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Coronavirus live updates: death toll in Italy passes 1,000 Coronavirus live updates: death toll in Italy passes 1,000
(30 minutes later)
Stock markets plunge again; death tolls rise around the world; more countries shut down schools, nurseries and universities. Follow the latest newsStock markets plunge again; death tolls rise around the world; more countries shut down schools, nurseries and universities. Follow the latest news
The UK government has updated its coronavirus advice, following the latest emergency meeting of ministers and their advisers this afternoon. Here are the key points. The Labour MP Kate Osamor has written to Matt Hancock, the UK health secretary, calling for immediate support to NHS 111 to stop what she says are safety failings that are contributing to the spread of coronavirus. She writes:
if you have symptoms of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), however mild, stay at home and do not leave your house for 7 days from when your symptoms started. (See Ending Isolation section below for more information) Kate Connolly, the Guardian’s Berlin correspondent, has sent in a summary of developments in Germany today where the number of people with coronavirus has risen to 2,527.
this action will help protect others in your community whilst you are infectious. The fourth death was announced this morning, of a 67-year-old man from the south western state of Baden-Württemberg, and this afternoon, the fifth death, of an 80-year-old man, in the southern state of Bavaria.
plan ahead and ask others for help to ensure that you can successfully stay at home. In Berlin an emergency meeting is taking place of the leaders of all of Germany’s 16 states to discuss what measures are needed to be taken next, to dampen the spread of the virus. A press conference is expected when the meeting concludes.
ask your employer, friends and family to help you to get the things you need to stay at home. Lars Schaade, the vice president of the Robert Koch Institute, the leading government advice body for public health, said that the virus was spreading “very fast” in Germany. He said virologists would be closely observing developments over the next days and weeks looking for any indication as to when the virus might start to “level off”. He warned that young people, and those in good health were at risk of not taking the illness seriously.
stay at least 2 metres (about 3 steps) away from other people in your home whenever possible. Younger people also had to show solidarity towards older members of society, he said, by curbing their activities so as not to contribute to the spread of the virus.
sleep alone, if that is possible. Germany’s president, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who has cancelled almost all of his non-urgent appointments, appealed to Germans to help each other, and show solidarity particularly towards the elderly and sick by not undertaking any necessary journeys or activities that might help spread the virus. Steinmeier said:
wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, each time using soap and water. As increasing numbers of events are being cancelled across the country and schools and kindergartens being closed where there are confirmed persons with coronavirus, the Christian Democratic Union party announced its conference at the end of April, which was due to elect a new leader, will now not take place.
stay away from vulnerable individuals such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions as much as possible. Daniel Barenboim, the artistic director of Berlin’s Staatsoper, said tonight’s performance of Carmen, starring Anita Rachvelishvili, would take place without an audience but would be livestreamed on its website at 7pm local time.
you do not need to call NHS111 to go into self-isolation. If your symptoms worsen during home isolation or are no better after 7 days contact NHS 111 online. If you have no internet access, you should call NHS 111. For a medical emergency dial 999. After several leading footballers from clubs in Hanover and Stuttgart were tested positive, the German Football Association, DFB, said it was at pains to see the regular football season out, but it would also consider bringing it to a premature end. Its general secretary Friedrich Curtius wrote in a guest commentary for the football magazine, Kicker:
My colleague Lisa O’Carroll has more on the advice to the government from the UK elections watchdog to postpone May’s local elections and mayoral elections because of the coronavirus crisis.
The electoral commission has written to the government expressing “serious concerns” over canvassing activity as the country moves into the “delay” phase of the national virus prevention plan.
Next week’s Brexit talks in London are also under threat but officials are hoping to salvage the three-day negotiating round through video-conferencing.
Downing Street said it was “still anticipating” the second round of negotiations would take place as planned on Wednesday.
Elections for local authorities, police and crime commissioner, and mayoral posts are due to take place in 309 constituencies on 7 May.
An EU official said: “We are in contact with the UK about next week’s round of negotiations.”
Authorities in the Netherlands have announced new measures to combat the spread of coronavirus in the country, after a press conference by prime minister Mark Rutte.
