Hassocks Golf Club robbery victim locked in freezer


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A man has been tied up and locked in an industrial fridge-freezer during a burglary at a West Sussex golf club.

The 55-year-old man, who is a member of staff at the Hassocks Golf Club in London Road, Hassocks, was attacked by three men at about 22:15 GMT on Sunday.

The men demanded to know where the safe was, before the victim was hit on the head, ordered into the fridge-freezer and tied up.

After the men left, he freed himself and unlocked the freezer from inside.

He was treated in hospital for a cut to the head.

Det Con Adam Tidy said: "This was a frightening ordeal for the victim who is now recovering at home."

Two of the robbers are described as white. They all wore hoodies and gloves and had their faces covered with bandanas, Sussex Police said.

They were thought to have been carrying weapons, including a hammer.

The raiders escaped with just the man's wallet and his mobile phone.

He was able to get out of the fridge-freezer using the unlocking button inside.