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Impeachment live updates: House Democrats unveil two articles of impeachment against Trump; White House predicts ‘full exoneration’ in GOP-led Senate Impeachment live updates: House Democrats unveil two articles of impeachment against Trump; White House predicts ‘full exoneration’ in GOP-led Senate
(32 minutes later)
House Democrats unveiled two narrowly drawn articles of impeachment against President Trump on Tuesday, saying he had abused the power of his office and obstructed Congress in its investigation of his conduct regarding Ukraine.House Democrats unveiled two narrowly drawn articles of impeachment against President Trump on Tuesday, saying he had abused the power of his office and obstructed Congress in its investigation of his conduct regarding Ukraine.
“We must be clear: No one, not even the president, is above the law,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) said at a news conference where he was flanked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other House leaders.“We must be clear: No one, not even the president, is above the law,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) said at a news conference where he was flanked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other House leaders.
At the heart of the Democrats’ case is the allegation that Trump tried to leverage a White House meeting and military aid, sought by Ukraine to combat Russian military aggression, to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch an investigation of former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, as well as a probe of an unfounded theory that Kyiv conspired with Democrats to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.At the heart of the Democrats’ case is the allegation that Trump tried to leverage a White House meeting and military aid, sought by Ukraine to combat Russian military aggression, to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch an investigation of former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, as well as a probe of an unfounded theory that Kyiv conspired with Democrats to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.
●Five takeaways from the House Judiciary impeachment hearing.●Five takeaways from the House Judiciary impeachment hearing.
●Trump lashes out at FBI director in wake of Justice Department inspector general’s report.●Trump lashes out at FBI director in wake of Justice Department inspector general’s report.
●In opening an investigation of the Trump campaign, the FBI felt it had reached a ‘tipping point,’ inspector general finds●In opening an investigation of the Trump campaign, the FBI felt it had reached a ‘tipping point,’ inspector general finds
Resolution impeaching President Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors| The House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment inquiry reportResolution impeaching President Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors| The House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment inquiry report
Senate Democratic leadership warned their Republican colleagues not to indulge in conspiracy theories as the impeachment inquiry appeared to head toward a Senate trial.
In recent weeks, Republicans, including Sens. John Neely Kennedy (La.) and Ted Cruz (Tex.), have echoed Trump’s debunked assertion that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 U.S. election as they’ve ramped up their defense of the president.
On Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) labeled the GOP senators who advanced this theory as the “conspiracy caucus,” while Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) said that Democrats had to play “whack a mole” to stymie these disproved claims.
“The president’s government is still not buying this wild-eyed theory of Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 campaign, and yet we continue to whack these moles down,” Durbin said.” I hope it’s time we put this behind us once and for all.”
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) signaled Tuesday that a Senate trial would start in early January and said he would be “totally surprised” if there are 67 senators who vote to remove Trump from office.Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) signaled Tuesday that a Senate trial would start in early January and said he would be “totally surprised” if there are 67 senators who vote to remove Trump from office.
Speaking to reporters at the Capitol, McConnell said it remains unclear whether the trial would include testimony from witnesses, as Trump has publicly advocated.Speaking to reporters at the Capitol, McConnell said it remains unclear whether the trial would include testimony from witnesses, as Trump has publicly advocated.
Ticking through the schedule of Senate business in coming weeks, McConnell said it is “not possible” to conduct a trial before the holiday recess and that he expects the Senate will return “right around the time the bowl games end,” referring to college football.Ticking through the schedule of Senate business in coming weeks, McConnell said it is “not possible” to conduct a trial before the holiday recess and that he expects the Senate will return “right around the time the bowl games end,” referring to college football.
House Democrats are seeking to hold a full House vote on impeaching Trump next week.House Democrats are seeking to hold a full House vote on impeaching Trump next week.
McConnell said he anticipates a trial in which both House and impeachment managers and lawyers for the president would make opening arguments. After that, he said there would be two options: to proceed with calling witnesses or to end the proceedings if a majority of the Republican-led Senate is prepared to do so.McConnell said he anticipates a trial in which both House and impeachment managers and lawyers for the president would make opening arguments. After that, he said there would be two options: to proceed with calling witnesses or to end the proceedings if a majority of the Republican-led Senate is prepared to do so.
He noted that he previously said he would be “totally surprised” if there are enough votes to convict Trump.He noted that he previously said he would be “totally surprised” if there are enough votes to convict Trump.
“That remains my view,” McConnell said.“That remains my view,” McConnell said.
Bill Clinton, who was the second president in American history to be impeached by the House of Representatives, said that “Congress is doing what they believe is right” by moving forward with articles of impeachment against Trump.Bill Clinton, who was the second president in American history to be impeached by the House of Representatives, said that “Congress is doing what they believe is right” by moving forward with articles of impeachment against Trump.
Clinton was asked about the Democrats’ decision while touring a high school in New York City as part of his work for the Clinton Foundation, Fox News reported.Clinton was asked about the Democrats’ decision while touring a high school in New York City as part of his work for the Clinton Foundation, Fox News reported.
“They also said they were going to support the Mexico-Canada trade deal,” Clinton told Fox News. “They’re doing their job as they see it, and we should wait to see it unfold. And the rest of us should go about our jobs and do them as we see it.”“They also said they were going to support the Mexico-Canada trade deal,” Clinton told Fox News. “They’re doing their job as they see it, and we should wait to see it unfold. And the rest of us should go about our jobs and do them as we see it.”