Gatherings of more than 100 people have been banned in the country, while older people and others from vulnerable groups have been told to avoid public transport.
The Netherlands has 614 confirmed infections. You can read more on the I Am Expat website.
Venezuela has cancelled all flights from Europe and neighbouring Colombia in an effort to isolate the troubled South American country from the spread of the coronavirus, reports Joe Parkin Daniels. The ban will last 30 days.
Mass gatherings have also been banned, the country’s embattled president, Nicolás Maduro, said in a televised statement on Thursday. He described the measures as “preventative”.
Venezuela, which boasts the largest proven oil reserves on the planet, is mired in social and economic turmoil, with shortages in basic goods and medical supplies widespread and runaway hyperinflation.
Public health experts warn that the country is far from ready to handle any outbreak amid a collapsing health system.
No cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed by the famously intransigent government, though observers say that testing capabilities are well under par.
Maduro, who is not recognised as the legitimate president by the US and 50 other countries, has said US sanctions are hurting his administration’s ability to respond to the pandemic.
The UK government has updated its coronavirus advice, following the latest emergency meeting of ministers and their advisers this afternoon. Here are the key points:
If you have symptoms of coronavirus infection (Covid-19), however mild, stay at home and do not leave your house for seven days from when your symptoms started. (See “ending isolation” section, below, for more information)
This action will help protect others in your community whilst you are infectious.
Plan ahead and ask others for help to ensure that you can successfully stay at home.
Ask your employer, friends and family to help you to get the things you need to stay at home.
Stay at least 2 metres (about three steps) away from other people in your home whenever possible.
Sleep alone, if that is possible.
Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, each time using soap and water.
Stay away from vulnerable individuals such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions as much as possible.
You do not need to call NHS 111 to go into self-isolation. If your symptoms worsen during home isolation or are no better after seven days contact NHS 111 online. If you have no internet access, you should call NHS 111. For a medical emergency dial 999.
Extinction Rebellion has postponed its next wave of protests, which had been due to start on 23 May.Extinction Rebellion has postponed its next wave of protests, which had been due to start on 23 May.
Sources within the environmental protest movement say they are planning an alternative “rebellion”, in an effort to support the struggle against the coronavirus outbreak that is spreading around the world.Sources within the environmental protest movement say they are planning an alternative “rebellion”, in an effort to support the struggle against the coronavirus outbreak that is spreading around the world.
A statement sent to the Guardian reads:A statement sent to the Guardian reads:
More than 1,000 people in Italy have died as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, according to the latest figures.More than 1,000 people in Italy have died as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, according to the latest figures.
According to Reuters:According to Reuters:
Britain’s FTSE 100 has suffered its biggest one-day loss since October 1987, and its second worst day ever.Britain’s FTSE 100 has suffered its biggest one-day loss since October 1987, and its second worst day ever.
The escalating coronavirus crisis has triggered an absolute rout in the City again, and around Europe, as Donald Trump’s EU flight ban sparks alarm – and fuels fears of a global recession.The escalating coronavirus crisis has triggered an absolute rout in the City again, and around Europe, as Donald Trump’s EU flight ban sparks alarm – and fuels fears of a global recession.
Investors appear to be pricing in a serious pandemic, with quarantine measures and lockdowns in big cities leading to huge economic cost, and losing faith that policymakers can prevent it.Investors appear to be pricing in a serious pandemic, with quarantine measures and lockdowns in big cities leading to huge economic cost, and losing faith that policymakers can prevent it.
Read more on our business live blog:Read more on our business live blog:
For full coverage of the UK prime minister’s press conference on the country’s response to coronavirus check out our politics live blog.For full coverage of the UK prime minister’s press conference on the country’s response to coronavirus check out our politics live blog.
Deliveroo HQ in London will be closed from tomorrow until at least 30 March, a leaked internal memo sent by the chief executive and founder, Will Shu, to staff reveals, Jedidajah Otte reports.Deliveroo HQ in London will be closed from tomorrow until at least 30 March, a leaked internal memo sent by the chief executive and founder, Will Shu, to staff reveals, Jedidajah Otte reports.
