M6 motorway yoghurt eater has got Twitter licked


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Police seem to have caused a carton controversy by stopping a motorway driver eating yoghurt at the wheel.

Lifting the lid off the matter, they tweeted to say the sneaky snacker "wasn't even using a spoon".

Officers branded the lack of cutlery "unacceptable" and soon had Twitter debating yoghurt etiquette.

One person joined in to ask whether the driver was guilty of "a (fromage) frais".

Another added: "Appalling behaviour and manners. You can only eat Frubes without a spoon."

The car was stopped by Central Motorway Police Group on the M6 in Stafford on Friday.

It is unclear of which offence the driver was suspected. Staffordshire Police has been contacted for comment.

Plenty on social media have been left scratching their heads by the move.

Others thought they knew exactly what went on.

The Highway Code states that safe driving needs concentration and motorists should avoid distractions such as eating and drinking.

And according to the RAC, while it is not illegal to eat at the wheel, distracted motorists could be prosecuted for careless driving if not in proper control of their vehicle.

The yoghurt-eating was not the only M6 incident in Staffordshire on Friday.

Police also stopped and fined a man £100 after catching him watching a film on his phone while in transit.

They said he was driving a people carrier between J15 for Stoke-on-Trent and Stafford services.

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