs re discovery of "new emails...pertinent to the investigation"
6.13pm BST
FBI investigating new Clinton emails
After concluding an investigation earlier this year of Hillary Clinton’s email practices with a recommendation of no criminal charges in the matter, the FBI has
reopened the investigation
discovered new emails it will investigate.
NBC News has an FBI letter to Congress describing the development:
BIG: The FBI is reopening its investigation into @HillaryClinton's email server. Here's the letter from the FBI to Congress:
Update: the headline for this block has been changed. It’s unclear whether the investigation of the new emails represents a reopening of the previous emails investigation.
Clarifying: Comey doesn’t say the FBI is reopening the Clinton investigation per se, rather that it’s assessing newly found emails.
at 6.33pm BST
6.02pm BST6.02pm BST
Clinton's upcoming travel excludes likeliest path to victoryClinton's upcoming travel excludes likeliest path to victory
Clinton looks a lot like a candidate on offense:Clinton looks a lot like a candidate on offense:
@AlexNBCNews @mmurraypolitics The most interesting thing: None of those are must-win states for her to get to 270.@AlexNBCNews @mmurraypolitics The most interesting thing: None of those are must-win states for her to get to 270.
Excellent point on HRC's upcoming travel point on HRC's upcoming travel
Here’s a map of bad outcomes for Clinton that seem plausible in which she still wins the race. Give Trump New Hampshire and that last clause disappears.Here’s a map of bad outcomes for Clinton that seem plausible in which she still wins the race. Give Trump New Hampshire and that last clause disappears.
5.55pm BST5.55pm BST
Trump is late to his New Hampshire event. A man has just advised the crowd that Trump’s plane has just landed in New Hampshire. He’s supposed to hit Maine then Iowa after this. He better throttle up.Trump is late to his New Hampshire event. A man has just advised the crowd that Trump’s plane has just landed in New Hampshire. He’s supposed to hit Maine then Iowa after this. He better throttle up.
5.43pm BST5.43pm BST
Clinton to make play for ArizonaClinton to make play for Arizona
After campaigning in the swing state of Iowa today, Clinton and Trump will both set their sights on the battleground state of ... Arizona?After campaigning in the swing state of Iowa today, Clinton and Trump will both set their sights on the battleground state of ... Arizona?
Trump has announced a Phoenix event for tomorrow afternoon. Now Clinton says she’ll be in town next week. Arizona is always Republican in presidential years except when it’s before 1948 or Bill Clinton is running for reelection.Trump has announced a Phoenix event for tomorrow afternoon. Now Clinton says she’ll be in town next week. Arizona is always Republican in presidential years except when it’s before 1948 or Bill Clinton is running for reelection.
There’s not even a senate race there for Clinton to win, assuming that John McCain is as safe in reelection as he seems. Is she just trolling Trump? Or do the Clinton polls show Arizona to be as competitive as it seems it might be?There’s not even a senate race there for Clinton to win, assuming that John McCain is as safe in reelection as he seems. Is she just trolling Trump? Or do the Clinton polls show Arizona to be as competitive as it seems it might be?
Breaking -- Hillary Clinton will campaign in Arizona next weekBreaking -- Hillary Clinton will campaign in Arizona next week
The Clinton event will be in Phoenix on 2 November.The Clinton event will be in Phoenix on 2 November.
2016 Arizona President - Clinton 48%, Trump 46% (Saguaro Strategies 10/22-10/24) Arizona President - Clinton 48%, Trump 46% (Saguaro Strategies 10/22-10/24)
at 5.45pm BSTat 5.45pm BST
5.28pm BST5.28pm BST
We’re about to hear from Donald Trump in Manchester, New Hampshire:We’re about to hear from Donald Trump in Manchester, New Hampshire:
5.22pm BST5.22pm BST
Clinton piles on after GOP senator's racially charged debate remarksClinton piles on after GOP senator's racially charged debate remarks
Hillary Clinton lectures Republican senator Mark Kirk of Illinois that “it’s really not that hard to grasp” the service of the family oh his opponent, Representative Tammy Duckworth.Hillary Clinton lectures Republican senator Mark Kirk of Illinois that “it’s really not that hard to grasp” the service of the family oh his opponent, Representative Tammy Duckworth.
