Newspaper review: Papers dissect economic measures

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The government's various strategies for economic recovery come under scrutiny in most of the newspapers.

The <a href="" >Daily Telegraph reports on David Cameron's hint at the CBI</a> that the cap on skilled workers entering the UK may be eased to help firms short on staff.

The <a href="" >Sun says the prime minister piled pressure on banks</a> to make more loans available to small businesses.

While <a href="" >the Financial Times says business leaders liked Mr Cameron's CBI promise</a> of a "relentless" growth focus.

<strong>Labour leak</strong>

Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander, <a href="" >is criticised in the Daily Mirror for saying there is no alternative to spending cuts.</a>

It claims investment, growth and a slower deficit reduction programme would safeguard jobs.

The <a href="" >Times says it has seen an internal Labour Party document</a> which admits its economic policy lacks meat.

It is also said to warn the coalition's cuts may not be much deeper than those once proposed by Alistair Darling.

<strong>Champagne lifestyle</strong>

The <a href="" >Daily Mail describes the spending cuts as "vital",</a> saying the challenge now is to stick to the agreed strategy.

The <a href="" >Independent says the NHS will face a £6bn funding gap</a> by the year 2015 as the rising cost of drugs and wages outstrip relative budget protections.

And the <a href="" >Daily Telegraph tells us anti-psychotic drugs given to dementia sufferers</a> are to be greatly reduced.

The <a href="" >Daily Star directs its anger at photographs of Wayne Rooney in Dubai,</a> sipping champagne at £50 a glass.

<strong>Sony Walkman</strong>

A new contraceptive gel could take over from the pill as it is so easy to use and has no side effects, <a href="" >according to the Daily Express.</a>

Hormones to prevent pregnancy are absorbed through the skin.

The <a href="" >Times marks the end of the road for the first mass market portable music device, the Sony Walkman.</a>

Finally, <a href="" >the Guardian reports the death of the much-loved reggae musician from Jamaica, Gregory Isaacs,</a> 59, who had been suffering from cancer.