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James Comey firing: FBI director's dismissal rocks Washington – live James Comey firing: FBI director's dismissal rocks Washington – live
(35 minutes later)
4.52pm BST
Comey had requested resources for Russian inquiry – NY Times
The New York Times reports that “days before he was fired,” Comey “asked the Justice Department for a significant increase in money and personnel for the bureau’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the presidential election, according to three officials with knowledge of his request.”
From the Times report:
Mr. Comey asked for the resources during a meeting last week with Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general who wrote the Justice Department’s memo that was used to justify the firing of the F.B.I. director this week.
Mr. Comey then briefed members of Congress on the meeting in recent days.
4.49pm BST
Here’s video of the Trump response on Comey:
NEW: Pres. Trump when asked why he fired FBI Director Comey: “Because he wasn’t doing a good job. Very simple, he was not doing a good job”
4.47pm BST
Guardian world affairs editor Julian Borger is waiting on Lavrov at the Russian embassy:
Lavrov just about to start presser at Russian Embassy
4.43pm BST
Here’s a report from the White House press pool on the scene they discovered when they entered the Oval Office expecting to find Sergei Lavrov and instead found Henry Kissinger.
Q: Mr. President, why did you fire Director Comey?
TRUMP: “He wasn’t doing a good job. Very simply. He was not doing a good job.”
Q: Did it affect your meeting with the Russians today?
TRUMP: “Not at all.”
Trump did not respond when asked if the new FBI director will be in charge of the Russia investigation.
4.41pm BST
Burr opposes special prosecutor
Republicans are falling in behind the McConnell line: there’s no need for a special prosecutor. That includes North Carolina senator Richard Burr, who heads the intelligence committee, AP reports:
The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee says there’s no need for a special prosecutor to investigate Russia’s ties to the Trump campaign in the wake of the firing of the FBI director.
Burr says his committee has the jurisdiction and responsibility to continue its Russia investigation and “we are going to do that.”
However Burr reiterated questions about President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey. “The timing of this and the reasoning for it doesn’t make sense to me.”
And, Burr said that the firing “made our task a little more difficult but it didn’t make it impossible so we’ll continue.”
Burr said he spoke to Trump but wouldn’t detail the exchange. He said they didn’t discuss his committee’s investigation
4.38pm BST
Henry Kissinger, what have you done with Sergei Lavrov?
Pool brought into the Oval. It's Trump and ... Kissinger.
4.36pm BST
Trump on Comey: 'he was not doing a good job'
WASHINGTON (AP) — Trump on decision to fire James Comey as FBI director: 'He was not doing a good job'
Trump just offered his first public comments on firing Comey while meeting with Henry Kissinger in the Oval Office
4.18pm BST4.18pm BST
Oh, Kislyak was there too, Moscow informs us:Oh, Kislyak was there too, Moscow informs us:
Ambassador Kislyak and President Trump / Посол С.Кисляк и Президент Д.Трамп Kislyak and President Trump / Посол С.Кисляк и Президент Д.Трамп
4.13pm BST4.13pm BST
The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel compares Republicans’ reactions to the Comey firing to their reactions to the Trump “grab ’em by the pussy” audio. Outrage followed by silence.The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel compares Republicans’ reactions to the Comey firing to their reactions to the Trump “grab ’em by the pussy” audio. Outrage followed by silence.
For all the attention on Rs with Comey questions, the story is most of the GOP and conservative media closing ranks. all the attention on Rs with Comey questions, the story is most of the GOP and conservative media closing ranks.
Reminiscent of the “Access Hollywood” fallout — lots of attention on Trump critics, who eventually shrugged it off. of the “Access Hollywood” fallout — lots of attention on Trump critics, who eventually shrugged it off.
4.06pm BST4.06pm BST
Moscow releases photo of Lavrov-Trump meetingMoscow releases photo of Lavrov-Trump meeting
#Lavrov - @realDonaldTrump meeting has just started | В Овальном кабинете началась встреча С.Лаврова с Д.Трампом#RussiaUSA #РоссияСША - @realDonaldTrump meeting has just started | В Овальном кабинете началась встреча С.Лаврова с Д.Трампом#RussiaUSA #РоссияСША
First photo of this meeting, which was closed to the press, comes from the Russian government. photo of this meeting, which was closed to the press, comes from the Russian government.
4.04pm BST4.04pm BST
Pence: 'right decision, right time'Pence: 'right decision, right time'
Pence walking through the Capitol responds to questions about Comey firing: "Right decision, right time."Pence walking through the Capitol responds to questions about Comey firing: "Right decision, right time."
4.02pm BST4.02pm BST
Here’s further reaction, from centrist Republican senator Rob Portman, who asks for a “fuller explanation regarding the president’s rationale”:Here’s further reaction, from centrist Republican senator Rob Portman, who asks for a “fuller explanation regarding the president’s rationale”:
I want to thank Director Comey for his service to our country. Regardless of his handling of the Clinton email matter during the presidential election last year — for which both parties had questions and concerns — he has always done what he believed was in the best interest of the country. Given the timing and circumstances of the decision, I believe the White House should provide a fuller explanation regarding the president’s rationale. The American people must have faith in a strong, independent FBI. I’m concerned about eroding trust in this premier law enforcement agency. It is important that whoever is nominated to succeed Director Comey is a highly-qualified and respected leader who will provide a fresh start for the bureau.I want to thank Director Comey for his service to our country. Regardless of his handling of the Clinton email matter during the presidential election last year — for which both parties had questions and concerns — he has always done what he believed was in the best interest of the country. Given the timing and circumstances of the decision, I believe the White House should provide a fuller explanation regarding the president’s rationale. The American people must have faith in a strong, independent FBI. I’m concerned about eroding trust in this premier law enforcement agency. It is important that whoever is nominated to succeed Director Comey is a highly-qualified and respected leader who will provide a fresh start for the bureau.
And here is part of a transcript of majority leader McConnell’s remarks earlier on the senate floor. He accuses Democrats of playing politics:And here is part of a transcript of majority leader McConnell’s remarks earlier on the senate floor. He accuses Democrats of playing politics:
So what we have now, Mr. President, is our Democratic colleagues complaining about the removal of an FBI Director whom they themselves repeatedly and sharply criticized, by a man, Rod Rosenstein, whom they repeatedly and effusively praised — when Mr. Rosenstein recommended Mr. Comey’s removal for many of the very reasons they have complained about.So what we have now, Mr. President, is our Democratic colleagues complaining about the removal of an FBI Director whom they themselves repeatedly and sharply criticized, by a man, Rod Rosenstein, whom they repeatedly and effusively praised — when Mr. Rosenstein recommended Mr. Comey’s removal for many of the very reasons they have complained about.
McConnell also opposes “a new investigation,” ie a special prosecutor, and voices support for Rosenstein:McConnell also opposes “a new investigation,” ie a special prosecutor, and voices support for Rosenstein:
Two investigations are currently ongoing: the Senate Intelligence Committee’s review of Russian active measures and intelligence activities, and the FBI investigation disclosed by Director Comey. Today we will no doubt hear calls for a new investigation which could only serve to impede the current work being done to not only discover what the Russians may have done, but also to let this body and the national security community to develop the countermeasures and warfighting doctrine to see that it doesn’t occur again. Partisan calls should not delay the considerable work of Chairman Burr and Vice Chairman Warner — too much is at stake.Two investigations are currently ongoing: the Senate Intelligence Committee’s review of Russian active measures and intelligence activities, and the FBI investigation disclosed by Director Comey. Today we will no doubt hear calls for a new investigation which could only serve to impede the current work being done to not only discover what the Russians may have done, but also to let this body and the national security community to develop the countermeasures and warfighting doctrine to see that it doesn’t occur again. Partisan calls should not delay the considerable work of Chairman Burr and Vice Chairman Warner — too much is at stake.
Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein was just confirmed on a bipartisan basis — 94 to 6 — and that sort of fair consideration should continue when the Senate receives an FBI Director nominee. As I said yesterday, once the Senate receives a nomination to fill this position, we will all look forward to a full, fair, and timely confirmation process. This is a critical role that is particularly important as our country continues to face serious threats at home and abroad.Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein was just confirmed on a bipartisan basis — 94 to 6 — and that sort of fair consideration should continue when the Senate receives an FBI Director nominee. As I said yesterday, once the Senate receives a nomination to fill this position, we will all look forward to a full, fair, and timely confirmation process. This is a critical role that is particularly important as our country continues to face serious threats at home and abroad.
(thanks @smithinamerica)(thanks @smithinamerica)
3.51pm BST3.51pm BST
Rubio, who earlier was “surprised” at the Comey firing, does now have questions, he says:Rubio, who earlier was “surprised” at the Comey firing, does now have questions, he says:
Sen Marco Rubio R-FL on Comey firing: "I do have questions about why he was dismissed at this time"Sen Marco Rubio R-FL on Comey firing: "I do have questions about why he was dismissed at this time"
Lisa Murkowski, the Republican senator from Alaska, agrees that the timing looks suspicious and is open to a special prosecutor:Lisa Murkowski, the Republican senator from Alaska, agrees that the timing looks suspicious and is open to a special prosecutor:
Should there be a special prosecutor?Murkowski: "I think it needs to be considered."Does the timing look suspicious?Murkowski: "Sure."Should there be a special prosecutor?Murkowski: "I think it needs to be considered."Does the timing look suspicious?Murkowski: "Sure."
Republican senator James Lankford is “surprised in the timing”:Republican senator James Lankford is “surprised in the timing”:
Sen James Lankford R-OK on Comey: "A little surprised in the timing; trying to find out why this was the moment"Sen James Lankford R-OK on Comey: "A little surprised in the timing; trying to find out why this was the moment"
at 3.52pm BSTat 3.52pm BST
3.42pm BST
Rosenstein declines comment
A Boston Globe reporter reached on his cell phone deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, who signed the letter that Trump said motivated Comey’s firing.
Rosenstein declined comment.
.@AnnieLinskey reached Rosenstein on cell"I'm not going to talk about that. Are you surprised by that?" re letter
3.35pm BST
Lavrov arrives at White House
Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov is meeting with Trump at the White House, the Associated Press reports:
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s top diplomat did not speak to reporters and as he walked into a side entrance Wednesday morning.
3.29pm BST
Cruz says Comey had 'lost the confidence' of country
Senator Ted Cruz is not known for sacrificing political expediency on the altar of personal principle. In any case his statement about Comey’s firing, just out, says Comey had to go (thx @smithinamerica):
The Director of the FBI needs to be above reproach, with an unquestioned reputation for fairness and impartiality. Unfortunately, Mr. Comey had lost the confidence of both Republicans and Democrats, and, frankly, the American people. The next Director needs to be someone of the utmost integrity who can successfully restore the public’s confidence and lead the men and women of the FBI who selflessly serve and defend our great nation.
3.25pm BST
Counselor Kellyanne Conway dismisses the notion that Trump’s firing of Comey was “Nixonian”:
was it "Nixonian" for Trump to fire Comey? Kellyanne Conway: "ridiculous"
And the Richard Nixon presidential library agrees with her!
FUN FACT: President Nixon never fired the Director of the FBI #FBIDirector #notNixonian
And the FBI website still lists James Comey as the current director
BREAKING: Justice Department officials say search for interim FBI director underway; Comey deputy has job now
The FBI director is meant to have a 10-year term designed not frequently to overlap with presidential terms in order to promote continuity and insulate the work of law enforcement from the vagaries of politics.
3.17pm BST
Republican senator John McCain:
“When you fire probably arguably the most respected person in America, you better have a very good explanation, and so far I haven’t seen that.”
On the explanation that Comey mishandled the Clinton emails inquiry:
“I don’t believe that that is sufficient rationale for removing the director of the FBI”:
Sen. John McCain says the Hillary Clinton email investigation is not “sufficient rationale” for firing James Comey
3.11pm BST
Here’s additional video of Lavrov’s sarcastic reaction to a question about Comey’s firing:
Lavrov's attitude here (his cocky body language & scornful sarcasm) is very disturbing.
3.07pm BST
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has rejected calls for a special prosecutor to investigate ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. “Today we’ll no doubt hear calls for a new investigation, which could only serve to impede the current work being done,” McConnell said on the senate floor.
Republican senator Rand Paul is also with the “meh” crowd:
Hypocrisy and fake outrage? Dems had been calling for months for the firing of Comey!
3.03pm BST
Another Republican congressman with “concerns”...
Like many Americans, I have serious concerns and unanswered questions about the timing of Director Comey's dismissal.
...and Trump won his district by 17 points.
3.01pm BST
Republican senator Ted Cruz reacts... sort of:
Asked about Comey firing, Sen Ted Cruz R-TX tells reporters he will put out a written statement
2.59pm BST
Republican elected officials continue to express misgivings about the Comey firing. Here’s Arizona senator Jeff Flake, a longtime Trump critic:
I've spent the last several hours trying to find an acceptable rationale for the timing of Comey's firing. I just can't do it.
And here’s Virginia congresswoman Barbara Comstock calling for an independent investigation:
Another Republican, Rep. Barbara Comstock of Virginia, calls for an independent investigation into Russia/2016.