At a debate Thursday, Kirk seemed to suggest the Asian American heritage of congresswoman Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran, somehow diminished her family’s long service to the US.At a debate Thursday, Kirk seemed to suggest the Asian American heritage of congresswoman Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran, somehow diminished her family’s long service to the US.
“I had forgotten your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington,” Kirk said of Duckworth.“I had forgotten your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington,” Kirk said of Duckworth.
Thankful for @TammyforIL's—and her family's—service to this country. It's really not that hard to grasp, @MarkKirk. for @TammyforIL's—and her family's—service to this country. It's really not that hard to grasp, @MarkKirk.
Eleni Demertzis, spokesperson for the Kirk campaign, issued a statement Thursday:Eleni Demertzis, spokesperson for the Kirk campaign, issued a statement Thursday:
Senator Kirk has consistently called Representative Duckworth a war hero and honors her family’s service to this country. But that’s not what this debate was about. Representative Duckworth lied about her legal troubles, was unable to defend her failures at the VA and then falsely attacked Senator Kirk over his record on supporting gay rights.Senator Kirk has consistently called Representative Duckworth a war hero and honors her family’s service to this country. But that’s not what this debate was about. Representative Duckworth lied about her legal troubles, was unable to defend her failures at the VA and then falsely attacked Senator Kirk over his record on supporting gay rights.
Update: Kirk apologizes:Update: Kirk apologizes:
Sincere apologies to an American hero, Tammy Duckworth, and gratitude for her family's service. #ilsenSincere apologies to an American hero, Tammy Duckworth, and gratitude for her family's service. #ilsen
Read further:Read further:
My mom is an immigrant and my dad and his family have served this nation in uniform since the Revolution #ILSEN mom is an immigrant and my dad and his family have served this nation in uniform since the Revolution #ILSEN
at 5.25pm BSTat 5.25pm BST
4.46pm BST4.46pm BST
Donald Trump will hold a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, tomorrow, according to his updated schedule:Donald Trump will hold a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, tomorrow, according to his updated schedule:
Trump heads west heads west
Nine days before the election, the GOP nominee is stumping in Arizona. days before the election, the GOP nominee is stumping in Arizona.
4.41pm BST4.41pm BST
Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia’s most recent forecast features the legendary tossup states of Iowa and... Utah:Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia’s most recent forecast features the legendary tossup states of Iowa and... Utah:
#LATEST @LarrySabato's Crystal Ball Electoral Map (270 EV Needed):Clinton 352Trump 173Toss ups 13 @LarrySabato's Crystal Ball Electoral Map (270 EV Needed):Clinton 352Trump 173Toss ups 13
Maine’s second district is also a tossup in this formulation, while Nebraska’s second leans toward Clinton.Maine’s second district is also a tossup in this formulation, while Nebraska’s second leans toward Clinton.
4.25pm BST
Keeping an eye on Nevada:
@ralstonreports Is the cake mostly baked in NV cause of the early vote? (at least in the prez race...)
Not quite yet, but pretty close. If Democrats get up to 60,000 or so raw vote lead in Clark, which looks likely, bye bye Trump.
FWIW, we have Clinton winning in 95% of our simulations right now if she wins in Nevada.
This is really interesting. She is going to win NV unless a miracle occurs in last week of early voting. No Trump white flag. He's here Sun.
at 4.37pm BST
4.20pm BST
Trump walks back vow to spend $100m
It just became “we’ll see what’s needed.” But he’s going to write a $10m check to his campaign today, Trump tells Fox News. We’ll believe it when we see it.
We are within FEC's 48 hour contribution reporting period. We would know within 48 hours whether he's telling the truth or not.
