Federal Judge Blocks Racial Discrimination Suit Against Airbnb


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SAN FRANCISCO — Airbnb on Tuesday avoided a potential class-action lawsuit by customers who accused hosts of racial discrimination when a federal judge ruled that the company’s arbitration policy prohibited its users from suing.

The case began this year when Gregory Selden, who is African-American, claimed that a host on Airbnb would not rent him a room because of his race. In May, Mr. Selden sued Airbnb, a short-term home rental company, for violating civil rights laws that forbid housing discrimination.

But on Tuesday, a federal judge said Mr. Selden needed to adhere to Airbnb’s user agreement, which says that disputes must be settled in private arbitration and that users waive their right to trial by jury or to participate in class-action lawsuits.

So long as arbitration provisions are made known to consumers, they are “enforceable, in commercial disputes and discrimination cases alike,” Judge Christopher R. Cooper of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia wrote in his ruling.

The decision makes it unlikely that Airbnb will be embroiled in a drawn-out legal battle over whether the company is responsible when hosts discriminate against guests based on their race, religion, gender or other factors.

Mr. Selden plans to appeal the judge’s decision, said his lawyer, Ikechukwu Emejuru.

“By placing Mr. Selden’s claims into arbitration, a consumer’s constitutional right to a jury trial and access to the courts of law continues to be whittled down gradually but surely,” Mr. Emejuru said in a statement.

Airbnb has been grappling with the issue of discrimination on its service for months. Last December, a working paper by Harvard University researchers found it was harder for guests with African-American-sounding names to rent rooms through the site.

While it is illegal for hotels to turn away guests based on their race or other factors, Airbnb hosts have typically had more leeway in terms of whom to rent to. The company has worked to narrow that wiggle room. In September, it took several actions to combat discrimination, including requiring hosts to agree to a “community commitment” starting on Nov. 1 and hewing to a new nondiscrimination policy.

“We have launched an aggressive effort to ensure our platform is fair for everyone, and we will continue to work as hard as we know how to fight bias,” Airbnb said in a statement.