Leeds Children's Hospital given Xbox after theft


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An Xbox which was stolen from a children's hospital was replaced by a member of the public after a Facebook appeal.

Hospital staff posted to say there were "a lot of sad faces on the ward" after the console was taken on Thursday night.

Hundreds of people replied, with many offering to replace the games console.

Kai Kye, from Leeds, said staff were in tears as he donated an Xbox One S and games.

"It was like we'd given them a bucket of gold - they were over the moon," he said.

"Often, for a child in hospital, a computer is the only thing which takes their mind off of being ill.

"You've got to do your bit to help when it comes to hospitals and kids."

The Xbox was stolen from the CAT unit at Leeds Children's Hospital, which treats acutely unwell children aged 16 and under.

Ward sister Susan Macpherson said: "The Xbox was provided for our sick children who are often with us for long periods of time.

"We are absolutely gutted it has been stolen and find it difficult to believe someone would do this.

"We are so grateful for the offers of replacement consoles from the public and I would like to thank each and every one for their kindness."

Leeds Children's Hospital is currently based alongside adult and maternity services delivered by the Leeds General Infirmary.

The hospital has reported the theft to West Yorkshire Police and "reminded everyone to be vigilant when it comes to security and locking away valuable items".

A spokesperson for Leeds Children's Hospital said: "Security is a top priority for us but very occasionally items do go missing, which is very sad for the children and our staff who work so hard to make their hospital stay a little better."

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