Shu wrote:Shu wrote:
Dan Winn, the chief technology officer at Deliveroo, wrote in a separate message to staff at the company’s tech department, seen by the Guardian:Dan Winn, the chief technology officer at Deliveroo, wrote in a separate message to staff at the company’s tech department, seen by the Guardian:
A Deliveroo spokesperson said:A Deliveroo spokesperson said:
The health minister in Wales, Vaughan Gething, has defended his government’s decision not to order the postponement of the Wales v Scotland rugby match, Steven Morris reports.The health minister in Wales, Vaughan Gething, has defended his government’s decision not to order the postponement of the Wales v Scotland rugby match, Steven Morris reports.
Plaid Cymru has called for the game and other mass gatherings to be put off, but Gething said: “It’s really clear and really important that ministers are making choices guided by the best evidence and advice.” He said Wales was “actively considering” banning mass gatherings from next week.Plaid Cymru has called for the game and other mass gatherings to be put off, but Gething said: “It’s really clear and really important that ministers are making choices guided by the best evidence and advice.” He said Wales was “actively considering” banning mass gatherings from next week.
On closing schools, Gething said such a move was not appropriate at the moment. He said: “Ministers have had clear advice that closing schools now is not an appropriate step to take. That advice may change.”On closing schools, Gething said such a move was not appropriate at the moment. He said: “Ministers have had clear advice that closing schools now is not an appropriate step to take. That advice may change.”
The chief medical officer for Wales, Dr Frank Atherton, said the expectation was that cases would start rising in early April and there may be a peak in May and June.The chief medical officer for Wales, Dr Frank Atherton, said the expectation was that cases would start rising in early April and there may be a peak in May and June.
Asked if there was any suggestion the pattern in the UK was not following that seen in Italy, he said: “We have to assume the pattern of transmission in Italy may be coming our way. We have to assume that.”Asked if there was any suggestion the pattern in the UK was not following that seen in Italy, he said: “We have to assume the pattern of transmission in Italy may be coming our way. We have to assume that.”
Welsh Labour has announced it is postponing its annual conference as the Welsh Labour government devotes its full attention to responding to the outbreak. The conference was due to take place next month in Llandudno, north Wales.Welsh Labour has announced it is postponing its annual conference as the Welsh Labour government devotes its full attention to responding to the outbreak. The conference was due to take place next month in Llandudno, north Wales.
Boris Johnson said the coronavirus outbreak was “the worst public health crisis for a generation” and the number of cases could be “much higher” than had been confirmed.Boris Johnson said the coronavirus outbreak was “the worst public health crisis for a generation” and the number of cases could be “much higher” than had been confirmed.
The prime minister said he had to “level with the British public that many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time”.The prime minister said he had to “level with the British public that many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time”.
He said even if the peak of the disease was delayed by a “few weeks”, the NHS would be in a stronger position to handle it because of the improving weather, more beds would be available and there would be greater time for medical research.He said even if the peak of the disease was delayed by a “few weeks”, the NHS would be in a stronger position to handle it because of the improving weather, more beds would be available and there would be greater time for medical research.
As well as advising that gatherings of 500 people or more be cancelled next week, Scotland’s first minister said overseas school trips should not go ahead and people with symptoms indicative of coronavirus should stay at home for seven days.As well as advising that gatherings of 500 people or more be cancelled next week, Scotland’s first minister said overseas school trips should not go ahead and people with symptoms indicative of coronavirus should stay at home for seven days.
Nicola Sturgeon told a press briefing that she was articulating a Scottish government position, not a UK-wide position, when advising that large gatherings should cancelled.Nicola Sturgeon told a press briefing that she was articulating a Scottish government position, not a UK-wide position, when advising that large gatherings should cancelled.
“We will from the start of next week advise the cancellation of mass gatherings of over 500 people that have the potential to have an impact on our frontline emergency services,” she said.“We will from the start of next week advise the cancellation of mass gatherings of over 500 people that have the potential to have an impact on our frontline emergency services,” she said.