(h/t @teddyschleifer)
at 4.26pm BST
4.18pm BST
Trump calls for support of House Republicans – after trashing them
The director of congressional outreach on the Trump campaign has asked House Republicans to publicly declare their support for the nominee and to CC: him on any social media posts or other outreach they do to that end, the Washington Post reports.
The call came after weeks of Trump publicly trashing Republicans in Congress, starting with the leadership. From the Trump campaign memo:
“That means we need your direct, strong support for the Trump/Pence ticket,” [outreach director Scott] Mason added. “Now is the time. No waffling, no week [sic] knees. Hillary Clinton has given us, and continues to give us — and the country — every reason on earth that she is not worthy of winning this election. We strongly urge you today to make a statement — take a stand — and step out for the Trump/Pence ticket.”
“Please cc me on any social media posts, tweets, releases, etc. We are anxious to share these with Mr. Trump. Thank you to those that have already done so,” concluded Mason. “We can win this thing. We need your help.”
Disloyal R's are far more difficult than Crooked Hillary. They come at you from all sides. They don’t know how to win - I will teach them!
Our very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty.
3.30pm BST
Examining a county map of early votes returned so far in Florida, we can see that early voting participation was especially strong in – looks like everywhere:
Florida early vote (mail & in-person) stats as of 10/28
At least 17 Million people have voted in the 2016 election as of the morning of 10/28
3.20pm BST
John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, gave up his email password to scammers out of a diligent attempt to protect his email password from scammers, Jamie Dupree writes in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Wikileaks reveals phishing email that was used to hack Podesta
What’s worse - two Clinton staffers apparently were fooled by the phishing scheme as well:
“This is a legitimate email,” wrote Charles Delavan, who is identified as a worker on the HFA (Hillary For America) Help Desk.
“The gmail one is REAL,” added Sara Latham, another employee with a email address.
3.00pm BST
Try our elections-movie quiz
Can you identify which movies these 10 fictional candidates are from? It’s multiple choice! Have a go:
2.55pm BST
Michelle Obama 'will never run for office' – Barack Obama
.@POTUS tells @RealSway on the radio that Michelle "will never run for office:"
And let all this go to waste?
2.46pm BST
Pence: 'the strength of this campaign is not dollars and cents'
The running mate of a guy running for president based on his supposed business acumen has explained away atrocious fundraising numbers with this line: “the strength of this campaign is not dollars and cents”:
Mike Pence downplays Clinton's campaign cash advantage, says he senses "real momentum" for GOP ticket:
The Trump campaign has argued that the polls do not reflect an invisible upswelling of support for the Trump candidacy – and now fundraising numbers don’t matter either.
Speaking with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly Thursday night, Trump accused the polls of “tremendous dishonesty”:
I think we’re winning, but Bill you look at some of these polls it’s absolutely ridiculous.
“AP treats me very badly and by the way ABC had me down at 12 which was ridiculous now I hear at ABC we’re down by very, very little because complaints were made by a lot of people. Now it’s much lower than that. How do you go from 12 down to 2 and three in a day or two? The only ones I really like are the ones that I’m winning. Bill, something is going on with the polls and what they do is called suppression.”
On whether he thinks speculation about where polls are fair can erode credibility in elections:
“I think it’s very unfair. Whether it’s polls for the debates where I won the debates or if it’s polls for something else. There’s tremendous dishonesty in the polls, I’ve never seen anything like it. Tremendous dishonesty.”
2.28pm BST
Clinton camp has four times as much cash as Trump
Hillary Clinton entered the final phase of her presidential bid with a resounding campaign cash advantage over Donald Trump, the AP reports.
New fundraising reports show her campaign and joint accounts with Democrats had $153 million in the bank as of last week. That’s more than double the $68 million Trump’s campaign and partnership committees had on hand. The Trump campaign itself has only $16 million cash on hand for the final two weeks of the campaign compared to $62 million for Clinton.
