Papers examine Bob Diamond's new job at Barclays

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The appointment of Bob Diamond as the new chief executive of Barclays bank prompts strong feelings in a number of Wednesday's newspapers.

To the <a href="" >Daily Mail he is "a quintessential casino banker". </a>

But the <a href="" >Daily Telegraph says he is "a good man" who "deserves it" and it is "good news for banking and Britain." </a>

The <a href="" >Daily Mirror</a> calls him a "hundred million pound gambler", while the <a href="" >Financial Times</a> sees his elevation as an insulting gesture to the government.

<strong>Taxman 'enemy'</strong>

<a href="" >"A sprawling empire of bureaucracy and waste" is, according to the Daily Express,</a> an accurate description of the department which oversees our taxes.

The <a href="" >Independent's economics editor</a> is keen to disabuse anyone who might think well of HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the wake of tax calculation errors.

He describes his one-sided encounters with an authority that, he says, "runs on a culture of bullying and fear".

And a cartoon in the <a href="" >Daily Telegraph</a> makes explicit what others imply - the idea that many see HMRC as the enemy.

<strong>Defence spending</strong>

The <a href="" >Sun criticises the Ministry of Defence</a> for reducing the pension paid to the family of a soldier who was killed in Afghanistan.

It describes the MoD as "a nest of gin-swilling bunglers who have squandered millions while ignoring the needs of our Forces."

And <a href="" >Simon Jenkins, in the Guardian criticises some service chiefs</a> who are trying to avert spending cuts.

He argues that the defence budget is "awash in waste".

<strong>New dancers</strong>

Events to mark the 70th anniversary of the Blitz are widely reported.

The <a href="" >Sun has a commemorative pull-out poster </a>has a commemorative pull-out poster and the <a href="" >Daily Express criticises German politicians </a>who object to plans for a monument in to "honour the heroism" of RAF bomber command.

Finally, the contestants on the new series of Strictly Come Dancing are examined by a number of papers.

The <a href="" >Times</a> says the BBC has put "age before beauty" and the <a href="" >Daily Mail notes the line up is "starrier than usual".</a>