Kurdish woman fighting Isis in Raqqa laughs after being narrowly missed by sniper


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Footage has emerged of a female Kurdish sniper laughing and sticking her tongue out after an Isis bullet narrowly misses her head.

The woman, a sharpshooter from the Women's Protection Units, is seen aiming aim and firing at a target during a shootout in Raqqa, Syria.

After she takes her shot, a bullet flies dangerously close to her head and hits the wall behind her, throwing plaster and dust into the room.

The sniper immediately ducked and giggled, sticking her tongue out sheepishly at a comrade. 

Appearing unfazed, she then continued her conversation with them.

Hemze Hamza, a local reporter who recorded the near-miss, wrote on Twitter: "Sniper battle inside Raqqa city. Thank God the Isis terrorist missed."

"Kurdish women know no fear. Your average human being would be scared for life after being so close to death but she kept laughing."

Many praised the woman's bravery.

The Women's Protection Units, or YPJ, is an all-female Kurdish military organisation with around 7,000 volunteer fighters and is the equivalent of the People's Protection Units (YPG) militia.

Both are the armed wing of the Democratic Union Party (Syria), which controls most of Rojava, Syria's predominantly Kurdish north.

The US-led coalition supports an alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters in their battle for Raqqa, Isis's de-facto capital city in Syria.