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Dead soldier tape accuses general Dead soldier tape accuses general
(about 1 hour later)
Tapes recorded by a UK tank commander killed by "friendly fire" in Iraq have been played at his inquest.Tapes recorded by a UK tank commander killed by "friendly fire" in Iraq have been played at his inquest.
Sgt Steve Roberts, 33, was shot outside the town of Az Zubayr in southern Iraq on 24 March 2003.Sgt Steve Roberts, 33, was shot outside the town of Az Zubayr in southern Iraq on 24 March 2003.
The inquest heard Sgt Roberts had to give up body armour three days before his death because of shortages.The inquest heard Sgt Roberts had to give up body armour three days before his death because of shortages.
In the tapes he accuses General Sir Mike Jackson, then Chief of the General Staff, of telling "a blatant lie" when he said troops were combat-ready.In the tapes he accuses General Sir Mike Jackson, then Chief of the General Staff, of telling "a blatant lie" when he said troops were combat-ready.
The tank commander also describes the lack of equipment as "disgraceful" and a "joke".The tank commander also describes the lack of equipment as "disgraceful" and a "joke".
Wife's tapeWife's tape
The tapes run from 13 March - when the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment were in Kuwait preparing to enter Iraq - until 23 March.The tapes run from 13 March - when the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment were in Kuwait preparing to enter Iraq - until 23 March.
He also recorded a tape for his wife Samantha in the event of his death.He also recorded a tape for his wife Samantha in the event of his death.
In one extract, Sgt Roberts he tells her: "I know now why I am here and what I'm doing. In one extract, Sgt Roberts tells her: "I know now why I am here and what I'm doing.
"Children are walking around with bare feet, completely ill-fitting, tattered old clothes. We're over here to free them from the regime they're under so they can grow up and do whatever they want to do.""Children are walking around with bare feet, completely ill-fitting, tattered old clothes. We're over here to free them from the regime they're under so they can grow up and do whatever they want to do."
'Running out''Running out'
The lack of equipment is repeatedly referred to in Sgt Roberts' recordings.The lack of equipment is repeatedly referred to in Sgt Roberts' recordings.
In one he says: "General Jackson said 'we're ready to go', and our vehicles are still in the boat, ready to come into port. What a blatant lie that was."In one he says: "General Jackson said 'we're ready to go', and our vehicles are still in the boat, ready to come into port. What a blatant lie that was."
He said it was "a bit of a joke running out of frontal armour and comnets (radios), interesting to see what armour I actually get - I'll keep you posted obviously."He said it was "a bit of a joke running out of frontal armour and comnets (radios), interesting to see what armour I actually get - I'll keep you posted obviously."
On 21 March he says preparations were going well but adds: "Still haven't seen my combats yet. Kit we're being told we are going to get, we're not. It's disheartening because we know we're going to have to go to war without the correct equipment."On 21 March he says preparations were going well but adds: "Still haven't seen my combats yet. Kit we're being told we are going to get, we're not. It's disheartening because we know we're going to have to go to war without the correct equipment."
He also reports an incident in which US planes bombed one of their own tanks, and a moment when his regiment nearly fired on US troops believing them to be the enemy.He also reports an incident in which US planes bombed one of their own tanks, and a moment when his regiment nearly fired on US troops believing them to be the enemy.
The inquest into the death of Sgt Roberts, of Shipley, West Yorkshire, and originally from Cornwall, is being held in Oxford. Answer questions
The defence secretary at the time, Geoff Hoon, has been called to explain to the hearing why there was a delay in ordering Army-issue Enhanced Combat Body Armour (ECBA), which resulted in the shortages. Pathologists found that had he been wearing Enhanced Combat Body Armour (ECBA) - meant to be issued to troops before battle commenced - he would have survived.
Former defence secretary Geoff Hoon may not have to answer questions at the inquest about the preparations war after all.
On Thursday, Oxfordshire assistant deputy coroner Andrew Walker called on Mr Hoon to attend to explain why there had been an eight-week delay in authorising the ordering of more body armour.
Ministry of Defence (MoD) lawyer David Evans said its director of capability, resources and scrutiny David Williams would be put forward.
"I am told he is in a position to deal with that eight-week period," said Mr Evans.
The Oxford inquest into the death of Sgt Roberts, of Shipley, West Yorkshire, and originally from Cornwall, was adjourned until Monday.