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Coronavirus US live: Trump signs $2.2tn stimulus bill after invoking Defense Production Act Coronavirus US live: Trump signs $2.2tn stimulus bill after invoking Defense Production Act
(32 minutes later)
The stimulus package, which gives aid to businesses and taxpayers, received bipartisan support in CongressThe stimulus package, which gives aid to businesses and taxpayers, received bipartisan support in Congress
Panera Bread partnering with the USDA to serve meals to kids
One of the country’s fast casual food chains announced a partnership with the department of agriculture and a children’s hunger group to serve fresh, healthy meals to kids across Ohio, and eventually across multiple states.
Fact check: Has Trump always taken coronavirus seriously?
Trump today switched from saying that the coronavirus pandemic was unpredictable (see news coverage yesterday), to again claiming he’d always taken it seriously: ‘I was the first one to say to China, when they had the problem, not to come in and that was a long time ago.’
In fact, at the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, Trump repeatedly downplayed the threat, inaccurately comparing it to the flu and told his supporters that growing worry about the coronavirus was a “hoax.”
By the time Trump announced travel restrictions from China on 31 January, most major airlines had already suspended flights, following the lead of several major international carriers that had stopped due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Advocates for students with disabilities are worried
As education secretary Besty DeVos wraps up her briefing, worth reading this important story:
Education secretary Besty DeVos is now at the podium at the White House briefing giving an update on efforts to support students even as schools are closed.
She also gave a salute to many teachers and other Americans who were doing inspiring things to keep kids learning and on track. In her list: the heroic volunteering efforts of....Karen Pence, the wife of Vice President Mike Pence.
Fact check: No, there will not be enough ventilators for every American
In the White House press conference just now, Trump got testy when a reporter pressed him to answer whether he could say that every American who needed a ventilator would be able to access one. Trump did not answer. Instead, he complained that he had inherited a broken and unprepared country.
The real answer to the question: no.
An article in the New England Journal of Medicine published on Wednesday 25 March categorically concluded that the US does not have enough ventilators to treat patients with Covid-19 in the coming months.
The authors, American public health experts, wrote:
Trump says of coronavirus ‘I’m not sure people know what it is’
“You can call it a germ, a flu, a virus, you can call it many things. I’m not sure people know what it is.”
That’s the extraordinary comment that Trump made about coronavirus, in an off-hand way, as he riffed on his answer to a question about what he would tell American schoolchildren right now.
Fact check: People know what it is: coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2.
Can you promise that everyone who needs a ventilator get one? a reporter just asked Trump at the White House briefing.
“I think we’re in really good shape,” Trump said. “I think we’re in great shape.”
“We’ve distributed vast numbers of ventilators and we’re prepared to do vast numbers.”
The reporter pressed Trump again: Will everyone who needs a ventilator get one?
“Don’t be a cutie pie,” Trump told the reporter, repeating, mockingly, “‘Everyone who needs one.’”
“Nobody’s ever done what we’ve done,” Trump went on. He complained the country “was a mess” when he took over. “It was a broken country in so many ways. We had a bad testing system. We hd a bad stockpiling system.”
By asking the question about whether every American who needs a ventilator will get one, Trump said, the reporter was “being a wise guy.”
Fact check: ‘We have the smartest people in the world’Fact check: ‘We have the smartest people in the world’
Reassuring Americans that the coronavirus pandemic is very much under control in the United States, Trump said ‘we [the US] have the smartest people in the world.’Reassuring Americans that the coronavirus pandemic is very much under control in the United States, Trump said ‘we [the US] have the smartest people in the world.’
Should you want to fact check that claim:Should you want to fact check that claim:
Research by Vouchercloud quantifies intelligence to include the number of Nobel Prizes each nation has won to represent historic intelligence, the current average IQ and ‘education attainment’ to represent the potential intelligence of the next generation.Research by Vouchercloud quantifies intelligence to include the number of Nobel Prizes each nation has won to represent historic intelligence, the current average IQ and ‘education attainment’ to represent the potential intelligence of the next generation.
According to that study, the US ranks fourth behind Japan, Switzerland and China.According to that study, the US ranks fourth behind Japan, Switzerland and China.
Trump’s Message to School Kids Stuck at Home Trump’s message to school kids stuck at home
Many American kids are stuck at home, frustrated, stir-crazy, and doing some school classes online, which is a poor substitute for actually learning in school, one White House reporter told Trump. What message does the president have for them?Many American kids are stuck at home, frustrated, stir-crazy, and doing some school classes online, which is a poor substitute for actually learning in school, one White House reporter told Trump. What message does the president have for them?
“You are a citizen of the greatest country in the world and we were attacked,” Trump said.“You are a citizen of the greatest country in the world and we were attacked,” Trump said.
“We’re winning the battle and we’re going to win the war and it’s not going to take hopefully that much longer.”“We’re winning the battle and we’re going to win the war and it’s not going to take hopefully that much longer.”
“They have a duty to sit back, watch, behave, wash their hands, stay in the apartment with mom and dad and just learn form it.”“They have a duty to sit back, watch, behave, wash their hands, stay in the apartment with mom and dad and just learn form it.”