In 1998, the Republican-controlled House impeached Clinton over charges that he lied under oath and obstructed justice. He was acquitted in a Senate trial the following year.In 1998, the Republican-controlled House impeached Clinton over charges that he lied under oath and obstructed justice. He was acquitted in a Senate trial the following year.
Attorney General William P. Barr sharpened his attacks Tuesday on the FBI’s investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 election, alleging in media interviews that the bureau had flimsy reason to initiate the probe in the first place, pursued the matter even after the case had “collapsed,” and might have acted in bad faith.Attorney General William P. Barr sharpened his attacks Tuesday on the FBI’s investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 election, alleging in media interviews that the bureau had flimsy reason to initiate the probe in the first place, pursued the matter even after the case had “collapsed,” and might have acted in bad faith.
In an interview with NBC, and, later, at the Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council, Barr disputed aspects of the Justice Department inspector general’s assessment of the Russia case — especially those that were exonerating for the FBI — while emphasizing the malfeasance the watchdog had uncovered.In an interview with NBC, and, later, at the Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council, Barr disputed aspects of the Justice Department inspector general’s assessment of the Russia case — especially those that were exonerating for the FBI — while emphasizing the malfeasance the watchdog had uncovered.
“It was a travesty, and there were many abuses,” he said of the Russia case. “From day one, it generated exculpatory information and nothing that substantiated any kind of collusion.”“It was a travesty, and there were many abuses,” he said of the Russia case. “From day one, it generated exculpatory information and nothing that substantiated any kind of collusion.”
Read more here.Read more here.
A band of centrist House Democrats are skittish about backing a move to oust the president, privately floating the idea of a less severe punishment and the prospects of even voting against an impeachment charge against Trump.A band of centrist House Democrats are skittish about backing a move to oust the president, privately floating the idea of a less severe punishment and the prospects of even voting against an impeachment charge against Trump.
A group of 10 moderate Democrats from Trump-carried districts discussed their desire to vote to censure rather than impeach Trump during a Monday night huddle, according to a person familiar with the conversation who requested anonymity to share private conversations. The idea had been batted around by moderates worried about political blowback since the Thanksgiving break.A group of 10 moderate Democrats from Trump-carried districts discussed their desire to vote to censure rather than impeach Trump during a Monday night huddle, according to a person familiar with the conversation who requested anonymity to share private conversations. The idea had been batted around by moderates worried about political blowback since the Thanksgiving break.
Other moderate Democrats, eager to show independence from the party, have discussed voting down one article of impeachment pertaining to obstruction of Congress. These Democrats worry that there’s not enough evidence to suggest Trump tried to flout the legislature’s authority since ultimately these matters will be decided in the courts.Other moderate Democrats, eager to show independence from the party, have discussed voting down one article of impeachment pertaining to obstruction of Congress. These Democrats worry that there’s not enough evidence to suggest Trump tried to flout the legislature’s authority since ultimately these matters will be decided in the courts.
The concerns come despite Pelosi’s move Tuesday to keep articles of impeachment narrowly focused on the Ukraine controversy as well as obstruction of Congress. Many lawmakers, including those on the House Judiciary Committee, also wanted a third charge of obstruction of justice, citing former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report. But Pelosi and her leadership team, knowing the fears of the moderates, ultimately chose a narrower scope.The concerns come despite Pelosi’s move Tuesday to keep articles of impeachment narrowly focused on the Ukraine controversy as well as obstruction of Congress. Many lawmakers, including those on the House Judiciary Committee, also wanted a third charge of obstruction of justice, citing former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report. But Pelosi and her leadership team, knowing the fears of the moderates, ultimately chose a narrower scope.
The idea of a censure has been raised multiple times before, including over the Thanksgiving recess by Rep. Brenda Lawrence (D-Mich.). However, Democrats in leadership argue that censuring Trump after all this work and investigation would be, essentially, acquitting him of wrongdoing — or at least suggesting his actions weren’t that bad.The idea of a censure has been raised multiple times before, including over the Thanksgiving recess by Rep. Brenda Lawrence (D-Mich.). However, Democrats in leadership argue that censuring Trump after all this work and investigation would be, essentially, acquitting him of wrongdoing — or at least suggesting his actions weren’t that bad.
White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said Tuesday that Trump aides had expected House Democrats to unveil four or five articles of impeachment instead of two.White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said Tuesday that Trump aides had expected House Democrats to unveil four or five articles of impeachment instead of two.
The narrower focus, she argued during an appearance on Fox News, is a sign that Democrats are having a hard time selling impeachment in their districts.The narrower focus, she argued during an appearance on Fox News, is a sign that Democrats are having a hard time selling impeachment in their districts.
“One of them is obstruction of Congress, which is code for, ‘He didn’t play nice with us,’ ” Grisham said. “‘You guys didn’t participate in Congress, so now we’re going to go ahead and hit you with obstruction of Congress.’ That’s silly.”“One of them is obstruction of Congress, which is code for, ‘He didn’t play nice with us,’ ” Grisham said. “‘You guys didn’t participate in Congress, so now we’re going to go ahead and hit you with obstruction of Congress.’ That’s silly.”
The resolution unveiled Tuesday notes that Trump has refused to comply with subpoenas throughout the impeachment inquiry.The resolution unveiled Tuesday notes that Trump has refused to comply with subpoenas throughout the impeachment inquiry.
