The Push to Ban Assault Weapons

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To the Editor:

Re “It’s Too Late to Ban Assault Weapons” (Editorial Observer, Aug. 17):

Alex Kingsbury argues that since there are many millions of assault weapons already in private hands, it would be useless now to make their sale illegal.

Had the sale of assault rifles been illegal, the El Paso killer would not have been able to buy one in the weeks before he went on a rampage that killed 22 Walmart shoppers.

All sorts of products found to be dangerous have been taken off the market, including drugs and toys, either voluntarily or by law. Perhaps most famously, General Motors’ Corvair was taken out of production after Ralph Nader exposed it as “Unsafe at Any Speed.”

To allow the continued sale of assault weapons is to add to the likelihood of more mass slaughter in acts of domestic terrorism. Congress should expedite a law to ban them.

Jerome DonnellyWinter Park, Fla.

To the Editor:

I was saddened to read Alex Kingsbury’s moderate ideas about banning guns. As Barry Goldwater said, “Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”

As a nation we need to be free of the 15 million military-style weapons of war.

After a mass murder I watched New Zealand take action to eliminate all semiautomatic guns and high-capacity ammunition magazines in just a few months. Our nation banned the manufacture of these weapons with Bill Clinton in the White House. Mr. Kingsbury, we can do it again.

Ray Rickman Providence, R.I.

To the Editor:

Re “Reviving Fight, Top Democrats Push Ban on Assault Weapons” (front page, Aug. 13):

I don’t understand why Democrats do not understand the most basic calculation when it comes to elections. If they run on gun control, we’ll have four more years of President Trump. It’s that simple; is that really what they want?

Mass shootings are horrible and painful, but a president who is taking this country toward fascism is far more worrisome.

Alex HartovEnfield, N.H.

To the Editor:

We have far too many “splinter” anti-gun violence groups like the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety, Sandy Hook Promise, Moms Demand Action, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, etc. The problem is that all these well-meaning groups are competing for the same anti-gun violence donation dollar. So any real difference they can make is dwarfed by the N.R.A., with its membership dues and a huge income from gun and ammunition companies.

I think that all these anti-gun violence groups should realize that they are “outgunned” by the N.R.A. and combine to form just one organization that Congress would have to pay attention to. Led by someone like Michael Bloomberg, an organization like this with millions of members could make a real difference.

Michael GoldingFort Myers, Fla.