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A Trump Lie on Illegal Voters Leads to a Promise to Investigate Voting Rolls Trump Embraces Conspiracy Theorist to Promote Illegal Vote Claim
(about 1 hour later)
A Trump lie about millions of illegal voters has morphed into a promise to investigate the nation’s voter rolls, and Democrats are very worried. President Trump latches on to conspiracy theorist to promote his lie that millions of illegal immigrants gave Hillary Clinton her popular vote victory.
Philadelphia’s mayor did not take kindly to President Trump’s false assertion that his city’s murder rate is “terribly increasing.” A Trump lie on illegal voting has morphed into a promise to investigate the nation’s voter rolls, and Democrats are very worried.
The Trump administration pulled back Affordable Care Act enrollment ads, determined to cripple the health law. Philadelphia’s mayor did not take kindly to Mr. Trump’s false assertion that his city’s murder rate is “terribly increasing.”
President Trump’s fallacious argument that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million because of illegal immigrant ballots started as the stuff of wonderment and ridicule. Mr. Trump is just not going to give up his claim that 3 million to 5 million illegal immigrants voted for Hillary Clinton, and he’s grasping for evidence.
On Friday morning, he looked to VoteStand, which calls itself “America’s first online fraud reporting app” for the smartphone but does not appear to actually exist beyond the Twitter account of its founder, Gregg Phillips.
Mr. Phillips began pressing his case that 3 million illegal votes were cast shortly after Election Day in November, but pressed repeatedly, Mr. Phillips has never produced any evidence. As the debunking site wrote:
Mr. Phillips has been adamant on Twitter of course.
But as PolitiFact wrote, “There is no report.”
Mr. Trump is not convinced.
Mr. Trump’s fallacious argument that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million because of illegal immigrant ballots started as the stuff of wonderment and ridicule.
Now that the Trump administration has shifted to an investigation of the voter rolls, things have gotten serious.Now that the Trump administration has shifted to an investigation of the voter rolls, things have gotten serious.
Democrats appear to be girding for battle, but if, as is likely, Senator Jeff Sessions, a conservative Alabaman, is the attorney general, it does not appear to be a fight that the minority can win. The fear is that the hunt for illegal voters will become a pretext to tighten ballot access requirements nationwide and bar many minority voters who tend to side with the Democrats.Democrats appear to be girding for battle, but if, as is likely, Senator Jeff Sessions, a conservative Alabaman, is the attorney general, it does not appear to be a fight that the minority can win. The fear is that the hunt for illegal voters will become a pretext to tighten ballot access requirements nationwide and bar many minority voters who tend to side with the Democrats.
Even moderate Democrats are alarmed.Even moderate Democrats are alarmed.
Mr. Trump traveled to the City of Brotherly Love on Thursday to decry Philadelphia’s rising murder rate — “I mean, just terribly increasing.”Mr. Trump traveled to the City of Brotherly Love on Thursday to decry Philadelphia’s rising murder rate — “I mean, just terribly increasing.”
But it isn’t.But it isn’t.
Last year’s 277 homicides was down from 280 in 2015. That is up from 2014, when 248 were murdered, and in 2013, when 246 were killed. But recent years are markedly down from 2007 to 2012 when Philadelphia had more than 300 killings, 391 in 2007 alone.Last year’s 277 homicides was down from 280 in 2015. That is up from 2014, when 248 were murdered, and in 2013, when 246 were killed. But recent years are markedly down from 2007 to 2012 when Philadelphia had more than 300 killings, 391 in 2007 alone.
“President Trump’s false statements today were an insult to the men and women of the Philadelphia police force — the very same men and women who are working long hours today to ensure his safety,” Mayor Jim Kenney said in a statement Thursday.“President Trump’s false statements today were an insult to the men and women of the Philadelphia police force — the very same men and women who are working long hours today to ensure his safety,” Mayor Jim Kenney said in a statement Thursday.
Of course, in the era of alternative facts, Mayor Kenney may be spitting in the wind.Of course, in the era of alternative facts, Mayor Kenney may be spitting in the wind.
The Trump administration’s decision to drop advertisements encouraging people to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act was greeted with anger and alarm by supporters of the law and a recognition that President Trump wants the law crippled. Mr. Trump’s orders on immigration enforcement and a border wall, his casual suggestion of a 20 percent tariff on imports from Mexico and his Twitter salvos precipitated something of a diplomatic crisis with America’s neighbor to the south.
But the president isn’t done yet. Contrition and diplomacy are just not his thing.
The Trump administration’s decision to drop advertisements encouraging people to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act was greeted with anger and alarm by supporters of the law — and a recognition that Mr. Trump wants the law crippled.
“This is sabotage, pure and simple,” fumed Leslie Dach, a senior official in President Barack Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services who now heads a coalition to save the law. “This proves that this administration doesn’t care about people who need health coverage. And it clearly shows that they now own the consequences of their efforts to undermine the health care system.”“This is sabotage, pure and simple,” fumed Leslie Dach, a senior official in President Barack Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services who now heads a coalition to save the law. “This proves that this administration doesn’t care about people who need health coverage. And it clearly shows that they now own the consequences of their efforts to undermine the health care system.”
The ads were to have run only for a few more days, until the annual open enrollment period ends on Tuesday. In the past few years, large numbers of consumers signed up just before the deadline. The ads were to have run only for a few more days, until the annual open enrollment period ends on Tuesday. In the last few years, large numbers of consumers signed up just before the deadline.
But Mr. Trump and Republicans in Congress are determined to repeal Mr. Obama’s signature domestic achievement.But Mr. Trump and Republicans in Congress are determined to repeal Mr. Obama’s signature domestic achievement.
Since Nov. 1, more than 11.5 million people have signed up for insurance or had their coverage automatically renewed. And when the enrollment period ends, it’s anyone’s guess who will announce the total number of people who would lose their insurance if the law is repealed.Since Nov. 1, more than 11.5 million people have signed up for insurance or had their coverage automatically renewed. And when the enrollment period ends, it’s anyone’s guess who will announce the total number of people who would lose their insurance if the law is repealed.
President Trump’s decision to withdraw America’s name from the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership was hailed on the left and the right — and in Beijing. Mr. Trump’s decision to withdraw America’s name from the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership was hailed on the left and the right — and in Beijing.
Now China and Germany are talking about expanding trade ties between the world’s second largest economy and Europe’s first, says Bloomberg News.Now China and Germany are talking about expanding trade ties between the world’s second largest economy and Europe’s first, says Bloomberg News.
Former President Barack Obama had tried to sell the largest regional trade accord in history as a geopolitical necessity to tie the United States to Asia and stand against the rising economic might of China, which was not party to the deal. China was pursuing its own trade deals, with considerably lower standards for labor rights, environmental protection and intellectual property controls. Mr. Obama had tried to sell the largest regional trade accord in history as a geopolitical necessity to tie the United States to Asia and stand against the rising economic might of China, which was not party to the deal. China was pursuing its own trade deals, with considerably lower standards for labor rights, environmental protection and intellectual property controls.
With Washington out, Beijing has an open lane, and China’s leaders appear to be running down it at full tilt.With Washington out, Beijing has an open lane, and China’s leaders appear to be running down it at full tilt.
Big city mayors across the country have vowed to resist Mr. Trump’s proclamation that they cooperate with his drive to find and deport unauthorized immigrants or risk losing federal assistance.Big city mayors across the country have vowed to resist Mr. Trump’s proclamation that they cooperate with his drive to find and deport unauthorized immigrants or risk losing federal assistance.
But Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez has decided his city will no longer be a sanctuary.But Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez has decided his city will no longer be a sanctuary.
The president appears to be thrilled.The president appears to be thrilled.
Representative Adam Kinzinger, Republican of Illinois, has called for House leaders to condemn the recent meeting between Representative Tulsi Gabbard, Democrat of Hawaii, and President Bashar al-Assad of Syria.Representative Adam Kinzinger, Republican of Illinois, has called for House leaders to condemn the recent meeting between Representative Tulsi Gabbard, Democrat of Hawaii, and President Bashar al-Assad of Syria.
There was a strong undercurrent of betrayal to Mr. Kinzinger’s criticism of Ms. Gabbard, who serves with him on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The two Iraq war veterans have often worked together on behalf of veterans issues and used to argue side-by-side against the Obama administration’s approach to ISIS.There was a strong undercurrent of betrayal to Mr. Kinzinger’s criticism of Ms. Gabbard, who serves with him on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The two Iraq war veterans have often worked together on behalf of veterans issues and used to argue side-by-side against the Obama administration’s approach to ISIS.
“In no way should any government official ever travel to meet with a guy that has killed 500,000 people and 50,000 children,” Mr. Kinzinger told reporters gathered in Philadelphia for a congressional Republican retreat.“In no way should any government official ever travel to meet with a guy that has killed 500,000 people and 50,000 children,” Mr. Kinzinger told reporters gathered in Philadelphia for a congressional Republican retreat.
Ms. Gabbard confirmed Wednesday that she had taken a recent, weeklong trip to Damascus and Aleppo, as well as Beirut, describing it as a fact-finding mission “to see and hear firsthand the impact of the war in Syria directly from the Syrian people.” She went on to refer to the rebels being armed and assisted by the United States as “terrorists.”Ms. Gabbard confirmed Wednesday that she had taken a recent, weeklong trip to Damascus and Aleppo, as well as Beirut, describing it as a fact-finding mission “to see and hear firsthand the impact of the war in Syria directly from the Syrian people.” She went on to refer to the rebels being armed and assisted by the United States as “terrorists.”
Ms. Gabbard also verified she had met with Mr. Assad, mentioning him briefly in a list of leaders and dignitaries. She said the House Ethics Committee had approved the trip, which she added was sponsored by the Arab American Community Center for Economic and Social Services of Ohio.Ms. Gabbard also verified she had met with Mr. Assad, mentioning him briefly in a list of leaders and dignitaries. She said the House Ethics Committee had approved the trip, which she added was sponsored by the Arab American Community Center for Economic and Social Services of Ohio.
Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader, seemed displeased when asked about it, repeating three times, in clipped tones, that she had not seen Ms. Gabbard.Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader, seemed displeased when asked about it, repeating three times, in clipped tones, that she had not seen Ms. Gabbard.
But with Mr. Trump in the White House, and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia vouching for Mr. Assad, attitudes might be shifting in Washington.But with Mr. Trump in the White House, and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia vouching for Mr. Assad, attitudes might be shifting in Washington.
The leading candidate to be the Pentagon’s new spokesman is John Ullyot, a former Marine Corps intelligence officer and veteran of Capitol Hill.The leading candidate to be the Pentagon’s new spokesman is John Ullyot, a former Marine Corps intelligence officer and veteran of Capitol Hill.
Mr. Ullyot served as spokesman and deputy chief of staff for two Republican senators, John W. Warner of Virginia and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, and as spokesman for the Senate Armed Services Committee from 2003 to 2007.Mr. Ullyot served as spokesman and deputy chief of staff for two Republican senators, John W. Warner of Virginia and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, and as spokesman for the Senate Armed Services Committee from 2003 to 2007.