Grisham also downplayed the article alleging abuse of power, suggesting that rough transcripts released by the White House of Trump’s calls with Zelensky showed no wrongdoing.Grisham also downplayed the article alleging abuse of power, suggesting that rough transcripts released by the White House of Trump’s calls with Zelensky showed no wrongdoing.
Three presidential contenders who are sitting U.S. senators — Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Michael F. Bennet (D-Colo.) — voiced their support for the House’s decision to move forward with impeachment on Tuesday.Three presidential contenders who are sitting U.S. senators — Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Michael F. Bennet (D-Colo.) — voiced their support for the House’s decision to move forward with impeachment on Tuesday.
As sitting senators, each would be called upon to participate in a Senate trial should the House vote to impeach the president. Each is seeking the Democratic nomination for the chance to unseat Trump in November, but they emphasized their constitutional duties as senators in their statements.As sitting senators, each would be called upon to participate in a Senate trial should the House vote to impeach the president. Each is seeking the Democratic nomination for the chance to unseat Trump in November, but they emphasized their constitutional duties as senators in their statements.
“This is a sad, sobering moment for our country,” Booker tweeted. “This President violated his oath to the American people. Now, those of us who swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution have a duty to follow ours.”“This is a sad, sobering moment for our country,” Booker tweeted. “This President violated his oath to the American people. Now, those of us who swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution have a duty to follow ours.”
In his tweet, Sanders, posting under his official Senate account, called Trump “the most corrupt president in history, and he must be held accountable.”In his tweet, Sanders, posting under his official Senate account, called Trump “the most corrupt president in history, and he must be held accountable.”
“I strongly believe the announcement of articles of impeachment are appropriate and necessary, and I call on the full House to pass them,” Sanders wrote. In the event impeachment passes the House, he called on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to “quickly schedule a full trial in the Senate, where I will uphold my constitutional responsibility as a juror.”“I strongly believe the announcement of articles of impeachment are appropriate and necessary, and I call on the full House to pass them,” Sanders wrote. In the event impeachment passes the House, he called on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to “quickly schedule a full trial in the Senate, where I will uphold my constitutional responsibility as a juror.”
Bennett went so far as to say that if “evidence of the president’s wrongdoing and abuse of power continues to remain consistent with what we’ve seen, it’s likely I would vote to impeach.”Bennett went so far as to say that if “evidence of the president’s wrongdoing and abuse of power continues to remain consistent with what we’ve seen, it’s likely I would vote to impeach.”
Federal prosecutors on Tuesday recommended that former deputy Trump campaign chairman Rick Gates serve no prison time, citing his ‘extraordinary assistance’ in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation into Russian election interference, according to a new court filing.Federal prosecutors on Tuesday recommended that former deputy Trump campaign chairman Rick Gates serve no prison time, citing his ‘extraordinary assistance’ in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation into Russian election interference, according to a new court filing.
Prosecutors said his cooperation is continuing, without making details public.Prosecutors said his cooperation is continuing, without making details public.
Gates and his longtime boss, Paul Manafort, were the first individuals publicly charged by Mueller in October 2017 as the special counsel sought to learn whether any Americans conspired with Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election. Manafort served as one of Trump’s campaign chairmen in the 2016 race.Gates and his longtime boss, Paul Manafort, were the first individuals publicly charged by Mueller in October 2017 as the special counsel sought to learn whether any Americans conspired with Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election. Manafort served as one of Trump’s campaign chairmen in the 2016 race.
Gates, 47, pleaded guilty in February 2018 to conspiring to conceal proceeds from a decade of lucrative lobbying work that he and Manafort had done for Ukraine and lying to the FBI, and began cooperating with firsthand insight into several of the president’s senior aides and activities.Gates, 47, pleaded guilty in February 2018 to conspiring to conceal proceeds from a decade of lucrative lobbying work that he and Manafort had done for Ukraine and lying to the FBI, and began cooperating with firsthand insight into several of the president’s senior aides and activities.
Read more here.Read more here.
If House Democrats do not pursue the impeachment of Trump, they risk saying “goodbye to the republic” and “hello to the president-king,” Pelosi said during a public appearance early Tuesday afternoon.If House Democrats do not pursue the impeachment of Trump, they risk saying “goodbye to the republic” and “hello to the president-king,” Pelosi said during a public appearance early Tuesday afternoon.
“It’s a very sad day actually, a solemn day,” Pelosi said during a moderated conversation at Politico’s Women Rule Summit in Washington.“It’s a very sad day actually, a solemn day,” Pelosi said during a moderated conversation at Politico’s Women Rule Summit in Washington.
Pelosi argued that lawmakers are honoring their oaths of office and would be “delinquent” if they did not seek to impeach Trump.Pelosi argued that lawmakers are honoring their oaths of office and would be “delinquent” if they did not seek to impeach Trump.
“I wish it were not necessary. I wish the president’s actions did not make it necessary,” she said.“I wish it were not necessary. I wish the president’s actions did not make it necessary,” she said.
Democratic lawmakers faced questions from reporters about whether they were concerned that announcing a deal on Trump’s sought-after trade agreement would give him a political victory right as they accused him of high crimes and misdemeanors.Democratic lawmakers faced questions from reporters about whether they were concerned that announcing a deal on Trump’s sought-after trade agreement would give him a political victory right as they accused him of high crimes and misdemeanors.
Their response: Who cares?Their response: Who cares?
