‘Do some research’: Indian politician blasted for posting PM Nehru Soviet visit photo as one from US


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An Indian MP and ex-government minister is under fire for tweeting a photo about the huge welcome shown to a previous Indian prime minister visiting the US – because the picture was actually from the Soviet Union.

Shashi Tharoor tweeted a black and white image of then-PM Jawaharlal Nehru and his daughter Indira, who later became prime minister, remarking on “the hugely enthusiastic spontaneous turnout of the American public” to welcome the pair to the US in 1954. 

Tharoor, who also served as under-secretary-general of the United Nations for communications and public information, tweeted as current Indian PM Modi visits the US. 

Nehru’s first official trip to the Soviet Union was in 1955, and this photo was snapped as he was shown the steel city Magnitogorsk. And not only did Tharoor’s caption for the photo have the wrong place and date, he also managed to spell Indira’s name incorrectly. 

After numerous objections from social media users, Tharoor posted a follow-up tweet remarking that he had simply been sent the photo and insisted that ultimately when an Indian PM is honored abroad, it’s good for India. 

Social media users weren’t having any of it, accusing the politician of carelessly posting false information without any apology. “That pretty much shows that you don't recheck or confirm what is being forwarded to you before posting it to your Social Media,” one reply said, while someone else suggested: “Do some research before you tweet.”

“Who is ‘India’ Gandhi?” others asked.

More creative commenters suggested some other images the MP might care to share with his followers, including Nehru on the Moon and starring in Indiana Jones:

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