At this point in the election:Bush '00 had $22.3M leftBush '04 had $22.4MMcCain '08 had $21.3M Romney '12 had $52.7M Trump has $16M
Clinton’s continued fundraising advantage helps ensure the Democratic nominee can keep her sprawling political operation at full strength in the frantic final days of the race. She maintains a staff of more than 800 — several times larger than Trump’s — and has spent more on advertising than the Republican has every single week of the race.
Over the course of the primary and general elections, Clinton’s campaign has hauled in $513 million, roughly double what Trump’s has.
She outpaced him again in the first 19 days of October, the new reports show, when her campaign reaped $53 million as his brought in about $30 million.
While Trump, a New York businessman who says he is worth $10 billion, typically makes a personal contribution of about $2 million each month, he had not done so yet in October. The latest contribution reports, up to date as of Wednesday, show he had given only about $33,000.
A particularly rich stat from last night: Hillary Clinton self-funded her campaign ($50k) more in October than Donald Trump did ($30k.)
Trump said Wednesday, “I’m gonna be in for over $100m.”
Donald Trump tells @GStephanopoulos he's willing to pour millions more into his campaign before Election Day.
Anybody think he’s
sorry family newspaper anybody think he’s smokescreening?
If Trump were to honor his pledge to spend $100 million on his campaign, he would have to give $44 million in just TWENTY days.
1.41pm BST
Hello and welcome to our live-wire coverage of the 2016 race for the White House. Donald Trump is blitzing through three must-win (for him) states (or parts of states, at least) today. He begins in New Hampshire, proceeds to Maine’s second district (where, owing to unusual state rules, he might pick off one of its four electoral votes) and ends in Iowa.
Barack Obama heads back to Florida for Hillary Clinton today, while the candidate herself has two Iowa stops. Tim Kaine is in the Florida capital of Tallahassee, and Bill Clinton is making three stops in Pennsylvania.
Trump’s running mate Mike Pence has one event in Pennsylvania today and one in North Carolina. But it’s a great relief that Pence is going anywhere, after what happened to his plane last night.
Pence plane overshoots runway
Pence emerged unscathed after his plane skidded off the runway while landing at LaGuardia airport in New York in heavy rain.
The Boeing 737 carrying Trump’s running mate came in for a landing and went off the runway at about 7.40pm local time. The plane was stopped by a crushable type of concrete runway that halted the aircraft’s movement, the Federal Aviation Administration said, finally coming a standstill on an area of grass.
None of the estimated 30 people on board, including Pence’s wife Karen and daughter Charlotte, was injured. Flights out of LaGuardia were halted for at least an hour.
Pence pledged to hit the campaign trail again on Friday although he canceled his appearance at a fundraiser scheduled for Thursday night at Trump Tower in Manhattan, MSNBC reported.
So thankful everyone on our plane is safe. Grateful for our first responders & the concern & prayers of so many. Back on the trail tomorrow!
Read further from passengers aboard.
Senator makes racially charged remark at debate
A Republican senator struggling in his re-election race made a racially charged remark about his Democratic opponent in a debate last night.
Illinois senator Mark Kirk seemed to suggest the Asian American heritage of congresswoman Tammy Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran, somehow diminished her family’s long service to the US.
“I had forgotten your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington,” Kirk said of Duckworth.
The third-term congresswoman, who was born in Thailand, is the daughter of a Thai woman of Chinese descent and an American father who traced his roots to the Revolutionary War. Members of the Duckworth family have served in the American armed forces since the revolution.
Trump’s campaign manager gloated on Twitter. Kirk, who is trying to stay in office in a Democratic-leaning state in a presidential election year (when a lot of Chicago Democrats will turn out to vote against him), was one of the earliest Republican senators to begin criticizing Trump:
The same Mark Kirk that unendorsed his party's presidential nominee and called him out in paid ads? Gotcha. Good luck.
Read further.
Did Trump say ‘ghettoes’?
You be the judge:
Help me out there. Did Trump just say "we're going to work on our ghettos" before mentioning inner cities, violence and African Americans?
Thank you for reading and please join us in the comments.