“It’s perceived somehow as a win for him, you know, okay. But I mean, who are we really working for?” said Rep. Daniel Kildee (D-Mich.). “We’re working to try to preserve American jobs. And if it does that, the fact that some benefit might accrue to him shouldn’t be a reason not to do it.”“It’s perceived somehow as a win for him, you know, okay. But I mean, who are we really working for?” said Rep. Daniel Kildee (D-Mich.). “We’re working to try to preserve American jobs. And if it does that, the fact that some benefit might accrue to him shouldn’t be a reason not to do it.”
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.) went so far as to say that the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement “is more important than the impeachment.”Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.) went so far as to say that the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement “is more important than the impeachment.”
“I represent a rural area, and the largest city in the state, and I have farmers who’ve taken two strikes — tariffs and flooding — and if the [USMCA] had fallen or if … it had become the victim of some political maneuvering, like we can’t give the president a victory, we would be in trouble.”“I represent a rural area, and the largest city in the state, and I have farmers who’ve taken two strikes — tariffs and flooding — and if the [USMCA] had fallen or if … it had become the victim of some political maneuvering, like we can’t give the president a victory, we would be in trouble.”
Some lawmakers even argued that reaching a deal on USMCA was actually a boon for Democrats. “It makes the argument that Congress is not obsessed by impeachment,” said Rep Barbara Lee (D-Calif.).Some lawmakers even argued that reaching a deal on USMCA was actually a boon for Democrats. “It makes the argument that Congress is not obsessed by impeachment,” said Rep Barbara Lee (D-Calif.).
Republican lawmakers fanned out across congressional podiums, cable news and social media to defend the president on Tuesday. Their arguments essentially boiled down to three key points: that the impeachment process has been unfairly handled by Democrats, that the true motivation for Democrats stems from a dislike of Trump and a desire to prevent a second term, and that the president did nothing wrong.Republican lawmakers fanned out across congressional podiums, cable news and social media to defend the president on Tuesday. Their arguments essentially boiled down to three key points: that the impeachment process has been unfairly handled by Democrats, that the true motivation for Democrats stems from a dislike of Trump and a desire to prevent a second term, and that the president did nothing wrong.
They also warned that impeaching Trump amounts to a historic overreach of power that runs counter to the Founders’ intentions.They also warned that impeaching Trump amounts to a historic overreach of power that runs counter to the Founders’ intentions.
At a Tuesday morning news conference, House Republican leaders slammed their Democratic colleagues on all these fronts.At a Tuesday morning news conference, House Republican leaders slammed their Democratic colleagues on all these fronts.
“They were committed to impeachment regardless of the facts,” said Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) He accused Pelosi of “[bowing] down to the most radical elements of her base.”“They were committed to impeachment regardless of the facts,” said Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) He accused Pelosi of “[bowing] down to the most radical elements of her base.”
“They’re impeaching him because they’re afraid he’ll get reelected. … That’s the abuse of power,” he said.“They’re impeaching him because they’re afraid he’ll get reelected. … That’s the abuse of power,” he said.
Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif). maintained that “this president did nothing that is impeachable.”Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif). maintained that “this president did nothing that is impeachable.”
“This is the fear that Alexander Hamilton had that came to fruition in this Congress,” he said. “I just hope no Congress ever repeats what we’re going through today.“This is the fear that Alexander Hamilton had that came to fruition in this Congress,” he said. “I just hope no Congress ever repeats what we’re going through today.
When asked about whether it was appropriate for Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani to have recently returned to Ukraine when his activity there was under such intense congressional scrutiny, McCarthy would not engage.When asked about whether it was appropriate for Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani to have recently returned to Ukraine when his activity there was under such intense congressional scrutiny, McCarthy would not engage.
“Giuliani is an individual citizen, that is not the question we have before us,” he said.“Giuliani is an individual citizen, that is not the question we have before us,” he said.
The House Judiciary Committee released the text of a nine-page resolution that includes two articles of impeachment narrowly focused on the issues of Trump’s conduct in Ukraine and his obstruction of the impeachment inquiry.The House Judiciary Committee released the text of a nine-page resolution that includes two articles of impeachment narrowly focused on the issues of Trump’s conduct in Ukraine and his obstruction of the impeachment inquiry.
The resolution makes no mention of the investigation of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign or other investigations that House Democrats have launched since taking control of the chamber.The resolution makes no mention of the investigation of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign or other investigations that House Democrats have launched since taking control of the chamber.
The first article of impeachment is “abuse of power.”The first article of impeachment is “abuse of power.”
“Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election,” the resolution says. “He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.”“Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election,” the resolution says. “He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.”
The second article of impeachment is “obstruction of Congress.”The second article of impeachment is “obstruction of Congress.”
The resolution says that Trump “interposed the powers of the Presidency against the lawful subpoenas of the House of Representatives, and assumed to himself functions and judgments necessary to the exercise of the ‘sole power of Impeachment’ vested by the Constitution in the House of Representatives.”The resolution says that Trump “interposed the powers of the Presidency against the lawful subpoenas of the House of Representatives, and assumed to himself functions and judgments necessary to the exercise of the ‘sole power of Impeachment’ vested by the Constitution in the House of Representatives.”
As Democrats unveiled articles of impeachment, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney declined to comment on the allegations that Trump had improperly pressured Ukraine’s leader to launch investigations that could benefit Trump politically.As Democrats unveiled articles of impeachment, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney declined to comment on the allegations that Trump had improperly pressured Ukraine’s leader to launch investigations that could benefit Trump politically.
“I’m not going to go into the facts. I’m not going to talk about the facts until the president tells me to,” Mulvaney told assembled business leaders at the Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council event in Washington.“I’m not going to go into the facts. I’m not going to talk about the facts until the president tells me to,” Mulvaney told assembled business leaders at the Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council event in Washington.
