Covid-19: School Covid tests and Ed Sheeran's 'gnarly' symptoms

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Here are five things you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic this Friday evening. We'll have another update for you on Saturday morning.

1. Young people encouraged to do Covid test before school

Many students in England and Wales are preparing to return to school next week, but they are being urged to do a rapid Covid test before half-term is over. The UK Health Security Agency says cases among 10 to 19-year-olds are currently the highest of any age group. Free lateral flow kits can be collected from local pharmacies if pupils do not already have them at home.

2. Seven million receive booster jab

More than seven million people in the UK have received a Covid-19 booster vaccine, six weeks after the programme launched, the Department of Health says. More than two million jabs were given last week as the government launched a nationwide advertising campaign. The deputy lead for the NHS vaccination programme, Dr Nikki Kanani, says they are "our best protection against the virus as we head into winter" and it is "fantastic to see enthusiasm continue to grow" as more people become eligible.

3. Beijing residents told to postpone weddings

As Covid measures are ramped up across China before the Winter Olympics kick off in the capital, residents in Beijing have been told they must now postpone weddings and keep funeral ceremonies short. China has reported a tiny number of Covid infections since its initial epidemic last year, due to strict border restrictions and targeted lockdowns. It's now seeing rising cases in a dozen regions linked to tourists, but they are still far lower than in most countries.

4. Sharp decline in holidays after Covid restrictions

Overseas residents made just under 300,000 visits by air to the UK between April and June - a 97% decline on pre-pandemic levels. That's according to the Office for National Statistics, which also says UK locals made one million visits abroad by air during the same quarter, representing a decrease of 96%. Visits to friends or relatives were the most common reason for travelling. A relaxation of quarantine and testing requirements for fully vaccinated travellers has led to a boost in travel in recent weeks but was too late for the vital summer holiday season.

5. Ed Sheeran suffering from 'gnarly' Covid symptoms

The singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran has been experiencing some "pretty gnarly" symptoms after revealing he had tested positive for coronavirus on Sunday. His fourth album was launched at midnight but instead of staying up for the release like he usually does, the star got a "good night's sleep" instead due to the effects of the virus. With the help of water, sleep and "all the vitamins" he hopes he's beginning to get over it.

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And there's more...

The UK is rolling out booster jabs for some people - find out who is eligible here.

Find further information, advice and guides on our coronavirus page.

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