Gurpal Singh Gill jailed after woman called 999 during rape

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A man who raped a woman and made threats to kill her has been jailed for more than 11 years.

Gurpal Singh Gill raped a 20-year-old dog walker in Watermead Park, Leicester, on 23 May.

The victim rang 999, who recorded the sustained attack, and successfully took a picture of the 33-year-old rapist without him knowing.

Leicester Crown Court heard Gill committed a "prolonged and serious" act and posed a danger to the public.

Sentencing, Judge Robert Brown said Gill, of no fixed address, "committed six separate sexual offences during the act", and moved his victim to two separate locations as he raped her.

"You threatened to kill her if she didn't let you rape her," he said.

Speaking to Gill, the judge said the victim had "great presence of mind to ring 999, unbeknownst to you".

"She later managed to take your picture, again unbeknownst to you," he said.

Gill fled to London, but handed himself in to the police three days later.

He pleaded guilty to rape, and Judge Brown sentenced him to 11 years and three months, with an additional six years on licence, saying: "You are a danger to the public."

Judge Brown praised the victim and said she had "employed survival strategies".

"If she hadn't [dialled 999] he may have got away and never been convicted," he said.

Prosecutor Alex Young said: "It's had a profound effect on her life."

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