When asked if he’d testify, he responded that he’d be open to the idea but did not believe it would happen. The White House declined an invitation from Nadler to participate in the committee’s impeachment proceedings.When asked if he’d testify, he responded that he’d be open to the idea but did not believe it would happen. The White House declined an invitation from Nadler to participate in the committee’s impeachment proceedings.
“Part of me really wants to,” Mulvaney said, according to the Wall Street Journal. But Mulvaney said that any decision to testify would be up to his boss.“Part of me really wants to,” Mulvaney said, according to the Wall Street Journal. But Mulvaney said that any decision to testify would be up to his boss.
During the interview, he also said he believed “politics can and should influence foreign policy.”During the interview, he also said he believed “politics can and should influence foreign policy.”
“Whoever wins gets to set that foreign policy,” he said.“Whoever wins gets to set that foreign policy,” he said.
These comments echoed Mulvaney’s controversial statements from October, when he appeared to admit that the Trump administration had withheld funds to Ukraine over “corruption” issues.These comments echoed Mulvaney’s controversial statements from October, when he appeared to admit that the Trump administration had withheld funds to Ukraine over “corruption” issues.
“I have news for everybody: Get over it. There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy,” Mulvaney said at an October news conference.“I have news for everybody: Get over it. There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy,” Mulvaney said at an October news conference.
He later tempered these comments in a statement issued by the White House, saying “there was absolutely no quid pro quo” of military aid in exchange for Ukraine opening investigations into the Bidens or 2016 election interference.He later tempered these comments in a statement issued by the White House, saying “there was absolutely no quid pro quo” of military aid in exchange for Ukraine opening investigations into the Bidens or 2016 election interference.
Pelosi defended her willingness to work with the Trump administration on a major trade agreement as House Democrats are pursuing the president’s impeachment.Pelosi defended her willingness to work with the Trump administration on a major trade agreement as House Democrats are pursuing the president’s impeachment.
At a news conference announcing an agreement with the administration on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, Pelosi was asked how she could work with someone she has called an “existential threat to democracy.”At a news conference announcing an agreement with the administration on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, Pelosi was asked how she could work with someone she has called an “existential threat to democracy.”
“We’re declaring victory for the American worker,” Pelosi said, arguing that the benefits in the revised deal are more important than any “collateral benefit” that accrues to politicians from either party.“We’re declaring victory for the American worker,” Pelosi said, arguing that the benefits in the revised deal are more important than any “collateral benefit” that accrues to politicians from either party.
As an agreement with the administration neared in recent days, Pelosi took some flak from liberals in her party who argued she should not hand Trump a major legislative victory as he is being impeached.As an agreement with the administration neared in recent days, Pelosi took some flak from liberals in her party who argued she should not hand Trump a major legislative victory as he is being impeached.
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) emphasized what he characterized as “extreme restraint” in pursuing Trump’s impeachment in a statement issued after the two articles were unveiled.House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) emphasized what he characterized as “extreme restraint” in pursuing Trump’s impeachment in a statement issued after the two articles were unveiled.
“House Democrats never sought impeachment, instead demonstrating extreme restraint as we watched this president engage in actions and behavior that we believed to be abhorrent and anathema to our nation’s highest principles,” Hoyer said.“House Democrats never sought impeachment, instead demonstrating extreme restraint as we watched this president engage in actions and behavior that we believed to be abhorrent and anathema to our nation’s highest principles,” Hoyer said.
“However, in offering a bribe to the president of Ukraine in return for his government’s involvement in a scheme to interfere in the 2020 presidential election, President Trump put himself before our country,” Hoyer continued. “This misconduct is what our Founders envisioned with horror when they created the process of impeachment to prevent a president’s abuse of power for personal gain.”“However, in offering a bribe to the president of Ukraine in return for his government’s involvement in a scheme to interfere in the 2020 presidential election, President Trump put himself before our country,” Hoyer continued. “This misconduct is what our Founders envisioned with horror when they created the process of impeachment to prevent a president’s abuse of power for personal gain.”
White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham weighed in on the articles of impeachment, saying Trump expected to be “fully exonerated” in a trial in the Republican-led Senate.White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham weighed in on the articles of impeachment, saying Trump expected to be “fully exonerated” in a trial in the Republican-led Senate.
“The announcement of two baseless articles of impeachment does not hurt the President, it hurts the American people,” Grisham said in a statement. “The President will address these false charges in the Senate and expects to be fully exonerated, because he did nothing wrong.”“The announcement of two baseless articles of impeachment does not hurt the President, it hurts the American people,” Grisham said in a statement. “The President will address these false charges in the Senate and expects to be fully exonerated, because he did nothing wrong.”
An hour after House Democrats unveiled articles of impeachment, Trump took aim at two leaders of the inquiry, Nadler and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.).An hour after House Democrats unveiled articles of impeachment, Trump took aim at two leaders of the inquiry, Nadler and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.).
In tweets, Trump took issue with Nadler having said at the news conference that Trump pressured Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election.In tweets, Trump took issue with Nadler having said at the news conference that Trump pressured Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election.
“Ridiculous, and he knows that is not true,” Trump said of the House Judiciary Committee chairman.“Ridiculous, and he knows that is not true,” Trump said of the House Judiciary Committee chairman.