Though this move would not have a significant impact on the spread of the virus, Sturgeon said the government issued this advice to reduce the impact on policing and frontline health services during the outbreak.Though this move would not have a significant impact on the spread of the virus, Sturgeon said the government issued this advice to reduce the impact on policing and frontline health services during the outbreak.
At first minister’s questions, Sturgeon said she was specifically referring to events that required policing and ambulance cover. “I am very clear that we are basing the decision on resilience issues and not simply on the action that we require to take to reduce the spread of the virus,” she said. “It is important that we recognise that those decisions have to be informed by the science but that there are wider implications that we all have to be mindful of.”At first minister’s questions, Sturgeon said she was specifically referring to events that required policing and ambulance cover. “I am very clear that we are basing the decision on resilience issues and not simply on the action that we require to take to reduce the spread of the virus,” she said. “It is important that we recognise that those decisions have to be informed by the science but that there are wider implications that we all have to be mindful of.”
The Scottish government will also be advising local authorities and schools that overseas school trips should be cancelled. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office would soon issue advice that aligned with that position, Sturgeon said.The Scottish government will also be advising local authorities and schools that overseas school trips should be cancelled. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office would soon issue advice that aligned with that position, Sturgeon said.
The first minister said schools, colleges and universities throughout the UK were currently not being advised to close. While the government would keep this issue under review, Sturgeon explained that closing schools could lead to children gathering in more informal settings and result in a greater spread of the virus.The first minister said schools, colleges and universities throughout the UK were currently not being advised to close. While the government would keep this issue under review, Sturgeon explained that closing schools could lead to children gathering in more informal settings and result in a greater spread of the virus.
She added: “If it gets to the stage where the advice is to close schools, this will not be for a week or two weeks. This will be something that was advised to last throughout the peak of the infection and that is potentially until the summer period.”She added: “If it gets to the stage where the advice is to close schools, this will not be for a week or two weeks. This will be something that was advised to last throughout the peak of the infection and that is potentially until the summer period.”
The Green party in England and Wales has cancelled its spring conference. The talks had been due to take place in Brighton on the weekend of 20-22 March.The Green party in England and Wales has cancelled its spring conference. The talks had been due to take place in Brighton on the weekend of 20-22 March.
A statement on the Green party website reads:A statement on the Green party website reads:
The local elections are scheduled to be held on Thursday 7 May in about 118 English local councils, eight directly elected mayors in England and 40 police and crime commissioners in England and Wales.The local elections are scheduled to be held on Thursday 7 May in about 118 English local councils, eight directly elected mayors in England and 40 police and crime commissioners in England and Wales.
More universities in England say they are stopping in-person lectures and classes and planning to switch to remote learning this month, Richard Adams, the Guardian’s education editor, reports.More universities in England say they are stopping in-person lectures and classes and planning to switch to remote learning this month, Richard Adams, the Guardian’s education editor, reports.
The University of Durham and Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) have announced that they will move to remote learning where possible, with Durham to begin from 16 March for the last week of term before its Easter holidays begin.The University of Durham and Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) have announced that they will move to remote learning where possible, with Durham to begin from 16 March for the last week of term before its Easter holidays begin.
Clare O’Malley, Durham’s global pro-vice-chancellor, told students in an email:Clare O’Malley, Durham’s global pro-vice-chancellor, told students in an email:
MMU also said it was preparing for the possibility of switching its end of year exams to online assessments. Malcolm Press, the vice-chancellor of MMU, told students:MMU also said it was preparing for the possibility of switching its end of year exams to online assessments. Malcolm Press, the vice-chancellor of MMU, told students:
Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, has announced that the whole of Metro Manila, the country’s capital, is to be placed under quarantine, according to reports.Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, has announced that the whole of Metro Manila, the country’s capital, is to be placed under quarantine, according to reports.
All travel in and out of the capital will be halted from 15 March until 14 April, Duterte said after a meeting with an interagency taskforce on the Philippines’ response to the outbreak, according to a report in ABS-CBN News. The site reported the president as saying:All travel in and out of the capital will be halted from 15 March until 14 April, Duterte said after a meeting with an interagency taskforce on the Philippines’ response to the outbreak, according to a report in ABS-CBN News. The site reported the president as saying: