Weekly world quiz


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It's the World News 7 days 7 questions weekly quiz - a chance to find out how much global news from the past week you've read, heard and watched... and how much has stayed lodged in the old grey matter.

1.) Multiple Choice Question

Big news this week: a German man married his cat. Why on Earth did he do that?

<ol><li>The creature didn't have long to live</li><li>To help him get over his recent divorce</li><li>Because he had joined a cult that worshipped cats</li></ol>

2.) Multiple Choice Question

In the first punishment of its kind in Italy, a woman was fined 500 euros ($650, £430) for wearing...

<ol><li>A Christian cross in a government building</li><li>An Islamic veil in the street</li><li>Skimpy clothing in St Peter's Square</li></ol>

3.) Multiple Choice Question

"Why would we want to take that kind of risk?" Who said that, and about what?

<ol><li>Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad about nuclear weapons</li><li>California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on offshore oil drilling</li><li>French President Nicolas Sarkozy on lending money to Greece</li></ol>

4.) Multiple Choice Question

Complete the missing words from a news story this week: Americans are now too fat...

<ol><li>For fun</li><li>To fly</li><li>To fight</li></ol>

5.) Multiple Choice Question

The first non-Latin web addresses went live this week. Which script was used for the country identification on the domain names?


6.) Multiple Choice Question

The famous entrance to the US Supreme Court has been closed to visitors for security reasons. Why did judges object to the closure?

<ol><li>Because the new side entrance is too scruffy</li><li>Because their library is close to the side entrance</li><li>Because the main entrance symbolises justice for all</li></ol>

7.) Multiple Choice Question

A Russian MP has asked President Medvedev to look into a politician's claims that he met aliens on a spaceship. What is he worried about?

<ol><li>That state secrets may have been leaked</li><li>That aliens have had access to the Kremlin</li><li>That the politician has been brainwashed</li></ol>


<ol><li>The cat was apparently dying. The German postman is reported to have unofficially married his cat after the animal fell ill and vets told him it might not live much longer.</li><li>It was a full Islamic veil. Novara in north-western Italy introduced a by-law in January banning clothing that prevents a person being clearly identified in public.</li><li>It was Governor Schwarzenegger, who has withdrawn his support for a plan to expand oil exploration off the Californian coast. He said the spill in the Gulf of Mexico had changed his mind about the safety of oil platforms in the Pacific Ocean.</li><li>It's too fat to fight. Two retired generals have warned that rising rates of obesity among young Americans could undermine the future of the US military.</li><li>It's Arabic. Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates became the first countries to be allowed to have their country codes on the internet written in a non-Latin script, after net regulator Icann switched on a system that allows full web addresses to contain no Latin characters.</li><li>The entrance, two of the judges said, was a powerful symbol. From this week, visitors will not be allowed to enter the building under the facade that says "Equal Justice Under Law." They will be able to exit that way, though.</li><li>It's fear that state secrets may have been revealed. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov said in an interview on prime time television that he had been taken on board an alien spaceship which had come to planet Earth to take samples. He claims to have several witnesses.</li></ol>

Your Score

0 - 3 : Down to earth

4 - 6 : In orbit

7 - 7 : Out of this world