“Some of them are really happy not to go to school,” Trump added.“Some of them are really happy not to go to school,” Trump added.
Then, back on message: “They should sit back and be very proud of our country, because we’re doing it for them.”Then, back on message: “They should sit back and be very proud of our country, because we’re doing it for them.”
Fact check: Has the federal government built hospitals in Washington? Fact check: has the federal government built hospitals in Washington?
Trump said most governors were very grateful to him and the federal government, but once again picked on a handful of governors including Jay Inslee of Washington state, who he referred to as a failed presidential candidate who’s always complaining.Trump said most governors were very grateful to him and the federal government, but once again picked on a handful of governors including Jay Inslee of Washington state, who he referred to as a failed presidential candidate who’s always complaining.
“We’ve built hospitals in Washington,” Trump said.“We’ve built hospitals in Washington,” Trump said.
Fact: makeshift field hospitals are springing up in Washington thanks to local authorities and the Lummi nation. Trump has promised to build a new ‘medical station’ in Washington, but that has not happened yet. Fact: makeshift field hospitals are springing up in Washington thanks to local authorities and the Lummi nation. Trump has promised to build a new “medical station” in Washington, but that has not happened yet.
Trump says he’s impressed by people complying with social distancingTrump says he’s impressed by people complying with social distancing
Trump said he was astonished to see so few people on the streets, and how well people were complying with social distancing measures even though there was not “a law” to make them comply.Trump said he was astonished to see so few people on the streets, and how well people were complying with social distancing measures even though there was not “a law” to make them comply.
There were two reasons for that, he said.There were two reasons for that, he said.
“They are afraid,” he said, but also, “they really are wanting to win this thing.”“They are afraid,” he said, but also, “they really are wanting to win this thing.”
Trump less bullish on reopening the economy immediatelyTrump less bullish on reopening the economy immediately
After spending the early part of this week pledging that he wanted to end restrictive public health measures in weeks, possibly by Easter Sunday, Trump is now striking a more moderate tone, and suggesting public health guidelines might stay in place longer.After spending the early part of this week pledging that he wanted to end restrictive public health measures in weeks, possibly by Easter Sunday, Trump is now striking a more moderate tone, and suggesting public health guidelines might stay in place longer.
Fact check: is the US testing more people than any country in the world?Fact check: is the US testing more people than any country in the world?
Claim: Trump said the US is now testing 100,000 people a day, more than any other country in the world.Claim: Trump said the US is now testing 100,000 people a day, more than any other country in the world.
Fact: about 65,000 coronavirus tests a day are currently being done on Americans – a massive rise from 10 days ago but still 35,000 short of Trump’s claim. Public health experts reckon 150,000 tests are needed every day so that infected patients can be identified quickly, traced and quarantined.Fact: about 65,000 coronavirus tests a day are currently being done on Americans – a massive rise from 10 days ago but still 35,000 short of Trump’s claim. Public health experts reckon 150,000 tests are needed every day so that infected patients can be identified quickly, traced and quarantined.
The US has overtaken South Korea in total numbers of coronavirus tests administered, but, it has conducted far fewer tests per capita. As of Friday, the United States, with a population of 329 million, had administered at least 540,718, according to the Covid Tracking Project, a group led by Alexis Madrigal, a staff writer for the Atlantic magazine, with more than 100 volunteers, that compiles coronavirus testing data from states.The US has overtaken South Korea in total numbers of coronavirus tests administered, but, it has conducted far fewer tests per capita. As of Friday, the United States, with a population of 329 million, had administered at least 540,718, according to the Covid Tracking Project, a group led by Alexis Madrigal, a staff writer for the Atlantic magazine, with more than 100 volunteers, that compiles coronavirus testing data from states.
This equates to 175 tests per 100,000 people in the US (with huge variations depending on the county, city and state) compared to 709 per 100,000 in South Korea and 600 per 100,000 in Italy.This equates to 175 tests per 100,000 people in the US (with huge variations depending on the county, city and state) compared to 709 per 100,000 in South Korea and 600 per 100,000 in Italy.
Trump said that the UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, who has tested positive for coronavirus, spoke with him today, and “The first thing he said to me is: ‘We need ventilators.’”Trump said that the UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, who has tested positive for coronavirus, spoke with him today, and “The first thing he said to me is: ‘We need ventilators.’”
Trump said that it was unfortunate that Johnson had tested positive, but that he was going to be fine.Trump said that it was unfortunate that Johnson had tested positive, but that he was going to be fine.
Trump mentioned Johnson “asking for ventilators today” twice, once in the context of a question about why Trump had gone from dismissing New York’s needed for 30,000 ventilators yesterday on Fox News to announcing the US would try to obtain or manufacture 100,000 ventilators in the next few months, and would share them with other countries if they were not needed in the United States.Trump mentioned Johnson “asking for ventilators today” twice, once in the context of a question about why Trump had gone from dismissing New York’s needed for 30,000 ventilators yesterday on Fox News to announcing the US would try to obtain or manufacture 100,000 ventilators in the next few months, and would share them with other countries if they were not needed in the United States.