Trump cited statements by Zelensky that he did not feel pressured by Trump. Democrats have argued that Zelensky would risk losing U.S. aid, among other things, if he acknowledged feeling pressured by Trump.Trump cited statements by Zelensky that he did not feel pressured by Trump. Democrats have argued that Zelensky would risk losing U.S. aid, among other things, if he acknowledged feeling pressured by Trump.
In his tweets, Trump also attacked Schiff as “a totally corrupt politician.”In his tweets, Trump also attacked Schiff as “a totally corrupt politician.”
Trump has repeatedly criticized Schiff for having embellished at a committee hearing a rough transcript of the call in which Trump pressed Zelensky for investigations. Schiff said that he was trying to capture the essence of what Trump said and was not quoting him directly.Trump has repeatedly criticized Schiff for having embellished at a committee hearing a rough transcript of the call in which Trump pressed Zelensky for investigations. Schiff said that he was trying to capture the essence of what Trump said and was not quoting him directly.
“He got caught, was very embarrassed, yet nothing happened to him for committing this fraud. He’ll eventually have to answer for this!” Trump tweeted.“He got caught, was very embarrassed, yet nothing happened to him for committing this fraud. He’ll eventually have to answer for this!” Trump tweeted.
Rep. Douglas A. Collins (Ga.), the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee and one of the president’s staunchest defenders, slammed the impeachment inquiry as a “sham process” during an appearance on Fox News.Rep. Douglas A. Collins (Ga.), the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee and one of the president’s staunchest defenders, slammed the impeachment inquiry as a “sham process” during an appearance on Fox News.
Reacting to the Democrats’ announcement, Collins broadly criticized the impeachment inquiry, including the hearings and the articles unveiled just moments before.Reacting to the Democrats’ announcement, Collins broadly criticized the impeachment inquiry, including the hearings and the articles unveiled just moments before.
He called the articles of impeachment on the grounds of obstruction of Congress and abuse of power “amorphous” and accused Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) of “malpractice.”He called the articles of impeachment on the grounds of obstruction of Congress and abuse of power “amorphous” and accused Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) of “malpractice.”
Despite his strong opposition to the inquiry, Collins conceded earlier on Tuesday that the Democratic-controlled House would probably vote for impeachment before the holiday.Despite his strong opposition to the inquiry, Collins conceded earlier on Tuesday that the Democratic-controlled House would probably vote for impeachment before the holiday.
“This is a clock and calendar issue. It’s not about facts,” he said.“This is a clock and calendar issue. It’s not about facts,” he said.
Another Trump ally, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), called the articles of impeachment “a baseless attempt to upend the will of the people less than 11 months before the next election.”Another Trump ally, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), called the articles of impeachment “a baseless attempt to upend the will of the people less than 11 months before the next election.”
“The Democrats’ impeachment effort is a miscarriage of the House of Representatives’ constitutional obligations and marks a shameful chapter in American history,” Jordan said in a statement.“The Democrats’ impeachment effort is a miscarriage of the House of Representatives’ constitutional obligations and marks a shameful chapter in American history,” Jordan said in a statement.
Trump sought to highlight an apparent agreement with House Democrats on trade in the aftermath of their announcement of articles of impeachment against him.Trump sought to highlight an apparent agreement with House Democrats on trade in the aftermath of their announcement of articles of impeachment against him.
“Looking like very good Democrat support for USMCA. That would be great for our Country!” Trump tweeted, referring to the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement.“Looking like very good Democrat support for USMCA. That would be great for our Country!” Trump tweeted, referring to the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement.
In another tweet, he wrote that the deal would be “the best and most important trade deal ever made by the USA.”In another tweet, he wrote that the deal would be “the best and most important trade deal ever made by the USA.”
Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale contended Tuesday that Democrats are pushing for impeachment of Trump because they don’t have a candidate who can beat him at the ballot box in November.Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale contended Tuesday that Democrats are pushing for impeachment of Trump because they don’t have a candidate who can beat him at the ballot box in November.
“For months, Nancy Pelosi said she wouldn’t move forward on impeachment because it was too divisive and it needed bipartisan support,” Parscale said in a statement released shortly after Pelosi joined other Democrats in announcing the articles of impeachment.“For months, Nancy Pelosi said she wouldn’t move forward on impeachment because it was too divisive and it needed bipartisan support,” Parscale said in a statement released shortly after Pelosi joined other Democrats in announcing the articles of impeachment.
“Well, it is divisive and only the Democrats are pushing it, but she’s doing it anyway,” Parscale said. “Americans don’t agree with this rank partisanship, but Democrats are putting on this political theater because they don’t have a viable candidate for 2020 and they know it.”“Well, it is divisive and only the Democrats are pushing it, but she’s doing it anyway,” Parscale said. “Americans don’t agree with this rank partisanship, but Democrats are putting on this political theater because they don’t have a viable candidate for 2020 and they know it.”
In a separate statement, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called the articles of impeachment “yet another partisan attempt to overthrow a duly-elected President and rob voters of the chance to re-elect him in 2020.”In a separate statement, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called the articles of impeachment “yet another partisan attempt to overthrow a duly-elected President and rob voters of the chance to re-elect him in 2020.”
A narrower focus of just two articles of impeachment means Democrats will forgo a chance to lay out allegations of possible obstruction of justice as depicted in former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report on Russian election interference.A narrower focus of just two articles of impeachment means Democrats will forgo a chance to lay out allegations of possible obstruction of justice as depicted in former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report on Russian election interference.
Some lawmakers, particularly on the House Judiciary Committee, had been pushing leadership to include obstruction of justice as a third charge, arguing that a focus on Ukraine alone would not establish a pattern of corrupt behavior stemming from the White House.Some lawmakers, particularly on the House Judiciary Committee, had been pushing leadership to include obstruction of justice as a third charge, arguing that a focus on Ukraine alone would not establish a pattern of corrupt behavior stemming from the White House.
Moderate Democrats, however, were wary of voting on charges that Trump obstructed justice since Mueller’s report was inconclusive on whether the president violated the law. Justice Department rules prohibit the indictment of a sitting president, one of the reasons Mueller said it was up to Congress to decide whether Trump violated his oath.Moderate Democrats, however, were wary of voting on charges that Trump obstructed justice since Mueller’s report was inconclusive on whether the president violated the law. Justice Department rules prohibit the indictment of a sitting president, one of the reasons Mueller said it was up to Congress to decide whether Trump violated his oath.
Those moderate concerns won out in the end. However, several Democrats said it was possible that the articles could mention some of Mueller’s findings to try to show Trump’s actions on Ukraine did not occur in a vacuum.Those moderate concerns won out in the end. However, several Democrats said it was possible that the articles could mention some of Mueller’s findings to try to show Trump’s actions on Ukraine did not occur in a vacuum.
House Democrats unveiled two articles of impeachment against Trump, saying he had abused the power of his office and obstructed Congress in its investigation of his conduct regarding Ukraine.House Democrats unveiled two articles of impeachment against Trump, saying he had abused the power of his office and obstructed Congress in its investigation of his conduct regarding Ukraine.
“We must be clear: No one, not even the president, is above the law,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) said at a news conference where he was flanked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other House leaders standing in front of a row of American flags.“We must be clear: No one, not even the president, is above the law,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) said at a news conference where he was flanked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other House leaders standing in front of a row of American flags.
“The evidence of the president’s misconduct is overwhelming and uncontested,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) said as he outlined a case against Trump and argued that his conduct was too grave to let stand until next year’s election.“The evidence of the president’s misconduct is overwhelming and uncontested,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) said as he outlined a case against Trump and argued that his conduct was too grave to let stand until next year’s election.
“The argument, ‘why don’t you just wait?’ comes down to this: Why don’t you just let him cheat in just one more election?” Schiff said, calling impeachment “a question of duty.”“The argument, ‘why don’t you just wait?’ comes down to this: Why don’t you just let him cheat in just one more election?” Schiff said, calling impeachment “a question of duty.”
The Judiciary Committee plans to vote on the articles — the equivalent of a formal charge — on Thursday, and the full House is expected to vote next week.The Judiciary Committee plans to vote on the articles — the equivalent of a formal charge — on Thursday, and the full House is expected to vote next week.
The Democratic leaders left the news conference without taking questions.The Democratic leaders left the news conference without taking questions.
Shortly before the announcement of articles of impeachment, Pelosi tweeted that Trump had “used the power of his office against a foreign country to corrupt our upcoming elections.”Shortly before the announcement of articles of impeachment, Pelosi tweeted that Trump had “used the power of his office against a foreign country to corrupt our upcoming elections.”
“He is a continuing threat to our democracy and national security,” Pelosi said in a tweet that included a link to a live stream of the upcoming news conference.“He is a continuing threat to our democracy and national security,” Pelosi said in a tweet that included a link to a live stream of the upcoming news conference.
Pelosi will join the five committee chairmen in announcing the articles of impeachment, her office indicated in an updated advisory on Tuesday morning.Pelosi will join the five committee chairmen in announcing the articles of impeachment, her office indicated in an updated advisory on Tuesday morning.
As House Democrats move forward with impeaching Trump, they are also on the verge of handing him one of the largest legislative victories of his presidency: passage of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement on trade.As House Democrats move forward with impeaching Trump, they are also on the verge of handing him one of the largest legislative victories of his presidency: passage of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement on trade.
Pelosi and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-Mass.) have scheduled a 10 a.m. news conference on the issue, a clear sign that a deal with the Trump administration is within reach.Pelosi and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-Mass.) have scheduled a 10 a.m. news conference on the issue, a clear sign that a deal with the Trump administration is within reach.
As House Democrats prepared to unveil articles of impeachment against him, Trump claimed the move amounted to “sheer Political Madness” in a morning tweet.As House Democrats prepared to unveil articles of impeachment against him, Trump claimed the move amounted to “sheer Political Madness” in a morning tweet.
“To Impeach a President who has proven through results, including producing perhaps the strongest economy in our country’s history, to have one of the most successful presidencies ever, and most importantly, who has done NOTHING wrong, is sheer Political Madness!” he wrote, adding a hashtag: “#2020Election”“To Impeach a President who has proven through results, including producing perhaps the strongest economy in our country’s history, to have one of the most successful presidencies ever, and most importantly, who has done NOTHING wrong, is sheer Political Madness!” he wrote, adding a hashtag: “#2020Election”
As House Democrats press forward on impeachment, Trump plans to meet Tuesday afternoon with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the White House before heading to Hershey, Pa., for an early evening campaign rally.As House Democrats press forward on impeachment, Trump plans to meet Tuesday afternoon with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the White House before heading to Hershey, Pa., for an early evening campaign rally.
