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Blair urges 'fight for Scotland' Blair urges 'fight for Scotland'
(about 1 hour later)
The prime minister has told his party it must fight to defend the running of Scotland from the Nationalists. Tony Blair has urged Labour to defend Scotland from the "constitutional nightmare" of an SNP government.
Tony Blair was addressing his last Scottish Labour conference in Oban, where he urged activists to redouble their efforts against the SNP. The prime minister was addressing his last Scottish party conference in Oban, where he told activists to redouble their efforts against the Nationalists.
He said that without Labour, Scotland would never have seen the success it had over the past 10 years.He said that without Labour, Scotland would never have seen the success it had over the past 10 years.
However, the SNP said Mr Blair was "a crushing liability" for his party's Holyrood election campaign.However, the SNP said Mr Blair was "a crushing liability" for his party's Holyrood election campaign.
Mr Blair led the attack on independence in his speech while First Minister Jack McConnell will use his address to concentrate on his own policy agenda. Mr Blair led the attack on independence in his speech while First Minister Jack McConnell will use his address on Saturday to concentrate on his own policy agenda.
BBC Scotland political editor Brian Taylor said: "This will be Tony Blair's last Scottish Labour conference as party leader. The reason I detest this narrow nationalism is not because it engenders fear, but because it squanders hope Tony BlairPrime Minister
This will be a working conference. A weekend to decide the basis of the policies that will make the lives of Scots better Jack McConnellFirst Minister The prime minister warned against a "constitutional nightmare" where the UK turns in on itself.
"Some still hope he might hasten his departure - to clear the air before the Holyrood elections in May. He stressed that the choice in next May's election would be between a Labour government or an SNP one which plans to introduce an independence bill within 100 days.
"Some London Labour figures are fretting that the Scottish party isn't tough enough on the SNP, but Mr McConnell's aides insist that he has a clear strategy, building to direct confrontation in the run-up to the election." Mr Blair told party members: "Already they are publishing plans for separation - separate currency, separate pensions and social security systems, leaving Nato."
The first minister is to use the conference to stress that Scottish Labour should be confident going into the next election. He went on: "The fact they are saying it and with utter precision shows they are deadly serious and would do it."
His speech will highlight growth in the economy, reductions in hospital waiting times, cutting crime, improving education, creating employment and tackling poverty. The choice for voters was portrayed by Mr Blair as between "the basest metal of politics, the politics of grievance" and "the politics of progress".
Mr McConnell will tell delegates: "Labour in the Scottish Parliament has already delivered so much. "The reason I detest this narrow nationalism is not because it engenders fear, but because it squanders hope," he said.
Rallying the faithful for the coming election campaign, he urged delegates to go out with the message that Labour had delivered for Scotland as part of the United Kingdom.
This failing, discredited prime minister is now on his last legs Alex SalmondSNP leaderThis failing, discredited prime minister is now on his last legs Alex SalmondSNP leader
"From the smoking ban to tough action on anti-social behaviour, from growing Scotland's economy to the massive investment in schools, Labour has improved Scotland. But we are ambitious for more.
"So this will be a working conference. A weekend to decide the basis of the policies that will make the lives of Scots better.
"No glitz, nor triumphalism. No taking the Scottish people for granted. Just hard work."
Before Mr Blair made his speech, the SNP published details of a poll it had commissioned from YouGov.
Political legacyPolitical legacy
Before Mr Blair made his speech, the SNP published details of a poll it had commissioned from YouGov.
It asked 1,034 people whether they would be more or less likely to vote for Labour if Mr Blair was still prime minister at the time of the Holyrood vote.It asked 1,034 people whether they would be more or less likely to vote for Labour if Mr Blair was still prime minister at the time of the Holyrood vote.
The SNP said 24% said they would be less likely to vote Labour, 7% would be more likely to vote Labour and 60% said it would make no difference.The SNP said 24% said they would be less likely to vote Labour, 7% would be more likely to vote Labour and 60% said it would make no difference.
SNP leader Alex Salmond said: "This failing, discredited prime minister is now on his last legs.SNP leader Alex Salmond said: "This failing, discredited prime minister is now on his last legs.
"These new figures show that his political legacy may be playing a key part in losing the 2007 Scottish election for the Labour Party.""These new figures show that his political legacy may be playing a key part in losing the 2007 Scottish election for the Labour Party."