Chinese pushes for N Korea talks

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China's top nuclear negotiator has arrived in Seoul to discuss how to revive six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear programme.

Wu Dawei's trip is part of several efforts to restart negotiations, which have been stalled since late last year.

North Korea currently refuses to return to the talks, because of financial sanctions imposed by the US.

International attempts to bring Pyongyang back to the table increased after it tested seven missiles in July.

There has also been speculation that the North might be planning what is thought to be its first nuclear test.

'Crucial phase'

During his three-day trip, Mr Wu is due to meet his South Korean counterpart, Chun Yung-woo, and Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon.

South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun has recently held talks with US envoy Christopher Hill, in another effort to salvage the six-party talks.

On Wednesday, Mr Hill said those efforts were in a "crucial phase".

The last round of six-nation nuclear discussions - involving China, Japan, the two Koreas, Russia and the US - took place in November 2005.