High Road for Democrats


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To the Editor:

I was dismayed to read Sarah Binder’s Op-Ed essay “A Game Plan for Senate Democrats” (Feb. 10). Although Professor Binder offers an insightful look at legislative tactics, ranging from poison pill amendments to procedural rules to block votes, the end game of this strategy seems to be “gridlock 101.”

As an environmental and clean energy advocate for many years, I have found that politics commonly trumps the substance of the issue. Put another way, our elected leaders often put a higher priority on “preventing a win” for the other party than doing what’s right for their country and their constituents.

As much as I’m concerned about the priorities currently being put forward, I would urge Democratic leaders to take the high road; indeed, some of the more extreme positions of the Trump administration could create alignment with Republicans. In the last eight years, we have lost countless opportunities to make our country better because of partisanship.

Someone needs to break this cycle, and Democrats should seize the moment. It won’t be easy, there are important issues at stake and the tension of the political discourse is at an all-time high, but these are the moments when true leaders step forward.

A strong economy, national security and a healthy environment are common ground for Democrats and Republicans. Our first priority should be to work toward our mutual goals — not defaulting to gridlock. As President Obama said after the election, “we have to remember that we’re actually all on one team.”


Ipswich, Mass.