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UK Covid live: No 10 refuses to back minister’s suggestion that big Christmas parties might be unwise UK Covid live: Boris Johnson says people should not cancel Christmas events because ‘there’s no need at all’
(32 minutes later)
Latest updates: prime minister’s spokesperson refuses to endorse suggestion from science minister that firms should not have big Christmas parties Latest updates: prime minister says ‘people shouldn’t be cancelling things’ at Christmas as he receives booster shot
Although Downing Street is firmly saying people should not be cancelling Christmas parties, there is quite a lot of evidence now that some organisations or individuals are deciding to play it safe this winter. Patrick Dardis, head of the the pub group Young’s, which runs more than 270 sites across the UK, told PA Media:
Boris Johnson has given a pooled interview for broadcasters saying people should not be cancelling Christmas parties. When it was put to him that people were confused by the rules, and wanted to have them cleared up (see 9.40am), Johnson said:
Johnson was being interviewed as he attended a vaccination centre to get his booster jab.
At the news conference after the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference, Brandon Lewis, the Northern Ireland secretary, that the government has missed its deadline for introducing the bill to create an effective amnesty for crimes committed during the Troubles.At the news conference after the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference, Brandon Lewis, the Northern Ireland secretary, that the government has missed its deadline for introducing the bill to create an effective amnesty for crimes committed during the Troubles.
Lewis announced the plan in July and later said that the government intended to legislate “this autumn”. Today Lewis said that he would need more time. He said:Lewis announced the plan in July and later said that the government intended to legislate “this autumn”. Today Lewis said that he would need more time. He said:
Simon Coveney, Ireland’s foreign minister, has said it would be a “tall order” to seal a new Brexit agreement on the Northern Ireland protocol before the end of the year.Simon Coveney, Ireland’s foreign minister, has said it would be a “tall order” to seal a new Brexit agreement on the Northern Ireland protocol before the end of the year.
But, after a meeting today with Northern Ireland secretary Brandon Lewis, Coveney said progress was being made as officials from Brussels and London continue talks for a seventh week.But, after a meeting today with Northern Ireland secretary Brandon Lewis, Coveney said progress was being made as officials from Brussels and London continue talks for a seventh week.
Speaking at the Foreign Office in London following a British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference, Coveney said:Speaking at the Foreign Office in London following a British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference, Coveney said:
Lewis said at the same event that London would rather find a solution to the issues but repeated that the UK maintained the option of triggering Article 16 of the protocol.Lewis said at the same event that London would rather find a solution to the issues but repeated that the UK maintained the option of triggering Article 16 of the protocol.
Emmanuel Macron, the French president, has described the Northern Ireland protocol, the post-Brexit governing trade in Northern Ireland, as a matter of war and peace.Emmanuel Macron, the French president, has described the Northern Ireland protocol, the post-Brexit governing trade in Northern Ireland, as a matter of war and peace.
He told the EU’s committee of the regions: “It’s a question of war and peace for Ireland. So we should avoid any temptation to be less than serious.”He told the EU’s committee of the regions: “It’s a question of war and peace for Ireland. So we should avoid any temptation to be less than serious.”
At the Downing Street lobby briefing the PM’s spokesman suggested that this was not an appropriate way to discuss the protocol, the implementation of which is currently a matter of dispute between the UK and the EU. Asked about the comment, he said:At the Downing Street lobby briefing the PM’s spokesman suggested that this was not an appropriate way to discuss the protocol, the implementation of which is currently a matter of dispute between the UK and the EU. Asked about the comment, he said:
This is probably one of the more minor verbal disputes between London and Paris at the moment. This week it was reported that in private Macron calls Johnson a “clown”.This is probably one of the more minor verbal disputes between London and Paris at the moment. This week it was reported that in private Macron calls Johnson a “clown”.
Angela Rayner, Labour’s deputy leader, has written to Simon Case, the cabinet secretary, asking if he will call in the Metropolitan police to investigate reports that No 10 staff broke lockdown rules last year by hosting parties.Angela Rayner, Labour’s deputy leader, has written to Simon Case, the cabinet secretary, asking if he will call in the Metropolitan police to investigate reports that No 10 staff broke lockdown rules last year by hosting parties.
As the Mirror reports, in her letter Rayner said:As the Mirror reports, in her letter Rayner said:
Downing Street has repeatedly insisted that no rules were broken, although it has not denied that social gatherings did take place at No 10 in November and December last year that, according to various reports of what was involved, do seem hard to square with what was allowed under the lockdown regulations.Downing Street has repeatedly insisted that no rules were broken, although it has not denied that social gatherings did take place at No 10 in November and December last year that, according to various reports of what was involved, do seem hard to square with what was allowed under the lockdown regulations.