Lavrov’s last trip to Washington in 2017 concluded in a firestorm of criticism after the Russian Embassy in Washington released images of him and other U.S. officials smiling and shaking hands in the Oval Office. The Russian delegation was allowed to bring a photographer in the room from the state news agency Tass while U.S. photojournalists were barred entry to the meeting.Lavrov’s last trip to Washington in 2017 concluded in a firestorm of criticism after the Russian Embassy in Washington released images of him and other U.S. officials smiling and shaking hands in the Oval Office. The Russian delegation was allowed to bring a photographer in the room from the state news agency Tass while U.S. photojournalists were barred entry to the meeting.
U.S. officials later revealed that Trump disclosed highly classified information to Lavrov in the meeting that related to a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.U.S. officials later revealed that Trump disclosed highly classified information to Lavrov in the meeting that related to a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.
The meeting came a day after Trump fired FBI Director James B. Comey, who was leading the investigation into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russian officials. Trump reportedly told Lavrov that Comey was “crazy” and a “real nut job.”The meeting came a day after Trump fired FBI Director James B. Comey, who was leading the investigation into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russian officials. Trump reportedly told Lavrov that Comey was “crazy” and a “real nut job.”
Trump has used previous “Keep America Great” rallies to air grievances about the impeachment process and take aim at the Democrats leading it.Trump has used previous “Keep America Great” rallies to air grievances about the impeachment process and take aim at the Democrats leading it.
Trump narrowly carried Pennsylvania over Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016, and the state is considered key to his election prospects in 2020 if he remains in office.Trump narrowly carried Pennsylvania over Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016, and the state is considered key to his election prospects in 2020 if he remains in office.
President Trump lashed out Tuesday morning at FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, suggesting “he will never be able to fix the FBI” based on his reaction to a Justice Department inspector general’s report examining the bureau’s investigation of Trump’s 2016 campaign.President Trump lashed out Tuesday morning at FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, suggesting “he will never be able to fix the FBI” based on his reaction to a Justice Department inspector general’s report examining the bureau’s investigation of Trump’s 2016 campaign.
“I don’t know what report current Director of the FBI Christopher Wray was reading, but it sure wasn’t the one given to me,” Trump tweeted. “With that kind of attitude, he will never be able to fix the FBI, which is badly broken despite having some of the greatest men & women working there!”“I don’t know what report current Director of the FBI Christopher Wray was reading, but it sure wasn’t the one given to me,” Trump tweeted. “With that kind of attitude, he will never be able to fix the FBI, which is badly broken despite having some of the greatest men & women working there!”
The 434-page report rebutted conservatives’ accusations that top FBI officials were driven by political bias to illegally spy on Trump advisers as part of the probe into Russian election interference, but also found broad and “serious performance failures” requiring major changes.The 434-page report rebutted conservatives’ accusations that top FBI officials were driven by political bias to illegally spy on Trump advisers as part of the probe into Russian election interference, but also found broad and “serious performance failures” requiring major changes.
In a statement Monday, Wray, a Trump appointee, said he had ordered more than 40 corrective steps to address the report’s recommendations” and said he would not hesitate to take “appropriate disciplinary action if warranted.”In a statement Monday, Wray, a Trump appointee, said he had ordered more than 40 corrective steps to address the report’s recommendations” and said he would not hesitate to take “appropriate disciplinary action if warranted.”
He noted to ABC News, though, that it was “important that the inspector general found that, in this particular instance, the investigation was opened with appropriate predication and authorization.”He noted to ABC News, though, that it was “important that the inspector general found that, in this particular instance, the investigation was opened with appropriate predication and authorization.”
Read more here.Read more here.
The leaders of five House Committees have scheduled a 9 a.m. news conference at which they are expected to unveil two articles of impeachment against Trump that will focus on abuse of power and obstructing Congress.The leaders of five House Committees have scheduled a 9 a.m. news conference at which they are expected to unveil two articles of impeachment against Trump that will focus on abuse of power and obstructing Congress.
The event at the Capitol has been advertised as an opportunity for the five Democrats to “announce the next steps in the House impeachment inquiry.”The event at the Capitol has been advertised as an opportunity for the five Democrats to “announce the next steps in the House impeachment inquiry.”
Those participating include Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot L. Engel (N.Y.), Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (Calif.) and House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney (N.Y.).Those participating include Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot L. Engel (N.Y.), Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (Calif.) and House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney (N.Y.).
Leaving a meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Monday night, Engel told reporters that he and the other chairs would announce specific articles at the 9 a.m. news conference.Leaving a meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Monday night, Engel told reporters that he and the other chairs would announce specific articles at the 9 a.m. news conference.
Under the current plan, the Judiciary Committee would vote on the articles Thursday, according to people familiar with the matter, setting up a floor vote next week.Under the current plan, the Judiciary Committee would vote on the articles Thursday, according to people familiar with the matter, setting up a floor vote next week.
Pelosi will have an opportunity to weigh in on the impeachment proceedings late Tuesday morning when she appears at Politico’s Women Rule Summit.Pelosi will have an opportunity to weigh in on the impeachment proceedings late Tuesday morning when she appears at Politico’s Women Rule Summit.
“A Conversation With Nancy Pelosi” is scheduled to begin at 11:45 a.m. with Anna Palmer of Politico serving as moderator.“A Conversation With Nancy Pelosi” is scheduled to begin at 11:45 a.m. with Anna Palmer of Politico serving as moderator.
Earlier Tuesday morning, other members of House Democratic leadership are scheduled to hold a news conference, as is the House GOP leadership team.Earlier Tuesday morning, other members of House Democratic leadership are scheduled to hold a news conference, as is the House GOP leadership team.