UK GDP: Britain's growth expected to weaken; France's economy slows - business live

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8.23am BST


It’s worth remembering that the UK’s economy has actually held up pretty well since the EU referendum.

GDP rose by 0.5% in July-September last year, accelerating to 0.7% in October-December, dashing forecasts that a Brexit vote would quickly trigger a recession.

On a longer-term basis, Britain’s economy has already posted 16 quarter of growth in a row. Unless today’s report is a real shocker, that should become 17 quarters.....

8.06am BST


Breaking! Spain has shown Britain how it’s done, by reporting strong growth figures for the last three months.

Spanish GDP expanded by a punchy 0.8% in Q1, ahead of expectations, and extending its recent recovery.

On an annual basis, Spain grew by 3.0%.

#Spain #GDP Growth Rate year-on-year Flash at 3%

8.00am BST


Why today's UK GDP report really matters

Today’s UK growth figures, due at 9.30am, are significant for several reasons.

First, they’re the most important economic data to be released before the general election on June 8th. So a strong GDP report would bolster the Conservative Party.

But... Economists are expecting that growth slowed to its lowest rate in 12 months -- to around 0.4% to 0.5%, from 0.7% in the fourth quarter.

So if the GDP report is disappointing, opposition parties should be able to land some blows on the government.

Secondly, there’s Brexit. These figures will cover the three months before Theresa May triggered Article 50. Crucially, they also cover the period when the PM gave her Lancaster House speech, committing to leave the single market. Will that have dented business confidence? And has rising inflation, due to the slump in sterling last year, started to hurt consumers?

Thirdly, there’s the impact on the markets. The pound has quietly been recovering in recent weeks, back up to $1.29 against the US dollar from just $1.21 in mid-March. If GDP misses forecasts, then the pound may get tonked.

Analysts at RBC Capital Markets have predicted that growth fell to 0.4%, setting the UK up for a year of slower growth.

Even with the expectation of activity recovering in March, the broader narrative remains that we look for GDP growth to slow in 2017.

7.57am BST


Here’s a good chart from the FT, showing how France’s growth has fallen back:

France's economy loses momentum at the start of 2017, with GDP growth falling to 0.3% in the first quarter

7.31am BST


There’s a flurry of banking news this morning too.

Royal Bank of Scotland, which is majority-owned by the UK taxpayer, has posted its first quarterly profit since 2015. It made £259m in the three months to March, beating forecasts.

Barclays has announced plans to hire 2,000 extra staff over the next few years, as part of a new push into technology. Can Fintech help to replace City jobs lost due to Brexit?

And not to be outdone, the government has cut its stake in Lloyds Banking Group to just 0.89% - more than eight years after taxpayers bailing it out.

Gvt stake in Lloyds now down below 1% - contrast with 73% stake in RBS which has reported first quarterly profit since 2015 today

7.23am BST


UK house price growth hits four-year low

We’ve just learned that the slowdown in Britain’s housing market is gathering pace -- another sign that the economy may be losing momentum.

Nationwide has reported that prices FELL in April for the second month running (on a seasonally adjusted basis). And on an annual basis, prices only rose by 2.6% - the slowest rate of increase since June 2013.

Robert Gardner, Nationwide’s Chief Economist, says it may be due to rising inflation, which is driving down real incomes.

Also, prices may simply have risen too high, Gardner adds:

“There may also be more fundamental reasons for the slowdown. House price growth has been outstripping earnings growth for a sustained period of time, steadily eroding affordability on a number of metrics. For example, the typical house price is currently 6.1 times average earnings, well above the long run average of 4.3 times earnings, and close to the all-time high of 6.4 times recorded in 2007.

7.09am BST


France’s economy was dragged back by disappointing trade figures (because exports fell while imports rose).

This breakdown of the GDP figures shows how net trade (commerce exterieur) was negative for growth.

INSEE explains:

Foreign trade weighs on growth

Exports decreased in the first quarter of 2017 (-0.7% after + 1.4%), particularly in transport equipment. At the same time, imports accelerated (+ 1.5% after + 0.8%). In particular, purchases of refined petroleum products are rebounding and those of other industrial products are growing more vigorously. Overall, foreign trade weighed on growth, at -0.7 point, after a contribution of +0.2 point the previous quarter.

Q1 #French #GDP #growth limited to 0.3% q/q as net trade sharply negative. Consumer spending only edged up 0.1% q/q as energy demand weak (1


at 7.10am BST

6.58am BST


Bert Colijn, senior colleague at ING Bank, says the French growth figures are a disappointment:

#French Q1 GDP growth disappoints somewhat at 0.3% QoQ compared to 0.4% expected. Maybe soft indicators were too optimistic? Spain due at 9.

Fred Ducrozet of Swiss bank Pictet agrees, but is encouraged that French businesses are investing more in new equipment and buildings.

French GDP breakdown encouraging tho. Consumption slows (+0.1% QoQ), but capex picks up strongly again (+0.9% QoQ).

French GDP: a huge potential if the next government provides companies with visibility and (fiscal) stability.

6.53am BST


French GDP disappoints with 0.3% growth

Breaking: France’s economy grew slower than expected in the first three months of this year.

French GDP expanded by just 0.3%, missing the 0.4% which economists had predicted.

It’s not all bad news, though - INSEE, the stats body, has revised growth in the last quarter of 2016 up to 0.5%, from 0.4%.

French consumers dragged growth back; household spending slowed to just 0.1%.

Business investment jumped, though, to +0.9% from 0.6% -- an encouraging sign.

But...exports fell sharply (-0.7% from + 1.4%) while imports accelerated (+ 1.5% from +0.8%).


at 7.04am BST

6.41am BST


The agenda: A bonanza of growth figures

Good morning.

We’re about to get a deluge of economic data that will show how some of the world’s largest economies have performed in 2017.

Growth figures from Britain, America, France and Spain are all being released over the next seven hours. And for different reasons, they should all be fascinating.

Britain’s GDP report will be pored over for signs that Brexit is hurting the economy. Economists expect growth to have slowed in January-March to around 0.4% to 0.5%, down from 0.7% in October-December 2016.

France’s figures will highlight the scale of the challenge facing either Emmanuel Macron or Marine Le Pen.

Spain’s data will show whether the eurozone’s battered periphery is still recovering....

First batch of EZ Q1 GDP numbers out today. I fear a big hit from net trade in France, don't tell Le Pen ;). Spain? 0.7%-to-0.8% as usual?

And America’s growth figures are the first school report since Donald Trump became US president. And the bad news is that economists predict a slowdown, as consumers cut back.

Frugal U.S. consumers seen holding back first-quarter GDP

Here’s the timings:

France: Just released

Spain: 8am BST

UK: 9.30am BST

United States: 1.30pm BST

It’s also going to be a busy morning in the banking sector, with Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland reporting results...


at 6.45am BST