In the Financial Times (paywall), Laura Hughes reports further evidence that partying was happening in Downing Street last winter. She reports:In the Financial Times (paywall), Laura Hughes reports further evidence that partying was happening in Downing Street last winter. She reports:
The Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice group has demanded an apology from the PM. Safiah Ngah, a spokesperson for the group, told the BBC:The Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice group has demanded an apology from the PM. Safiah Ngah, a spokesperson for the group, told the BBC:
In the Commons, after Chris Bryant, the chair of the Commons standards committee made a statement about his committee’s report proposing changes to the code of conduct for MPs, Mark Francois, a Conservative, said he was concerned one of the recommendations might restrain freedom of speech for members.In the Commons, after Chris Bryant, the chair of the Commons standards committee made a statement about his committee’s report proposing changes to the code of conduct for MPs, Mark Francois, a Conservative, said he was concerned one of the recommendations might restrain freedom of speech for members.
The report says the code should be amended so that it says MPs “must not subject anyone to unreasonable and excessive personal attack”.The report says the code should be amended so that it says MPs “must not subject anyone to unreasonable and excessive personal attack”.
Echoing a point made earlier by Sir Desmond Swayne (see 11.46am), Francois said this was a “dangerous” proposal which “seriously impinges on article 9 of the Bill of Rights, if you take this literally”. He said an MP could theoretically fall foul of the new rule by putting a witness under pressure in a select committee, or by having a “heated disagreement” in the chamber.Echoing a point made earlier by Sir Desmond Swayne (see 11.46am), Francois said this was a “dangerous” proposal which “seriously impinges on article 9 of the Bill of Rights, if you take this literally”. He said an MP could theoretically fall foul of the new rule by putting a witness under pressure in a select committee, or by having a “heated disagreement” in the chamber.
Bryant said article 9, which says no proceeding of parliament can be impeached in a court of law, or any other place, has the force of statute law, and his proposals would not change that. He said committee chairs can already reprimand MPs for being too rude to a witness. He went on:Bryant said article 9, which says no proceeding of parliament can be impeached in a court of law, or any other place, has the force of statute law, and his proposals would not change that. He said committee chairs can already reprimand MPs for being too rude to a witness. He went on:
Nicola Sturgeon has apologised after admitting people had been wrongly turned away from Covid booster jab appointments, as she came under intense pressure from the Scottish Conservative leader, Douglas Ross, during a rowdy first minister’s questions.Nicola Sturgeon has apologised after admitting people had been wrongly turned away from Covid booster jab appointments, as she came under intense pressure from the Scottish Conservative leader, Douglas Ross, during a rowdy first minister’s questions.
Ross pressed the first minister to explain why a number of Scottish health boards had failed to honour booster jab appointments for those aged 40 and over, despite Sturgeon, the health secretary, Humza Yousaf, and chief medical officer, Gregor Smith, all urging people to immediately book boosters earlier this week.Ross pressed the first minister to explain why a number of Scottish health boards had failed to honour booster jab appointments for those aged 40 and over, despite Sturgeon, the health secretary, Humza Yousaf, and chief medical officer, Gregor Smith, all urging people to immediately book boosters earlier this week.
Ross said the Tories had surveyed Scotland’s 14 health boards and found only five had publicly confirmed the new booster rules (which said boosters can be booked three months after a second jab) had been implemented; five said they would “soon” and four had not provided an update.Ross said the Tories had surveyed Scotland’s 14 health boards and found only five had publicly confirmed the new booster rules (which said boosters can be booked three months after a second jab) had been implemented; five said they would “soon” and four had not provided an update.
“We know that the proper procedures haven’t been put in place; we know people were being turned away,” he said, leading to the presiding officer, Alison Johnstone, to ask Scottish National party MSPs to stop shouting him down.“We know that the proper procedures haven’t been put in place; we know people were being turned away,” he said, leading to the presiding officer, Alison Johnstone, to ask Scottish National party MSPs to stop shouting him down.
Sturgeon said glitches were unavoidable, and added: “I absolutely accept for anybody who is finding themselves in this position, it’s really frustrating and I’m sorry they’re having that experience.” She urged those affected to rebook appointments online.Sturgeon said glitches were unavoidable, and added: “I absolutely accept for anybody who is finding themselves in this position, it’s really frustrating and I’m sorry they’re having that experience.” She urged those affected to rebook appointments online.
But she said only a small number of people were affected. Scotland had the best vaccinations uptake rate of any part of the UK, and was also boosting people fastest. “This is an enormous logistical exercise,” she said. Smith had only officially issued the updated advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) yesterday, she said.But she said only a small number of people were affected. Scotland had the best vaccinations uptake rate of any part of the UK, and was also boosting people fastest. “This is an enormous logistical exercise,” she said. Smith had only officially issued the updated advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) yesterday, she said.
And here is a fuller account of what was said at the Downing Street lobby briefing about Christmas parties.And here is a fuller account of what was said at the Downing Street lobby briefing about Christmas parties.