Fact check
Trump said the federal government had ‘delivered thousands [of ventilators] to New York and they didn’t know they got them.’
Fact: Governor Andrew Cuomo says New York had 4,000 ventilators when the crisis began and has since bought another 7,000, but needs 30,000 more ventilators. In the past few days, the federal government has pledged a total of 4,000 ventilators to New York; this is additional to 400 that Fema has already sent.
In an interview on Fox TV on Thursday, Trump said: he doesn’t believe New York needs that many. “I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they’re going to be,” Trump said. “I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You go into major hospitals sometimes, and they’ll have two ventilators. And now all of a sudden they’re saying, ‘Can we order 30,000 ventilators?’”
Just last night, Donald Trump was on Fox News saying that he was skeptical that New York needed 30,000 or 40,000 ventilators.
Today, he’s invoked the Defense Production Act to mandate that General Motors manufacture ventilators, and is saying at a White House press briefing that the US will be manufacturing or obtaining 100,000 ventilators, not just for American hospitals but also for other countries that might need them.
Asked by a reporter about about his claim last night that these ventilators were not needed, Trump said, “Well, I think that there’s a very good chance we won’t need that many.”
“But you know, there’s a lot of other countries that are going to need them. There are countries all over the world who are friends of ours.”
“We can make them, and if we don’t need them...that’s OK. We can help Italy. We can help UK.”
“All over the world they want them, and we’re in the position to make them, and others aren’t.”
A new fact-check of the claims Trump is making in this press conference.
Trump said that the United States had been building new hospitals in two or three days, and “that’s never been done before”.
Fact: the army corps of engineers has set-up field hospitals in countries across the world within days, but so far, the first is yet to open in the US to treat Covid-19 patients. The corps is currently assessing 114 different facilities in 50 states and five territories, according to Lieutenant General Todd Semonite. He said the corps had assessed 81 of the facilities so far, and hoped to have 2,910 rooms ready at the Javits Center in New York by Monday.
Trump said that in the next hundred days the US will produce 100,000 ventilators, which he said was three times the number of ventilators made “during a regular year in the United States”.
Maggie Haberman, the New York Times White House correspondent, added some context:
After many delays, and then a series of tweets earlier today, Donald Trump is invoking the Defense Production Act to compel General Motors to built ventilators for hospitals, he announced at the White House’s daily coronavirus briefing, he announced at a White House briefing.
The Defense Production Act gives the president powers to direct domestic industrial production to provide essential materials and goods needed in a national security crisis.
It allows the president to require businesses and corporations to prioritize and accept contracts for required materials and services.
While Trump likes to work cooperatively with the private sector, he said, “Where an emergency exists and it’s very important that we get to the bottom line and quickly, we will do what we have to do.”
“It’s been a brutal pandemic,” Trump said at the beginning of the briefing.
The White House coronavirus briefing is about to begin....stand by.
National Rifle Association sues California officials over gun store closures
Lois Beckett here taking over our live politics coverage here from our California bureau.
We’re expecting a White House coronavirus press briefing shortly.
Meanwhile, a new front in the battle by American gun rights activists to ensure that gun and ammunition sellers must be deemed “essential businesses” that cannot be shut down, even during a public health crisis: the National Rifle Association and other groups have filed a lawsuit against the California governor, Gavin Newsom, the Los Angeles county sheriff, and other state and local officials.
Yesterday, the Los Angeles county sheriff, Alex Villanueva, once again ordered gun shops to close during the coronavirus crisis, citing public health concerns over long lines at gun stores due to panic buying of guns and ammunition.
A county legal counsel had advised that gun stores were essential businesses and should remain open.
Trump just signed the $2.2tn stimulus package into law. The bill, named the Cares Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act), gives aid to corporation, businesses and taxpayers and eventually received bipartisan report after a tumultuous week in Congress.
Navy hospital ship docked in Los Angeles
The Mercy hospital ship docked at the Port of Los Angeles on Friday, ready to help California meet an expected surge on hospital beds and provide space to treat patients.
Docked ships serve as a backdrop as California governor Gavin Newsom joined Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti to host an afternoon press conference in front of docked ships, underway now.
The Mercy, a Navy hospital ship, has about 800 medical staffers, 1,000 hospital beds and 12 operating rooms.
The ship will be used to provide care for patients who don’t have Covid-19 so space in hospitals can be used for patients battling the virus.
California Governor Gavin Newsom said earlier this week the state will need to add 50,000 hospital beds to help the state prevent a surge on hospitals, like the one now overwhelming New York hospitals.
Newsom also announced Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday announced a temporary ban on evictions statewide for those affected by the coronavirus. The order prevents landlords from evicting tenants for not paying, and extends through May 31 and covers those who’ve lost work due to the outbreak.
Fourth US representative tests positive for Covid-19
A fourth member of the US House of Representatives has been tested positive for Covid-19. US representative Mike Kelly, a Republican from Pennsylvania, says that he tested positive and is experience mild flu-like symptoms. Kelly is at his home in Pennsylvania.
Kelly is the fourth member of the House, and the fifth member of Congress, to test positive for Covid-19.