If we young people vote, British politics can be transformed


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With the general election fast approaching, politicians, the media and older people will be talking about young people and our so-called “lack of engagement” with politics once again.   

Whether you realise it or not, young people are not disengaged from politics. We are talking politics with our friends, when we are together, online and on social media platforms. We have opinions about the country and the world we live in, and we know what we’d like to see done about it. We are getting involved in campaigns, whether they’re for gender equality, affordable housing or criminal justice reform. We are creating social enterprises to tackle the issues facing our communities and wider society. Youth activism over the past two years has shown that there is an appetite for social change among our generation.

The issue isn’t that we are not active or do not care about politics, the issue is that not much of this passion or activism translates into votes or registration. This is due to a general lack of faith in the political system and our elected officials’ inability to deliver solutions on society’s most pressing issues. 

Young people are one of the groups least likely to be registered and vote, and the consequences of this is evident. If we hold the belief that politics is about supply and demand, the argument that politicians will only supply where there is a demand would explain why issues facing young citizens rank low on the list of political priorities. Only 43% of 18- to 24-year-olds turned out to vote at the last general election.

Let’s imagine for a moment that in this general election and in future elections, all eligible citizens aged 18 to 24 in this country registered and used their vote to help elect candidates that better represented them.

To start with we would have a voice, and a strong one in the ongoing Brexit negotiations. This is key considering that we will be the generation to live longest with the effects of Brexit. Second, a youth voting block would mean the issues directly affecting us could no longer be ignored. The days of us being pushed to the back of the line (like a Friday night club reject while “baby boomers” enjoy the benefits of the VIP lounge) would be over.

A full youth vote would drive active citizenship and the result will be a more sensitive, just and civil society

Instead, we would be a powerful political voice with the opportunity to push for policies and investments such as truly affordable housing, youth services and an education system that teaches the subjects that prepare students for life. Investing in services that we care about wouldn’t just be given lip service, it would have to be a reality.

In a society where all young citizens vote, politics would be given the shake-up it desperately needs, with younger politicians getting elected, making parliament more diverse and bringing with them modern ideas and opinions. The end result would be a parliament that would be more innovative and willing to try out new things, implement better laws and overall make politics more accessible. 

A full youth vote would drive active citizenship and the result will be a more sensitive, just and civil society. Why? Because we would be a country whose voting system is based on the thoughts and voices of all its citizens. Young people would feel like we actually have a stake and say in society.

While we can’t guarantee it would solve every issue we care about, a strong youth voting bloc would make us a force to be reckoned with. It begins with all of us ensuring our names are on the electoral register before the deadline at midnight tonight.

We all have a choice as young citizens concerning whether we want a place at the table or whether we want to continue to be “on the menu”. No matter what age you are and even if you don’t feel that any party represents your exact views, values or visions for change, there is always the option to spoil your ballot. It may not be ideal, but it is a way of sending a major message and declaring that you are ready and willing to vote but that no one on your ballot paper represents you.

This is not an election just on choosing which party we feel is best to negotiate Brexit, this is also an election about which party can solve some of the biggest issues facing the UK over the next five years. Which means that not turning up isn’t an option.

• Please make sure you register before the end of today. Let’s all #TurnUp on 8 June