Audio slideshow: Beautiful science

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<strong>Colourful and visually stunning - but also important in our understanding of scientific advances - the winners of this year's Wellcome Image Awards range from a close up look at a bloody sticking-plaster, to the striking shades of a ruby-tailed wasp viewed through a microscope.</strong>

The judging panel were looking for images that did not simply convey scientific information - but also had aesthetic beauty. Take a look at some of the 21 winning entries with Catherine Draycott, Head of Wellcome Images.

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<em>Click 'show captions' for image information. The winning images will be on display at Wellcome Collection in central London until July 2011.</em>

<em>All images subject to copyright. Music courtesy KPM Music. Slideshow production by Paul Kerley.</em>


<a href=" " >Wellcome Image Awards</a>

<em>The BBC is not responsible for the content of external websites.</em>

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