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Iranian polls to test Ahmadinejad Iranian polls to test Ahmadinejad
(about 9 hours later)
Iranians have begun to vote in two elections seen as the first test of public support for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad since he came to power. Iranians are voting in two elections seen as the first test of public support for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad since he came to power.
Voters will elect new local councils and a powerful clerical body known as the Assembly of Experts.Voters will elect new local councils and a powerful clerical body known as the Assembly of Experts.
Reformists are hoping for a comeback following comprehensive defeats by conservatives in recent years.Reformists are hoping for a comeback following comprehensive defeats by conservatives in recent years.
Both camps have run campaigns urging voters to turn out. Around 46.5 million Iranians are eligible to vote.Both camps have run campaigns urging voters to turn out. Around 46.5 million Iranians are eligible to vote.
The BBC's Roger Hardy says there has traditionally been a low turn-out for the assembly elections, with many Iranians scarcely aware of its deliberations.The BBC's Roger Hardy says there has traditionally been a low turn-out for the assembly elections, with many Iranians scarcely aware of its deliberations.
I will vote for Ahmadinejad's supporters... We need to give him time to deliver on his promises Hasan Alimardani Taxi driver Who runs Iran?I will vote for Ahmadinejad's supporters... We need to give him time to deliver on his promises Hasan Alimardani Taxi driver Who runs Iran?
In theory, the Assembly of Experts is the most powerful body in Iran's complex network of religious institutions.In theory, the Assembly of Experts is the most powerful body in Iran's complex network of religious institutions.
Its job is to elect, dismiss and supervise Iran's top political figure, the Supreme Leader - currently Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.Its job is to elect, dismiss and supervise Iran's top political figure, the Supreme Leader - currently Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
The reformists are barely present in the assembly race, because candidates must be passed by a conservative panel.The reformists are barely present in the assembly race, because candidates must be passed by a conservative panel.
So analysts are watching to see whether the body will be dominated by conservatives aligned with Mr Ahmadinejad or pragmatists close to the former president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, our correspondent adds.So analysts are watching to see whether the body will be dominated by conservatives aligned with Mr Ahmadinejad or pragmatists close to the former president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, our correspondent adds.
'Don't boycott polls''Don't boycott polls'
The local council elections, in contrast, are likely to witness a higher turnout and will provide a clearer reflection of trends in public opinion, analysts believe.The local council elections, in contrast, are likely to witness a higher turnout and will provide a clearer reflection of trends in public opinion, analysts believe.
IRANIAN ELECTIONS Iranians are voting in two sets of electionsAssembly of Experts poll: Powerful clerical body which supervises the Supreme LeaderLocal council polls: More than 250,000 candidates for around 100,000 seats nationwide46.5 million eligible votersIRANIAN ELECTIONS Iranians are voting in two sets of electionsAssembly of Experts poll: Powerful clerical body which supervises the Supreme LeaderLocal council polls: More than 250,000 candidates for around 100,000 seats nationwide46.5 million eligible voters
Reformists are hoping for gains after being roundly defeated in polls in 2003.Reformists are hoping for gains after being roundly defeated in polls in 2003.
Turn-out then was very low, and both sides have been running campaigns to encourage people to cast their votes.Turn-out then was very low, and both sides have been running campaigns to encourage people to cast their votes.
"Boycotting elections has not worked in previous elections, please vote for the reformist candidates," a reformist campaign text message said."Boycotting elections has not worked in previous elections, please vote for the reformist candidates," a reformist campaign text message said.
But many are backing the conservatives.But many are backing the conservatives.
"I think Ahmadinejad supporters will win," Mohsen Jahanian, a political science teacher, told Reuters news agency. "Iranians still do not trust reformists to vote for them.""I think Ahmadinejad supporters will win," Mohsen Jahanian, a political science teacher, told Reuters news agency. "Iranians still do not trust reformists to vote for them."
"I will vote for Ahmadinejad's supporters," said taxi driver Hasan Alimardani."I will vote for Ahmadinejad's supporters," said taxi driver Hasan Alimardani.
"He is the people's man, he goes to remote places and sees the problems at first hand. We need to give him time to deliver on his promises.""He is the people's man, he goes to remote places and sees the problems at first hand. We need to give him time to deliver on his promises."
The municipal council race in Tehran will be keenly watched as a barometer of political sentiment. Reformists dominated the council until 2003, but conservatives currently hold all the seats.The municipal council race in Tehran will be keenly watched as a barometer of political sentiment. Reformists dominated the council until 2003, but conservatives currently hold all the seats.
Reformists are hoping to win some seats, while two competing conservative factions - one loyal to Mr Ahmadinejad and the other to Tehran's current mayor, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf - are challenging each other.Reformists are hoping to win some seats, while two competing conservative factions - one loyal to Mr Ahmadinejad and the other to Tehran's current mayor, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf - are challenging each other.
Mr Ahmadinejad emphasised the importance of the elections on Iranian TV.Mr Ahmadinejad emphasised the importance of the elections on Iranian TV.
"I am certain that our dear people will be present on the scene tomorrow and will demonstrate their grandeur and honour to the world," he said."I am certain that our dear people will be present on the scene tomorrow and will demonstrate their grandeur and honour to the world," he said.