'Health warnings' for holiday ads


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Adverts for flights, holidays and cars should carry tobacco-style health warnings about climate change, a think tank has said.

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) believes messages about carbon emissions could change public attitudes and behaviour.

It says adding warnings like "Flying causes climate change" could tackle "our addiction" to polluting transport.

The IPPR also wants higher air fares, including carbon offset charges.

Any passengers unwilling to contribute should be forced to actively opt out, it adds.

Simon Retallack, the IPPR's head of climate change, said the evidence of aviation's negative environmental impact was "just as clear as the evidence that smoking kills".

"We know that smokers notice health warnings on cigarettes, and we have to tackle our addiction to flying in the same way," he said.

"But if we are to change people's behaviour, warnings must be accompanied by offering people alternatives to short-haul flights and by steps to make the cost of flying better reflect its impact on the environment."

The report said revenues from higher aviation taxes should be spent on improving rail transport.

It also said car makers should be made to label new vehicles according to their green credentials and should advertise the contribution driving makes to climate change.