Beyond Michael Flynn: Calls for an Inquiry

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To the Editor:

Re “Trump Aides Had Contact With Russian Intelligence” (front page, Feb. 15):

Consider: Serious allegations about deep involvement by a hostile foreign power in the 2016 presidential election that may have tipped the result. Campaign officials of the winning candidate allegedly in repeated contact with Russian officials. An F.B.I. director accused of covering up an investigation of the matter during the campaign. An attorney general who refuses to recuse himself from any Russia inquiries.

If there’s ever been a time for an independent counsel or special prosecutor, it’s now. The allegations go to the heart of American democracy.

If the charges are, as President Trump claims, “nonsense,” then an independent investigation will vindicate him and his campaign. If not, then not.

If the administration refuses to create an independent counsel, then Congress must accept its constitutional responsibility and act now.


Bennington, Vt.

To the Editor:

Re “Democrats Want Inquiry as G.O.P. Concern Grows” (news article, Feb. 15):

With the exception of a few senators such as John McCain and Lindsey Graham, Republicans are proving shockingly unconcerned about the notion of Russia’s compromising our national security. Why are they still hedging and hesitating?

This is no longer a partisan issue. This is about preserving our way of life and our democracy. They know better. The average person off the street — if properly educated on the topic — would show more integrity and alarm.



To the Editor:

Re “The Missing Pieces in the Flynn Story” (editorial, Feb. 15):

In 2014 Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn was forced out as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. During the election campaign he repeated false rumors linking Hillary Clinton to a child sex ring.

Yet, despite this, President Trump picked him as national security adviser. In late January, informed of Mr. Flynn’s taped discussions with Russian intelligence officials during the transition, the president continued to allow Mr. Flynn to attend security meetings at the White House and elected not to inform Vice President Mike Pence that Mr. Flynn had lied to him.

Forget Michael Flynn. What does this tell us about the judgment of the president?


New York

To the Editor:

Re “ ‘Eroding Level of Trust’ Led to Flynn’s Rapid Fall” (front page, Feb. 15):

You write, “Mr. Pence, Mr. Priebus and Mr. Bannon urged Mr. Trump to fire the national security adviser, according to officials, but the president could not bring himself to do it, in part for fear of losing face.”

Excuse me, but this is the same man whose main claim to fame was to go on TV each week and snarl “You’re fired!” to some hapless “apprentice.” Since he has filled his cabinet and senior staff with so many equally hapless apprentices, he’d better get used to relying on his most prominent skill.


Princeton, N.J.

To the Editor:

Re “Trump Deserves Flynn” (column, Feb. 15):

As Frank Bruni writes, many of those who voted for President Trump did so in the belief that his business experience gave him the managerial skills to lead the country. But an astonishing level of incompetence, incoherence and infighting has marked his first weeks in office.

Perhaps a similar lack of executive skills was also true of the way he ran his businesses, but, as a privately held organization, they were out of sight and hidden behind his self-aggrandizing puffery. Now he is in a fish bowl where it is impossible to hide them.


New York