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Violence follows Hamas accusation Violence follows Hamas accusation
(20 minutes later)
Clashes have erupted between rival Palestinian factions after Hamas accused Fatah of trying to assassinate Prime Minister Ismail Haniya of Hamas.Clashes have erupted between rival Palestinian factions after Hamas accused Fatah of trying to assassinate Prime Minister Ismail Haniya of Hamas.
Hamas accused Fatah's Mohammad Dahlan of organising an attack on Mr Haniya as he crossed into Gaza from Egypt.Hamas accused Fatah's Mohammad Dahlan of organising an attack on Mr Haniya as he crossed into Gaza from Egypt.
Hospitals in the West Bank town of Ramallah said 32 people were injured in clashes there. Fighting was also reported in Gaza City.Hospitals in the West Bank town of Ramallah said 32 people were injured in clashes there. Fighting was also reported in Gaza City.
The clashes come as Hamas marks the 19th anniversary of its founding.The clashes come as Hamas marks the 19th anniversary of its founding.
Tens of thousands of supporters gathered in Gaza City to hear Mr Haniya speak. Tens of thousands of supporters gathered in a Gaza City football stadium to hear Mr Haniya speak.
Hamas gunmen patrolled the streets of the city as the group put on a show of strength following Thursday's attack on Mr Haniya.Hamas gunmen patrolled the streets of the city as the group put on a show of strength following Thursday's attack on Mr Haniya.
A bodyguard was killed and Mr Haniya's son was among five hurt in the gun battle at the Rafah border crossing. We did not join this movement to become minister but rather to become martyrs Ismail HaniyaPalestinian Prime Minister href="/1/hi/world/middle_east/6182969.stm" class="">Q&A: Palestinian crisis "We tell all those who believe in the logic of assassination that this does not scare even little children in Hamas," he told the crowds.
Mr Dahlan, a former Palestinian Authority security chief, has rejected Hamas's accusations of involvement, saying the governing party was trying to "mask its failures". "We did not join this movement to become ministers but rather to become martyrs."
One bodyguard was killed and Mr Haniya's son was among five injured in the gun battle at the Rafah border crossing.
'Grave threat''Grave threat'
Correspondents say the attack on Mr Haniya - and the open accusation against such a prominent opponent by Hamas - has dramatically raised the stakes in the tense political struggle in the Palestinian territories.
The violence in Ramallah on Friday came as Hamas supporters attempted to march towards the centre of town, reports said.The violence in Ramallah on Friday came as Hamas supporters attempted to march towards the centre of town, reports said.
Fighting in Ramallah broke out in the centre of the townTheir path was blocked by security forces loyal to Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority (PA) president and head of Fatah.Fighting in Ramallah broke out in the centre of the townTheir path was blocked by security forces loyal to Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority (PA) president and head of Fatah.
Fighting broke out, with hospital officials reporting at least 32 people reported injured by gunfire and stone-throwing. Fighting broke out, with hospital officials saying that at least 32 people were injured by gunfire and stone-throwing.
Shooting also erupted in Gaza City between masked Hamas gunmen and PA police allied to Fatah.Shooting also erupted in Gaza City between masked Hamas gunmen and PA police allied to Fatah.
Hamas spokesman Ismail Radwan had earlier said the attack at Rafah was "an assassination attempt carried out by traitors led by Mohammad Dahlan".Hamas spokesman Ismail Radwan had earlier said the attack at Rafah was "an assassination attempt carried out by traitors led by Mohammad Dahlan".
Mr Dahlan is an ally of Mr Abbas and a fierce critic of Hamas. Mr Dahlan is a former Palestinian Authority security chief and a fierce critic of Hamas.
In the 1990s he led a crackdown on militants who refused to acknowledge the new Palestinian Authority (PA). In the 1990s he led a crackdown on militants who refused to acknowledge the new PA.
Fatah spokesman Tawfiq Abu Khoussa rejected Hamas's claims. He has rejected the Hamas accusations, saying the governing party was trying to "mask its failures".
"Fatah has condemned the incident and is demanding the formation of an official investigation committee," he said. A Fatah spokesman said the attack was a "grave threat" to Palestinian unity, and called for an official investigation.
"These accusations are posing a grave threat to Palestinian unity."
Mr Abbas said he regretted the attack, but Hamas said he had to share some responsibility.Mr Abbas said he regretted the attack, but Hamas said he had to share some responsibility.
Mr Haniya, after his return to Gaza City, said: "We know who opened fire."
Israeli Deputy Defence Minister Ephraim Sneh said his first response was to regret that the gunmen had missed Mr Haniya.
He told Israeli radio: "Emotionally, it was indeed my feeling. But upon coldly reconsidering it, I do not believe that that would have solved the problem."
Chaotic scenesChaotic scenes
Inter-faction tensions have increased since the killing of three sons of a pro-Fatah security chief on Monday.Inter-faction tensions have increased since the killing of three sons of a pro-Fatah security chief on Monday.
href="/1/hi/world/middle_east/6182969.stm" class="">Q&A: Palestinian crisis Mr Haniya had tried to cut short his first trip abroad as prime minister to deal with the crisis. Tens of thousands filled a stadium to hear Mr Haniya speakMr Haniya had tried to cut short his first trip abroad as prime minister to deal with the crisis.
But Israel on Thursday closed the Gaza border, saying the reported $30m (£15.3m) Mr Haniya was carrying in donations as he returned from his foreign trip would fund "terrorist operations".But Israel on Thursday closed the Gaza border, saying the reported $30m (£15.3m) Mr Haniya was carrying in donations as he returned from his foreign trip would fund "terrorist operations".
Mr Haniya crossed late in the evening following hours of intense negotiations, leaving the money on the Egyptian side. But at the border, guards allied to Fatah exchanged fire with Mr Haniya's security forces. When Mr Haniya eventually crossed late in the evening, without the money, guards allied to Fatah exchanged fire with Mr Haniya's security forces.
The BBC's Alan Johnston in Gaza said that during chaotic scenes gunfire rattled around the entrance hall to the customs hall as Mr Haniya's bodyguards shielded him. Mr Haniya was shielded by his bodyguards, one of whom died after being hit.
Television pictures showed Mr Haniya's jeep manoeuvring to avoid bullets. Hamas, a militant Islamic group, won elections in January, but has faced a Western aid boycott after refusing to renounce violence and recognise Israel.
Hamas won elections in January, but has struggled in government amid a Western aid boycott against the militant Islamic group, which refuses to renounce violence and recognise Israel.
The Palestinian Authority has been unable to pay full salaries to its 165,000 workers.The Palestinian Authority has been unable to pay full salaries to its 165,000 workers.