No 10 said it did not want people to cancel Christmas parties. Some organisations have been doing this, because of concerns about the Omicron variant. But the PM’s spokesman said:No 10 said it did not want people to cancel Christmas parties. Some organisations have been doing this, because of concerns about the Omicron variant. But the PM’s spokesman said:
The spokesman would not comment on the decision of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial to cancel its own Christmas party, saying he had not spoken to the PM about this. This morning George Freeman, a minister in the business department, told Times Radio: “The department of business, we won’t be having a big Christmas party this year. Nobody would expect us to.”The spokesman would not comment on the decision of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial to cancel its own Christmas party, saying he had not spoken to the PM about this. This morning George Freeman, a minister in the business department, told Times Radio: “The department of business, we won’t be having a big Christmas party this year. Nobody would expect us to.”
The spokesman refused to back Freeman’s suggestion that people should not hold big parties. (See 9.40am.) Asked about what the minister said, the spokesman told journalists:The spokesman refused to back Freeman’s suggestion that people should not hold big parties. (See 9.40am.) Asked about what the minister said, the spokesman told journalists:
Asked if Freeman was wrong to suggest large parties should be avoided, the spokesman said: “That is not in the guidance, it is not in the regulations.”Asked if Freeman was wrong to suggest large parties should be avoided, the spokesman said: “That is not in the guidance, it is not in the regulations.”
The spokesman said government guidance did not set any limit on the number of people who could attend a party.The spokesman said government guidance did not set any limit on the number of people who could attend a party.
As a reader points out BTL, one person who does seem to be ignore the George Freeman take on Christmas parties is Jacob Rees-Mogg, the leader of the Commons. He is the guest speaker at the North Somerset Conservative association Christmas dinner. The association, which has Liam Fox as an MP, is holding its event on Friday.As a reader points out BTL, one person who does seem to be ignore the George Freeman take on Christmas parties is Jacob Rees-Mogg, the leader of the Commons. He is the guest speaker at the North Somerset Conservative association Christmas dinner. The association, which has Liam Fox as an MP, is holding its event on Friday.
At the Downing Street lobby briefing the prime minister’s spokesperson refused to endorse the suggestion from George Freeman, the science minister, that firms should avoid holding big Christmas parties (see 9.40am), the i’s Paul Waugh reports.At the Downing Street lobby briefing the prime minister’s spokesperson refused to endorse the suggestion from George Freeman, the science minister, that firms should avoid holding big Christmas parties (see 9.40am), the i’s Paul Waugh reports.
Voters are going to the polls in the Old Bexley and Sidcup byelection today. It is a safe Conservative seat - the late James Brokenshire had a majority of 18,952 at the last election - and, as my colleague Aubrey Allegretti discovered when he was there yesterday - there is very little evidence that that is about to change.Voters are going to the polls in the Old Bexley and Sidcup byelection today. It is a safe Conservative seat - the late James Brokenshire had a majority of 18,952 at the last election - and, as my colleague Aubrey Allegretti discovered when he was there yesterday - there is very little evidence that that is about to change.
After his own trip to the constituency, Andrew Gimson from ConservativeHome concluded: “Boris Johnson came in for heavy criticism from Conservative voters for his recent performances, but few could yet name an alternative leader they would rather see in Downing Street.”After his own trip to the constituency, Andrew Gimson from ConservativeHome concluded: “Boris Johnson came in for heavy criticism from Conservative voters for his recent performances, but few could yet name an alternative leader they would rather see in Downing Street.”
In their FT story (paywall) about the byelection, George Parker, Jasmine Cameron-Chileshe and Sebastian Payne say the Lib Dems have run a minimal campaign in Old Bexley and Sidcup, making it easier for Labour to scoop up the anti-Tory vote, and Labour is doing the same in North Shropshire, where the Lib Dems are seen as having a better chance against the Tories than Labour in the byelection on 16 December. It says this is evidence of an informal pact between the two parties.In their FT story (paywall) about the byelection, George Parker, Jasmine Cameron-Chileshe and Sebastian Payne say the Lib Dems have run a minimal campaign in Old Bexley and Sidcup, making it easier for Labour to scoop up the anti-Tory vote, and Labour is doing the same in North Shropshire, where the Lib Dems are seen as having a better chance against the Tories than Labour in the byelection on 16 December. It says this is evidence of an informal pact between the two parties.
Chris Bryant, the Labour chair of the Commons standards committee, will be making a statement in the Commons soon on his committee’s report (pdf) proposing changes to the code of conduct for MPs. One of its proposals is for a change to the behaviour code for MPs saying MPs should “demonstrate anti-discriminatory attitudes and behaviours through the promotion of anti-racism, inclusion and diversity”.Chris Bryant, the Labour chair of the Commons standards committee, will be making a statement in the Commons soon on his committee’s report (pdf) proposing changes to the code of conduct for MPs. One of its proposals is for a change to the behaviour code for MPs saying MPs should “demonstrate anti-discriminatory attitudes and behaviours through the promotion of anti-racism, inclusion and diversity”.
During business questions in the Commons Sir Desmond Swayne (Con) signalled that he was strongly opposed to this. He said:During business questions in the Commons Sir Desmond Swayne (Con) signalled that he was strongly opposed to this. He said: